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Chapter Six

I walked back into Kaleea's room not caring if anyone wanted me there or not. I needed to be with my daughter in her time of need. I walked silently into the room and found nurse there putting yet another IV into her arm. Enough is enough. You'd think by now after 10 IVs they wouldn't be able to find a vein. I walked to the corner, grabbed a chair, and dragged it to the side of her bed.

I lookd at my dear sweet daughter. She was so pale. There were so many machines hooked up to her that you could hardly see her golden locks of hair and her tiny petite body. She was losing life fast and I new in my heart that without that blood, and without that surgery, I would loose her forever. Then why did I put up such a fight with AJ and Doctor Sutherland. They should test everyone and anyone that comes within those two doors. I guess I was just afraid. Afraid that my hopes wiuld become too high.

"Excuse me Miss,"said a young nurse who had finished putting the IV in Kaleea's arm, "Would you like me to call her father?"

"Yes, I guess you could, but he lives in New Tork, I doubt he will come."

"I can atleast call for you can't I? Maybe he will surprise you and come."

"I guess so," I said. I reached next to me where my purse was. I opened it up, and found a little piece of paper with the phone number on it.

"Here, this is the area code, and this is the number," I said handing her the paper,"Thank you."

With those words she walked out of the room.

I turned back to Kaleea and got lost in thoughts. THose thoughts were broken by a knock at the door.

"Excuse me, Miss Riley," said someone at the door. I turned around and there stood Dr. Sutherland.

"Yes, Doctor."

"Well, we have good news. Mr. Mclean is a match for Kaleea. The surgery is scheduled for 10 minutes from now."

I broke down in tears. 'Thank you God' I whispered to myself.

"Thank you Doctor."

"No need to thank me, its just my job." and with that he walked out of the room.