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Chapter One

"AJ you promised that you would be here for x-mas." Joey Owens murmured softly into the pay phone outside the theater.

"I know…" AJ's tired voice crackled through the phone, "It's just that my damn schedule is jam packed and I don't think that I'm going to be able to make it Joe."

It had been a hard year for both Joey and AJ. With AJ's busy touring schedule and Joey's new play they barley had time to talk to eachother anymore.

"Fine…Merry x-mas AJ…" Joey muttered hanging up the phone.

"Joey? Joey!? Damnitt!" AJ yelled throwing his cell phone against the couch in his hotel room. This had been happening more and more lately, he was always canceling things or calling to late, and his career was starting to seem more like a curse than a blessing.

Joey pulled her coat tighter around herself and walked back to the front entrance of the theater. Pausing outside she sighed. She knew that she wasn't being fair to AJ, it wasn't his fault, and that she should be more understanding to his busy schedule.

"Joey! There you are, I told you not to come out here! You'll ruin your hair and makeup!" Cried Rose, the make up artist pushing 60.

"Sorry Rose, I just needed to be alone for a moment." Joey whispered, making her way back into the theater just as the crowds started to arrive.

This year had been a year of transition for Joey, after AJ left she had to put her life back in order again. It wasn't a shock when she found out that West Side Story didn't cast her but finding out that the company that performed Les Miserables wanted to cast her as cossette was. Soon after Cammie had great news of her own, she'd been given the part of Mother in the play Ragtime and was going on a national tour. So the apartment was all Joey's for about a year.

~ AJ ~

"So guys, are you excited about the release of Black and Blue?" A beady-eyed report asked from his seat in the conference room.

"We're all very excited about it, we know that our fans our going to love it." Howie said with a smile, the others nodded their heads enthusiastically, except for AJ, who was looking at the table and scowling.

"You guys have girlfriends right? How are things going with them?" A short lady with pen and paper in hand asked.

"Well, I've just started seeing someone, and we're taking things slow." Kevin replied, while Brian agreed with him, because he had just started seeing someone also.

"And as you can all probably tell AJ is in a bad mood because he can't go see his little Joey for Christmas." Nick cooed grinning. AJ kicked him hard under the table.

"Ah, so the mystery lady has a name?" The reporter from Rolling Stone called, referring to AJ's decision not to give his girlfriend's name to the public.

AJ glared at Nick and nodded slowly.

"Ok, everyone that's enough questions for today, you'll get to see them later." One of the bodyguards said, leading everyone out of the room. AJ got up and left the room without saying a word.

The rest of the boys slowly made there way out, it was time that they had a little talk with AJ about all this.