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The Backstreet Boys Library Of Dreams
Hey everyone, this is Meg. As you may have noticed the site hasn't been updated in a while. I'm really really sorry about that, but it's not really my fault. Anglefire hasn't been letting me into this account very often. So I started moving the site to another account. Then my parents dropped a bombshell on me. I'm not allowed online at all durring the school year unless I get a job and keep p my grades. So this puts me in an ackward position. Which has lead me to a decision. I will be handing down The Library as soon as it is finished being rebuilt. It was a hard decision to make but it is one that i need. I will be starting my own website that will only house my stories. It will be less stress for me. I will still be around the site to help the girls who have decided to stay on the site with somethings. As far as stories go, as soon as 'Love Will Win... It Always Does' is finished there will be no more stories by me on the site.

OK, I'm sure that you've all heard enough out of me. Please, if you have any questions e-mail me. I will try to answer your questions as best I can.

You are free now to move onto the stories. To go to the old site Click Here.

Click Here to go to the new address, even though the site isn't accessible as of yet.

And to get the address for my new site Click Here.