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"Bye, BJ. Are you sure you aren’t mad at me for going?" Megan asked her friend. They were at the airport and saying their good-byes. They had all done this the week before, when Kaytee and Shayne left.

"Yes I’m sure. Just be sure to call and write or else I will be mad!" they smiled at each other. Then their gate was called and Megan gave everyone one last quick hug. While Nick was giving his dad one last hug Megan heard Bob whisper to him;

"Now you be sure and take care of Megan. Keep an eye on her and stand up for her. You’re on big brother duty now, buddy. No fooling around. And make sure those crazy fans of yours don’t hurt her. I know how they can get. They have attacked BJ before, and she actually is your sister."

Nick just nodded and then came over to his mother and gave her a hug. Then he came over to Megan and grabbed her by the hand. He pulled her up to the gate and after she gave the tenet her ticket and she got the stub back, she took one last look over her shoulder and waved. She was off!

Two hours later…..

"Hey, Nick! Nick quit drooling all over me!" Megan was trying to get Nick to wake up, it was almost time for the movie and he had promised that he would watch it with her. "Nick there is a really cute girl sitting in the seat in front of you."

He had his head on a pillow that was propped up on her shoulder and he was fast asleep. "Nick!" Then it hit her, the one thing that would get him to wake up. "Nick, they’re passing out food!"

Within a half a second Nick was wide awake. "Food? Where?" Brian, who was sitting on the other side of Megan, started to laugh.

"Hey Kaos, I guess she really knows how to wake you up."

"No food? That wasn’t very nice Megan. I was asleep."

"I noticed. And by the way I meant what I said by you drooling, Saliva Boy. That is really gross!"

"Oh be quiet. But why did you say there was food?"

"How else was she going to get you to wake up? You can sleep through a hurricane." Brian was saying.

"Frick, you’re not helping!"

"He’s helping me a lot! Thanks Bri!" She smiled at him.

"Can I go back to sleep now?"

"No, the reason I woke you up is the movie is about to start."

"You woke me up because of that?"

"You said you would watch it with me, but if you’re that tired then I guess I can watch it by myself."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, no problem."



"Now I feel bad."

"Don’t, now go back to sleep!"

"Thanks Sweets.

"Nick just go to sleep already." Aaron piped up from the seat on the other side of Nick.

"What is this? Gang up on Nick day?"

"Yup! We planned it out very carefully for our pure enjoyment. Now go to sleep before I change my mind and make you stay awake for the whole movie."

After he heard her say that Nick moved the arm rest between their seats, moved closer to Megan, placed his head back on the pillow that was propped up against her shoulder, and closed his eyes.

They were on a huge Bowing DC-10 with nine seats across the width of the plane.

Megan was in the middle of one of the center, five-seat rows. On her left side was Saliva Boy and Airboy (Aaron). On the right side were B-Rok and AJ. Across the isle from Aaron was Denise McLean and one of the Boys’ bodyguards, Lonny. Across from AJ was Kevin and then Howie was by the window. And surrounding them where various other people involved with the tour they were about to embark on.

This was going to be an adventure.

Four hours later….

"We will be arriving in the London Airport in about seven hours. So calm down and relax. We will be able to get off the plane soon enough." Kevin was informing everyone. Aaron had long since got ants in his pants and started walking around the plane, talking to the crew. He was also talking to the bodyguards.

"Make sure that no one hurts her. OK, Marc? Make sure that none of Nick’s crazy fans hurt her. She’s like my sister and I don’t want her to get hurt. I love her too much. Just take really good care of her. You and Lonny. I’m gonna talk to him next. You have to promise me that you will protect her a lot. Those girls are crazy! They even tried to get BJ cause they thought that she was one of their girlfriends. So do you promise me? Promise me Marc, that you will protect her." Nick heard his little brother plead with one of the bigger bodyguards, Marc Wilson.

"I promise you, Aaron, that I will protect Megan. It is my job, but I’ll keep an eye on her, since you asked me too. She seems like a nice girl and I wouldn’t want to see her get mobbed. You better go talk to Lonny, though." Marc smiled as the little boy thanked him and ran off to find the ever famous Lonny, who had gone off to talk to someone else that was on the crew.

Nick walked over to Marc. "Are you going to actually do what he asked?"

"Of course. She is a nice girl and I wouldn’t want her to get hurt. Plus that little tike could have my job if I don’t listen to him." He laughed.

He noticed that Nick didn’t think it was too funny so he stopped. "I’m going to look out for her, don’t worry. I’m sure Lonny will do the same."

"Thanks." Nick smiled and walked away. He walked past where Aaron was pleading with Lonny. He was basically giving the same speech as he gave Marc. He smiled to himself. He saw Brian talking to someone on the sound crew, Jake was his name, maybe, he wasn’t sure.

"Hey B-Rok!"

"Yeah, Kaos?" He finished the conversation with Jake.

"Guess what Aaron is up to?"


"He is going around and asking some of the bigger body guards to take special care of Megan. He already asked Marc and he’s asking Lonny right now."

"Well, actually I was going to do the same thing. Aaron beat me to it! She is going to need a little extra protection, especially if she is going to come everywhere with us. You know how these fans can get. They see us with a girl and they automatically think that she is YOUR girlfriend. And then they get violent."

"Yeah I know. And I think she will be coming almost everywhere with us. I’m not going to leave her in the hotel room. The whole reason she is here is so that I can see her and help her with what she is going through."

"I have no problem with it. I like having her around. She’s like my little sister too, ya know."

"Yeah, I know. I think she will have fun. It is sorta interesting, doing all the interviews and stuff like that in different languages. I think she will enjoy it all."

"Yeah she will have fun. This will get her mind off of what happened. She will be too worried about how she is going to get into a building without getting stuff thrown at her, instead of thinking about her parents."

"Hey guys whatcha talking about?" they were so into their conversation that they hadn’t seen Megan walk up to them. She hadn’t heard any of what they were saying though, much to their relief.

"Nothing. We were just discussing how we were going to get out of the airport without getting mobbed. That and how you are going to get through all those girls without them trying to kill you. If they see us with girls that are even close to our age, they always think that they are our girlfriends and that doesn’t make them very happy." Brian said.

"Well, I can take care of myself. And they have nothing to worry about because I’m not involved with any of you."

"You haven’t seen our fans when we’re around. They get very excited and are capable of almost anything. I think we might even have you get off with everyone else on the plane, they all get off first, and then wait for us in the bus."

"But wouldn’t they think I was a fan if I wasn’t with you? And plus I wouldn’t know where to go. I don’t want to go like that I want to stay with you. The fans can deal. I look enough like Brian to say that I am a cousin of his of something like that. And what if we could get off the plane before it even got to the gate. Then we wouldn’t have to deal with the fans, and you wouldn’t have to worry about me. Couldn’t we try to see if the pilot will do that for us?"

"That is actually not a bad idea. I’ll go tell Johnny and he can ask the pilot. See ya later." With that Brian walked off to go tell their manager Megan’s idea.

Nick and Megan went back to their seats and talked. About ten minutes later Brian came over and sat in his seat next to Megan. "Hey, Johnny talked to the pilot and he thought that that was a really good idea. They are going to bring the stairs up to the door just before the plane gets to the gate and we can get off, as in Nick, Howie AJ Kevin and I. You can come too if you want Meg."

"They will have a place ready for us, sorta like a holding room where we will wait until the crowd has cleared and everyone has gotten our baggage. Donna is going to have to find it for us this time cause she knows what our stuff looks like but we need to figure out a way to identify our bags so that the person grabbing them doesn’t have to look at the ID tags. They never have our real names in them any way." He was outta breathe by the time he finished what he was saying.

"I think I have an idea about that one. Why don’t you tie the same color of yarn on each of the bags. That way they know that all the bags with that color yarn belong to the same group of people but they don’t have to look at the ID tags. By the way if your ID tags don’t have your names in them do they at least have your real address?"

"Yeah, what did you think? We’re stupid? Wait a second, don’t answer that." Megan laughed at him.


"I told you not to answer that."

"How much longer until we can get off of this godforsaken plane?" Nick whined. Megan rolled her eyes at him. "What?"

"Nothing, lets just see if you can figure this out for yourself. What is the arrival time?"

"9: 15 P.M."

"That is in our time. Now what time is it?"

Nick looked at his watch. "3:10 P.M."

"OK. Now how much longer until the plane arrives in London?"

"An six hours and five minutes."

"Good boy!" she patted him on the head. "Would you like a doggy treat?" Brian brust out laughing.

"No that’s OK. Oh, and thank you for helping me make a fool out of myself in front of this plane full of people."

Brian was laughing hysterically "You…you ..don’t…..need…any…….doing…..that…Frack!" He was laughing so hard he was hurting. But he couldn’t stop for the life of him.

Just watching the two of them together like that was enough to make him burst out laughing. The way that they teased each other. The way that although he may be idolised by some girls she let him know that he was still the boy next door to her.

"Thank you very much for your words of encouragement, Frick "

"You’re very welcome! Anytime Frack!" Brian was still laughing.

"Brian take it easy, we still have a long time on this plane and we really don’t need you to pass out."

"I’m sorry, but you two are just too funny!"

"I don’t see what is so funny." Nick was pretending to be irritated.

"You are idolised by thousands of girls in Europe, we all are, and she still treats you like her older brother. The boy next door. It’s great. At least she’ll never let the fame go to your head."

"He still is the boy next door, well actually the boy down the hall now but still, you get the idea. I’ve never put up with any of his crap and I’m not about ready to start now because someone finally figured out the boy could sing. Sorry, it just isn’t going to happen."

"Thank you for that lovely speech. Now can I go to sleep?"

"I was just thinking about taking a nap myself. I’m tired. We have been on this plane forever." Megan yawned.

She leaned her head on Nick shoulder, somehow knowing he wouldn’t mind. "Insta pillow" she whispered as she closed her eyes and within minutes she was out cold. Nick laid his head on top of hers and closed his eyes. In a few more minutes he was asleep too.

Brian just watched them. After Nick was asleep he put a blanket over both of them. "Hey Kevin, look at them."

"Aww, how cute!"

Then Brian got an idea. "Kev, do you have your camera with you?"

"I’ve got better" He whipped out a camcorder.

"OK, this should be fun. We are going to have to send a copy of this to BJ and then another to Kaytee."

"OK, ready when you are!" Kevin pressed the record button and started a project that, as they would find out later never really came to an end.