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Chapter Sixteen

“I’ll be the one... who will make all your sorrows undone, I’ll be the light..”


I looked up. My alarm clock went off.


(I always set my clock to wake me up by music instead of the annoying alarm sound.)

It was now 8:00 am. My parents were supposed to arrive back from their trip around 9:00. I was going to pick them up, so I was going to leave the house at 8:30 or so.

I went downstairs, and everyone was still asleep- or so I thought.

Until Nick came up behind me and practically made me jump.

“What are you doing up already?” I asked.

“I thought I’d keep you company! Plus, I want to meet these parents of yours. You don’t mind do you?”

“No, not at all! I’d love for you to come along! But if you’re going with me, we’re going to have to leave soon because I need to pick up my brother and sister too.”

“Wow. Looks like I’m going to get to meet your whole family now!”

“Yeah. Take precaution!” I giggled.

I threw my hair in a bun, and put a new shirt and pair of shorts on. When I finished, I went back downstairs where Nick was waiting. I looked around.

“Hmm... I guess we’ll just leave the guys here... are you ready?”

“You bet.”

As we pulled up to my grandmas to get my sister and brother, I asked Nick, “You’re coming in right? No. It’s not a choice. You’ve gotta come in!”

“Really? And why’s that?” he asked out of curiosity.

“Because! My grandma and grandpa will keep me in there forever! They’ll offer me all these snacks and stuff, and I can’t eat all that by myself! Plus.. she’s really sweet. And I know she’ll love to meet you!”

“How do you know? She might end up hating me and..”

He was giving me a hard time but joking about it the whole way.

“C’mon!” I said pulling him out of the van.

We walked in and immediately Babe (their black and brown puppy) greeted us. She went berserk when she saw me and when she saw Nick she absolutely had a fit! She was jumping all over him and barking like crazy! She loved meeting new people.

“Babe! Get over here Babe.” My grandma called, as she came into the hallway where we were standing.

She continued, “Get down. Leave the poor guy alone.”

Babe wouldn’t listen and continued jumping all over Nick. She then peed all over the floor.

“Aw, man!” Nick tried to back up from the puddle on the ground. I stood there and laughed. Babe always does that when she gets too excited! Nick looked up in disgust.

My grandma got Babe out and apologized to Nick, “Oh, I’m so sorry about that. I don’t know why she always gets like that.” She bent down and wiped it up. “Please come on in.”

She gestured us in and we followed her into the kitchen.

“Have a seat, stay awhile. Want anything to eat? Cause we’ve got all kind of snacks! We’ve got-”

“Actually grandma, we can’t really stay long. We’ve got to get to the airport soon and I’m not that hungry.”

“Oh, ok. Well here. Take this with you then. Just incase you get hungry.”

She handed me a bag of skittles. She then handed one to Nick and said, “Here you go- umm. I’m not really sure I know your name..”

“Oh, I’m Nick.” He reached his hand out for a shake.

“Well, hello there Nick. It’s nice to meet you. So..” she said taking a seat, “I don’t believe I’ve met you before.”

“I don’t believe you have..”

“Hmm... then why do you look so familiar..” I smiled.

“Grandma, this is Nick. Nick Carter. He’s one of the guys from the Backstreet Boys.”

“Yes! That must be it! Ok, yeah.” Shaking her head, “I remember your face being on all kinds of stuff, I’d get for Mandy. Wow. So, how did you meet?”

'Man! I’ve never seen my grandma so interested in a guy I’ve brought over before. She’s really getting into this!'

Nick got into telling our little story; starting from the beginning of the concert, where he said he spotted me in the crowd and couldn’t take his eye off me! I enjoyed listening to how he felt. I didn’t know he liked me during the concert! I thought it was just from afterwards!

“Well, I’m finally glad to see Mandy has found a true gentleman.” My grandma looked at Nick, and winking she continued, “You take good care of her, you here?”

“Oh I will. You don’t need to worry about that.”

Nick put his arm around me, and I leaned into his warm body. Tony and Cassandra came into the kitchen, carrying all their stuff. They both stopped in their tracks.

“Oh my gosh..” My sister muttered. Her mouth dropped open, and she let go of her stuff.

My brother just stood there in disbelief. He finally said, “So where’d you pick up this Nick Carter look-alike? Huh Mandy?”

“He does kind of look like Nick Carter doesn’t he?” I asked jokingly. Nick laughed. I did too.

My sister looked at Tony and said, “You’re so stupid! That’s Nick! Oh man!” She ran over to him and asked, “Can I have your autograph?”

“Sure you can,” he replied with a laugh, “But I think we need to pick up your mom and dad soon if I’m not mistaken.”

“Oh yeah! We need to head on out! Get your stuff you two we need to leave. Bye grandma.” I gave her a kiss and a hug and then replied, “Love you.”

“Love you too.” She said returning the hug.

“Now come here Nick. Don’t think you get to leave without a hug!” Nick came over and gave her a hug, and smiled.

“You take care now. I want you to come back and visit me you here?”

“You can count on it.” I unlocked the van, and Tony and Cassandra piled up in the middle, leaving the luggage for Nick and I to put away ourselves.

“Ugh.. the least they could do was ask if we could help, instead of just assuming we would! I swear, sometimes they can just be so rude.”

“Nah- don’t worry about it. We can handle it.” He picked up their suitcases and tossed them in the trunk. I got their pillows and the rest of their stuff situated in the back. Nick and I made our way to the front of the van, hopped in and shut the doors.

As soon as the last door had shut, Cassandra and Tony were full of questions. They yelled out all kinds of stuff. Nick tried to answer as many as he could.

“Gosh you guys, give him a break will ya? You’ll have plenty of time to ask questions later! Geezle!”

“How long will you be here?!?” asked my sister.

“A long time... I hope.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, it all depends on your sister.”

“Oh, well in that case, he’ll be here for awhile Cassandra.” I assured her.

We looked each other in the eyes, and exchanged smiles.

“Aw man. They’re getting mushy already!”

“Leave them alone,” My sister demanded, “I think it’s cute.”

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