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Chapter One

It was very cold out side that night of October 15 in Portland Oregon. Gwen pushed a strand of dark red hair out of her face for the millionth time and shivered.Her ratty old jeans and tank top were not cutting it at all for the chilly Portland weather.

She was now at the Rose Garden where she assumed they held basketball and other sports, but tonight it looked like there was some sort of concert going on. She sat down on a little grassy area near by, setting her back pack and guitar case down beside her.

"Why does it have to be so cold?" She asked herself, while pulling a big blue sweatshirt out of her bag.

As she put it on, she listened to the muffled music booming out of the Rose Garden. "Probably some big teeny bopper group." Gwen muttered, now opening up her guitar case.

This little stop at the Rose garden was just to rest for an hour or so, then she'd be up and walking again. That seemed to be all she was doing these past few years.

Her parents had basically kicked her out when she was 15; she had been in and out of foster homes until she finally ran away when she was 17. Her most prized possession was her guitar.

She'd had it since she was 10, and had taught herself to play. Now Gwen was 19 and a very good guitar player and singer. She made the little money she had singing at various coffee shops and little clubs.

Gwen took the guitar out of its case and started playing. She played beautifully, but her playing was soon interrupted by the giddy shrieks of young girls exiting the arena.

"OMG!!!! Did you see how cute Nick looked tonight!?!?!?!?!" One of them squealed.

"I know!!!!!! He was just sooooooo hot!!!!! But Brian looked really hot too!!!" The other giggled in reply.

Gwen just smiled and rolled her eyes. She never paid much attention to any music but her own.

Soon hundreds of young girls were all milling about in front of the rose garden, most waiting for there parents and others just chatting with friends and ALL of them were hoping to catch a glimpse of the Backstreet Boys. Gwen tapped the shoulder of the little girl who had sat down next to her.

"Excuse me?" Gwen said.

"Yeah?" The little girl replied.

"Who preformed tonight?" Gwen asked

"Only the best and hottest band in the world!", the little girl gushed, " the Backstreet Boys!!!!"

"Who are they?" Gwen questioned a bit confused.

"You don't know who they are?!" The little girl shrieked in disbelief.

Before Gwen even got a chance to reply the little girl got up and ran over to who Gwen assumed was her mother. A few hours later the place was almost empty only one or two girls were left.

"Finally some peace and quiet." Gwen said relieved all the people were gone.

Again she picked up here guitar and began playing and singing one of her favorite songs, Hurricane by Lisa Loeb.

Skeleton boy by the side of the road.
He warned me, he told me;
He said, "There's this woman, she's a hurricane,
She will heal your heart up, she is hurrying."

He said, "Don't look for holidays.
Don't look just run away.
Go suffocate, and choke your own cry.
Go where the water, where the water,
Seeps from the pink sky.
But behead this woman she's a hurricane,
She will heal your heart up, she is hurrying.

Remember your reflection in a pool, in a puddle-"
And the leaves sped top speed towards me,
And my image was muddled.

"I'm a light headed wonder," she said
"Don't you see my mind slow down?
Slow down

I've compassion for strangers,
An affinity for danger-
Won't you be my sacrifice?

I'm a light headed wonder
Don't you see my mind slow down for you?
For you?

You're a headless woman, you're a hurricane.
You will heal my heart up?
No, I will heal my own heart up, you are hurting.
I'm sunburn slap upon your arm,
I'll twist you 'til you break,
And you're a hurricane.

She finished and closed he eyes for a moment.