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Chapter Two

~ In the Rose Garden ~

"Hey Bone!!!!!!" Kevin yelled to AJ.

"What?" AJ answered walking over to Kevin.

"Go out on the balcony and see if most of the fans are gone yet." Kevin ordered.

"Yes Sir!" AJ replied, giving him a halfhearted salute.

AJ stepped out into the cold night air and shivered. He walked over and rested his hands on the railing; right away he noticed that there were practically no people left. Then he noticed something else; it sounded like someone singing. He leaned over the railing a little bit and looked down.

There was a girl sitting on the grass playing a guitar and singing, she was really good. He made his way back inside and over to the stairs and went down. He walked out the exit door and around the corner. By the time he saw the girl, she was finished singing and was just sitting there with her eyes closed. AJ walked over to her slowly and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"What are you doing?!" Gwen yelled, scrambling to her feet, her big sweatshirt sliding down her shoulder.

AJ jumped back in surprise; "I'm not doing anything. Calm down!" he said soothingly.

She narrowed her eyes at him, "Who are you?" She asked

"You don't know who I am?" AJ replied astonished

"No I don't, so are you going to tell me or not?" She said.

"My name's AJ Mclean." AJ said offering his hand for her to shake.

"I'm Gwen Evans." She replied, tentatively shaking his hand.

AJ just stared at her. She was beautiful. She had shoulder length dark red hair and amazing green eyes, he also noticed that she was extremely skinny.

"You can let go now." Gwen said trying to pull her hand away from AJ's.

"Oh! Sorry." He said while turning a little red. Gwen took a step back from him and picked up her guitar.

"Wow that thing looks old, can I see it?" AJ asked reaching out for the guitar.

"NO!" Gwen cried trying to move it out of his reach, but he was to fast. He grabbed at it and in the process broke one of its strings.

"Oh, jeez, I'm really sorry about this." AJ said motioning to the broken guitar string.

"Just give it back and leave me alone." Gwen stated holding tears back.

"Hold on a second. If you come inside with me I bet my friend Brian could fix it." AJ offered.

Gwen just stood there for a moment, then she said, "Fine, lets go."