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Chapter Seventeen

It was 7:45 and AJ had just watched Cheri get into a cab to head for the Marriott. A few moments before, the dozen white roses had arrived. All of the guys decided on black tuxes except for Brian and Nick who decided that they wanted frilly orange and blue tuxes like Jim Carey and Jeff Daniels had in Dumb and Dumber.

"You guys look like complete idiots." Kevin said to Nick and Brain who had just put the finishing touches on their out fits, which were their top hats.

"Why thank you Kevin." Brain said proudly. Howie laughed and Nick straightened his blue jacket.

"Guys I'm going to go back down to the restaurant to set things up a bit." AJ said walking out of the room and towards the elevator.

With roses in hand AJ walked over to the restaurant.

"Is the table ready?" AJ asked the man he had talked to earlier.

"Yes sir." The man replied immediately.

"Well, I just wanted to put these flowers on it, if that's alright." AJ asked politely.

"Of course, right this way please." The man said walking towards the back of the restaurant. They entered a small room with a single table in it. It was set for 2.

"The other table set for 5 is right over there, just like you requested sir." The man said motioning to a table near the door of the room they were in.

"This looks great, thanks." AJ said, walking over to the table and setting the roses on one of the chairs after pulling it out. He then pulled a box out of his pocket and set it on the table in front of the chair with the roses. AJ looked at his watch; it read 8:15. Taking a deep breath AJ walked back up stairs to get the guys.

~ At the apartment ~

"Joe! Get a move on, we're going to be late!!!" Cammie yelled opening the door.

"Ok! I'm coming!!" Joey yelled back quickly putting her earrings in and checking herself in the mirror one last time. Soon the 2 were walking out of the building to hail a cab. After a short cab ride they pulled up to the hotel that the boys were staying at.

Joey gave Cammie an evil look. "Cammie what the fuck our we doing at the hotel AJ is staying at?" She asked through clenched teeth.

"Why we're having dinner here of course." Cammie replied innocently.

Joey groaned and followed Cammie into the hotel. They walked into a small restaurant and Cammie whispered something to the waiter and he motioned for them to follow him. They walked to the back of the restaurant and soon Cammie squealed with delight when she saw Kevin.

The guys stood up and walked over to them. Joey breathed a sigh of relief when she couldn't see AJ with them.

"Hey Joey, hey Cammie, you guys look great." Kevin said greeting them warmly and kissing their hands.

"Thanks Kevin." The girls replied in unison. Howie looked Cammie up and down, and he didn't stop looking until Nick elbowed him and told him to put his tongue back in his mouth.

"We'll escort you ladies to you're seats now." Kevin said linking arms with Joey.

Cammie frowned, but soon smiled again when Howie took her hand and led her to a table a few feet away. Joey soon noticed that Kevin was leading her away from the table instead of to it.

"Kevin, where are we going?" Joey asked looking back at the table where Cammie was now sitting next to Howie.

"You'll see." Kevin said smiling mysteriously. Finally they reached a little room in the back of the restaurant. Kevin opened the door and gave Joey a little push inside. After she was in Kevin closed the door and made his way back to the table.

Joey looked around the little room. There was a table set for 2, with candles. She walked over and saw a bouquet of white roses sitting on the chair in front of her. Joey smiled and picked them up, inhaling their sweet scent. Next she saw the little box on the table in front of the chair. It was pretty big and had the name Joey written in gold letters on the top.

Joey slowly sat down in the chair and picked up the box, right before she was about to open it, the door slowly started to open.