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Gabby's Stories
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*Good Enough*
What would you do if your best friend dragged you to and Backstreet Boys concert and you found out that one of the guys wasn't so bad after all?

I'll Be Home For Christmas
The continuing story of AJ and Joey....

On Hold...
Wishing Heart
The guys discover a girl with talent. At first she is hesitent to take their advice and audition for Jive. What happens when she finally agrees?

OK... there's the story... Gabby is ditching the story that she needed a title for. She is going to completly re-write the sequel to'Good Enough' and call it 'I'll Be Home For Christmas'. 'Wishing Heart' is once again going on hold so that she ca write 'I'll Be Home...'

Another thing... Gabby has not been getting any feedback from her readers and she is beginning to think that you don't like her work. So, PLEASE if you have read any or all of Gabby's stories then e-mail her and at least tell her what you think of them. Thanks!