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Chapter Ten: Where Am I ?

They walked in the kitchen door to find Jane and Bob Carter sitting at the table, both with cups of coffee in their hands.

When the door opened they both looked up and when Jane saw that Nick had Megan with him she got up from the table and gave the girl a hug. "You poor little thing! I’m so sorry! And it was the one night that we weren’t there for you. I’m so sorry honey. Both of them at the same time. That must be really tough." She had started to cry, and when she pulled away from Megan she saw that the sixteen year-old was crying also.

Bob had gotten up and walked over to his son.

"Did Nick take good care of you? Did he act like the big brother that we have trained him to be?"

"Nick took the best care of me, but he didn’t act like the big brother that you have trained him to be…." Bob gave his son a look of disappointment. Nick looked at Megan in disbelief. "….he acted not only like a big brother, but like my best friend, which he just happens to be." Everyonr relaxed. Bob gave his son a hug and then walked over to Megan and wrapped his arms around her.

"I’m glad that he was here to help you through this rough time." He whispered in her ear.

She looked over his shoulder, where Nick was giving his crying mother a hug.

"So am I, so am I." Was the only thing she could come up with.

"Mom I wanted to ask you if Meg and BJ could come with me and the guys when we leave in a week. I don’t think that Meg will be ready to go back to school and you know that I have always wanted to take her with me."

"Denise will be there and BJ can come with. Plus it will give Aaron someone else to annoy, the guys get kinda sick of him after a while."

"I don’t know, I agree that Meg probably wont be back in school yet, and I was thinking that I might just yank her out all together and get a tutor, so that she wont have to deal with all the questions and that kind of thing. But BJ? I’m not so sure. I know that she is only a year younger than Meg, but Meg has always been the mature one. I’m gonna have to think about it. I don’t see any reason why Meg couldn’t go though, and since you and Aaron have a tutor on the road with you all the time, she can teach Meg too."

"Thank you so much. And think about BJ. She is going to be really mad if Meg gets to go and she doesn’t. It is not going to make her happy at all."

"You’re right but she will get over it. I thought about it and I don’t think it is a good idea. Meg can go, but BJ stays. I wont have any kids left if she goes. I’m going to talk it out with Denise about Megan anyway, but I’m sure she won’t mind keeping an eye on her."

For the next three hours they talked like this, they got everything worked out, so that when Denise McLean and Donna Wright came down to talk everything out, they decided that there was no problem at all with Megan coming.