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Chapter Seven

~ Outside the hotel ~

"Where is she?" AJ whispered to himself, standing outside the hotel looking for Joey.

He waited another 10 minutes until he heard someone call his name. "AJ!"

AJ turned around and his eyes almost popped right out of his head. Joey was walking quickly toward him, she looked absolutely beautiful.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I guess I took a little bit to long getting ready." Joey said blushing slightly.

AJ smiled and said. "It was worth it, you look beautiful."

Joey smiled back and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You don't look so bad yourself." She replied.

He was wearing a tux and he looked extremely good in it. "So where are we going?" AJ asked curiously.

"You'll see." Joey replied smiling, taking his hand in hers and starting to walk down the street.

They walked about 5 blocks and then they came to a rather large theater.

They walked up the steps and Joey pulled out the tickets at the door and handed them to the ticket collector.

"We're going to see a play aren't we?" AJ said as they walked through another set of doors into a big theater.

"Yep, we are going to see the play Ragtime, I hope you like it." Joey said sitting down in a seat and motioning for AJ to sit in the one next to her.

"I'm sure I will." AJ whispered as the curtains opened and the play began.

AJ was amazed; this was one of the most interesting plays he had ever seen, even if it was about history. When it was over it was about 11:00 at night.

"So did you like the play?" Joey asked while they were leaving the theater.

"Yeah! I thought it was great, I never new history could be so interesting." AJ said smiling down at her.

"Oh good, I'm glad that you liked it, well we'd better get you back to the hotel and I'd better get home." Joey said a bit of sadness in her voice.

"But the night is young! Come on lets go out and have some fun Joey!" AJ cried grabbing her hand and pulling her close to him.

"AJ I have to go back and rehearse, plus your friends are probably going to start to worry after awhile." Joey replied softly pushing him back.

"I can help you! I can help you rehearse! It will give us more time to get to know eachother better, please Joey?" AJ asked, trying his best to do the puppy face that Nick always seemed to do.

Joey smiled, "Oh alright, come on, you can call your friends from my place."

She placed her hand in his and began to walk in the direction of her apartment.

AJ smiled and let go of her hand, only to wrap his arm around her shoulders and pull her close.