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Chapter Fifteen


The last bell finally sounded.

All I could think about all day was Nick this, and Nick that. I got in trouble for it too! Mr. Simmins caught me in the middle of daydreaming!

I miss him so much! I can’t wait to get home, and see his gorgeous face again!

I made my way up Scott’s stairs and ran to my locker.

The crowds in our halls are so horrible! Everyone has to push each other to get through!

I grabbed my backpack, along with one of my textbooks, and went to Nikki’s locker. She was already done and waiting for me.

“You ready to shop till we drop?!?” she asked me excitedly.

“You know it!” I shouted back to her.

We went back down the steps and went out the back door.

He didn’t even... My mouth dropped. I looked over at Nikki ~ same statement.

We walked over to the limo sitting in front of the school. Sure enough, everyone was trying to peek in and see who was crazy enough to bring such a nice limo to school!

The door quickly swung open and Nick stood there with a rose in his mouth, looking straight at me like I was the prettiest thing he had ever seen.

Oh gosh! What’s he going to do now..

Before I had time to think about it any longer, Nick swept me up in his arms and carried me to the limo. Nikki followed us. I had plopped into the back seat, where I noticed the other guys were seated as well. Nick still stood outside of the limo.

Everyone stood there stunned, and shocked.

He then said, “Excuse me, but my lady awaits.”

He hopped in and shut the door. Just as he did, what happened had seemed to sink in, and all the girls went nuts.

“This is for you.”

He handed me the rose he was holding just a few seconds ago.

“Thanks.” I gracefully said.

Laughter kicked in, “So..Why in the world did you do that?!? I mean.. that show, and the limo!”

“Hey! I thought it was a cute way of showing all the guys, that you’re mine. And hey, maybe no one will bother us during the prom.”

“Well, it was a cute idea! And I loved being whisked away by the man of my dreams!” I said sarcastically, “But there’s no way you’ll be left alone during prom! No way!”

“We’re going to just have to do something to change that then, huh?!?” He asked while putting his arm around me and pulling me close.

“Aw... you two are so adorable together!” Nikki noted as she reached for her camera.

I should’ve known she’d bring it.

We posed for her, and we chatted until we arrived at the closest outlet mall.

Nikki and I went to Deb first to look at dresses.

The fellas all headed over to places like Structure, and other guy clothing stores.

We looked around for awhile and tried on a variety of dresses.

Spaghetti-strapped, strapless, black, blue, sparkles, no sparkles, nothing seemed to be working for us.

I found a really cute dress that I thought would look great on Nikki, but it seemed to clash with her red, curly hair.

Believe it or not, I got her to try on this short satiny baby purple dress, and she looked absolutely adorable in it!

She looked like Ariel from The Little Mermaid, except her hair was curly!

She insisted on me wearing silver, like I did with her and purple. I followed Nikki around, letting her find a nice silver gown for me.

As we were about to leave to check out other stores, that’s when I saw it. The perfect dress. It was beautiful in every way. I immediately grabbed it off the rack and tried it on. Gorgeous.

It was a simple silver spaghetti strap dress, but in the back, the straps crossed. What I loved most about it, was the way it felt. It was so silky and comfortable, and no matter what direction or position I was in, it sparkled. And it fit my body perfectly. Not too tight, and not too small. I loved it! I showed it to Nikki.

“Girl, you look like a million bucks! Nick will love it! You’ll knock the shoes right off the guy!”

“You like it that much too?!?”

“Yeah! You’ve got to get it!”

“Oh, I wanna! I’m almost afraid to look at the cost though..”

“Nah! Don’t worry about it. Treat yourself for once!”

“You know what... you’re right! This prom is going to be with the man of my dreams, and I want to look the best I can for him! I’m going all out! And if it cost me a fortune, oh well!”

“Hey!” replied Nikki looking at the tag, “It’s not a bad deal, either!”

We paid for our dresses, and went to Bath and Body for some great lotion and spray. Our next stop was to Claire’s for jewelry, then to find shoes, a matching purse, along with some new make-up.

We really did go all out.

But hey- this was both of our nights, and with the men we have wanted for so long. Her with Aaron, and me with Nick.

I had hardly any money left when I was done. But then I remembered my mom did tell me that she’d pay for half the cost of the dress, and she’d cover the cost for getting my hair and nails done- so I didn’t feel too bad.

This night was going to rock!

Nick's Veiw

“Hey Frack, what’s taking you so long in there! C’mon out! We wanna see what it looks like!”

“Bone, I refuse to come out in this tux! It’s so.. hideous!”

“Oh, come on! It can’t be that bad! Let us see!” urged AJ.

“Yeah,” agreed Brian.

“Fine... but I am not wearing it to the prom!” I said.

AJ had picked out this classic brown-looking tux out for me to try on.

This thing looks like crap-literally!

I walked out and looked at the guys. Kevin and Brian thought it was the funniest thing in the world.

AJ and Howie said they liked the look.

“You’ve gotta be kidding!” I said with a smirk.

“Here.” said Brian, “I found a couple different types right here. Try them on. I promise they won’t look like that!” He said laughing the whole time.

I didn’t seem to like any of the ones I had tried on. Some were too tight, some were way too baggy, and some of the colors and styles were just plain ridiculous! I decided to give up on letting the guys pick stuff out for me, so I decided to just look myself.

I actually found 5 tux’s I liked. After I tried them on, I finally narrowed it down to two. Then I thought what Mandy would think I’d looked better wearing.

I decided on the first one.

The fellas actually thought I looked nice in it, and agreed with my decision.

Brian went with the others to get the shoes I had put on hold earlier, and I went down to look at jewelry.

I needed to find a necklace that would look great on Mandy. I had the perfect idea.

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