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Chapter Nineteen

“Wow. Looks like we’re a little late,” replied Nick.

“Oh well!”

We looked around for Brian, AJ, Kevin, and Howie. I didn’t see them, but Nick did. He pointed to a corner in the room. They were all sitting there looking bored.

“What’s wrong?!?” I asked.

AJ asked, “Hey! Do you know where Trish is? I can’t find her anywhere!”

“Sorry AJ. We just got here, but I can look around if you want me to.”

“Would you?”


I went around looking for Trisha like I had promised AJ, while Nick joined his buds, and started to chat with them.

“So Nick.. what took you two so long?”

“Oh, we were eating. I guess we just kind of lost track of time, AJ.”


She was standing in a group of my friends just chatting away.

“AJ’s been looking for you!”



“Where’s he at?”

I pointed out the table and she walked over there quickly. Diana was standing in the group too, so I asked, “So where are those friends of yours?”

“Oh! Well, Lauren wants to dance with Kevin, and Megan wants to be with Howie, but Melissa can’t come! She’s stuck at home with what they think is mono!”

“That would suck so bad!”

“Tell me about it!”

I pulled her friends together, and brought them over to meet Kev and Howie. They talked, then went to the dance floor and got their groove on.

Nick and Brian were still sitting at the table. Brian still looked as miserable as he had when I left earlier. I asked Nick, if he could give us a few minutes.

“Sure. I’ll go get us some punch.”

After he left, I took Brian’s hands and said, “Are you all right?”

“Mandy.. It’s just that I miss Leighanne so much.. and what gets to me the most, is the fact that she hasn’t called, or anything. I really don’t know what’s going on.. and it’s really getting to me,” he said squeezing my hands.

“I can tell Brian..” I looked at his face. His eyes were getting glossy. He tried his best to keep his tears from showing. I pulled a chair up right beside him. I gave him a hug, and he returned it and kept it going for several minutes. “I’m sorry.”

He looked at me, “It’s not your fault, Mandy.”

“I know, but I still am sorry for what you’re going through. I’ve been there many times. And believe me, I know the pain it brings. It hurts, BAD! But you know.. I’ve noticed that the less you think of it the easier it gets, and it all seems to work out for the best. Trust me.”

“I do. Mandy, thank you.” He gave me another giant hug. I noticed Nick standing back behind us, wondering if he should come over now or not. I smiled at him giving him the ok signal. Nick handed Bri a cup full of punch. “Thanks, man.” He took a sip and said, “You know, you’re really lucky to have her.” He replied pointing to me.

“Yeah, I know.” Nick got up, came over to me held his hand out and said, “May I have this dance?”

“Of course you can.” I started to get up and then sat back down. “Hold on a sec, Nick... Brian, I’ve got a favor to ask you.”

“Ask away.”

“Ok, well... you know how Diana had wanted you to dance with one of her buds tonight? Well, she’s stuck at home with mono.”


“Yeah, but anyways.. Kim’s date canceled on her. And you are her ultimate fav. She loves you to bits. She was going to come to our little “concert”, but she wasn’t home. Do you think you could dance with her, please? I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but it’ll really help get your mind off of-”

“Sure, I’ll do it. Where’s she at?” I showed him, and he slowly made his way over to her.

Nick tried again, “May I have what’s left of this dance?”

“Of course.” I replied with a laugh.

“Good. It’s about time.”

“Ok, ok. Here we go..."

Oh, the dance!

I had my arms around his neck, while his were placed around my waist. We were as close as two people could possibly be without smothering each other! It was great! I was enjoying every moment of it.

The song soon ended, but was continued by another slow song. I noticed Nick staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look at him.

In response he said, “Mandy.. you really do look amazing tonight..”

I smiled and replied, “Thanks. You look pretty stunning yourself!”

“I know.” He said confidently.

We laughed some more, and realized that Brian and Kim were dancing beside us. They stopped.

“Mind if I cut in?” asked Brian to Nick.

“Yeah! Actually I do! I’m just joking man, go ahead.”

Brian took me by the hand and we started dancing. Nick and Kim followed our footsteps.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Actually I just wanted to thank you. I’m having a blast! I haven’t thought of Leighanne the whole time. I’m not feeling so miserable!”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself!”

“I am and it’s all because of you.” He leaned over and gave me a little kiss on the cheek. “Thanks. Friends forever?” He asked, holding out his hand.

“Friends forever.” I said shaking his hand.


“Mind if we switch back now?” asked Nick.

“Not at all.” answered Brian.

Kim and Brian finished dancing. Nick stood there for a second, then started leading.

“So.. what was that kiss all about?”

“Oh- a bit jealous are we?!?”

“Heck, yeah! I don’t wanna see any man’s lips on my girl!” My girl. Hmm.. I like the sound of that! “Not even Rok’s!”

“Hey now. Don’t go jumping to any conclusions or anything, Nick. It was just a friendly kiss that’s all. So, why were you watching us anyways?”

“Couldn’t keep my eyes off of you.” He leaned over and placed a kiss on my cheek that sent chills down my back. He leaned back, “Was that a friendly kiss?”

“No. That was a ew-I-want-another-yummy-one kiss.”

“Oh, really?”


This time we met lip to lip. I didn’t want it to end, but eventually we broke away. I swear they get better each time! If I had to rate it on a scale from 1-10; 1 being crappy, and 10 being oh-so-great, I’d rate Nick an 11! Sizzlin’!

After hours of dancing, the time came for them to announce the Prom King and Queen.

Everyone waited in suspense as they all hoped that they and their date would be named ‘King and Queen’ of tonight’s dance.

“And the couple who has been nominated numerous times... also happens to be the couple who won. I am proud to announce that the King and Queen of tonight’s Prom is....”

Drumroll. The paper opened.

“Nick Carter and Mandy Weidner!”

I looked at Nick. He was just as shocked as I was. He then put his arm to his side. I took it and we made our way to the podium that was waiting for us on the stage. By now tears had formed and were slowly coming out of both eyes.

Nick noticed them, and gently wiped them away. “Hey!” He whispered, “Be happy!”

“Oh I am.” I replied. I am. They crowned us and took a picture for the yearbook. Everyone still applauded. They waited for a speech which was not at all prepared.

I went up to the podium and just blurted out, “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe this! Well.. thank you! Thank you so much! It means a lot!”

I heard AJ and the rest of the fellas screaming, “All right, Mandy!”

Nick came up behind me and said, “It’s about time you all noticed how cute she is in that dress! Doesn’t she look great?!?” There were cheers that filled the room. “Thank you all so much for voting for us!” He then turned to me, “And thank you for letting me be your king.”

Nick bent down and kissed me in front of the whole student body.

*More cheers.*

The spotlight went from us, to the center of the room. We made our way to the spot as the crowd parted. The music started swayed to the song together. We kept our eyes on each other the whole time. I got caught up in the moment and barely realized everyone was still watching. I looked around. Some couples were dancing, but others just seemed to watch in awe. I looked back up at Nick, and listened to the song that was being played.

It was Brandy’s version of “Everything I Do”. I listened to the words closely. 'There is no love, like your love..
And no other, could give me more love..
There’s nowhere, unless you’re there,
All the time, all the way..
It then went into the chorus:
You can’t tell me it’s not worth trying for
Just can’t help it. There’s nothing in this world I want more..
I would fight for you. I’d lie for you.
Walk the wire for you, yeah I’d die for you...
You know it’s true-
Everything I do,
I do it for you...'
I thought about the words and all the tears of joy I had held back earlier, came back.

I scuted even closer to Nick. I no longer looked into those gorgeous eyes of his. Instead I laid my cheek against his and wrapped my arms completely around his neck in a hug-like-motion. I closed my eyes, and let the tears flow. The words were so true. There’s nothing in this world I want more...

Boy is that ever the truth! I don’t know what I’d do without Nick, and I hope I never have to find out!

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