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"We will be landing shortly. If you could make sure that you seats and tray tables are in an upright and locked position, the flight attendants will be coming around to collect your trash." The pilot buzzed over the loud speaker. "We will be making a sort stop before pulling up to the gate. We will be letting a few people off and then pulling up to the terminal. Thank you for flying with us and I hope to see again soon."

Just as the pilot got off the speaker, Brian sat down in his seat. Nick and Megan woke up about a half an hour before. They sat and talked and then Nick played with a Game Boy that he pulled out of his bag while Megan put on the headphones to her disc -man.

"So, Meg. Are you ready to kick off your first tour with us?"

"Yeah I guess." She said, taking off her headphones. "This is going to be a lot of fun. I’ve never been to London before!"

Brian looked at Nick, who was smiling at Megan enthusiasm. "What is so funny Frack?"

"Nothing Frick. Meg is just so excited to be coming with us. I just think it’s funny, that’s all."

Just then the speakers came back to life, but instead of the pilot it was the head flight attendant. "If you could please turn off all portable games, CD players and Computers, we can begin descending on London. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your flight with us today."

"Yeah, yeah! Just let us off the plane!" Nick said impatiently.

"Calm down Nick! We’ll get off the plane soon enough. We’ve been on it forever anyway. What’s another couple of minutes?" Megan said.

"Oh fine! Take away all the fun!"

"Yeah OK. Whatever.

Ten minutes later found them pulling up to the staircase that they would have to go down to get off the plane. "You have all your stuff AC?" Nick asked his little brother.

"Yeah I got everything." The plane stopped and the pilot got back on the speakers.

"Thank you to those of you getting off now. I hope that you enjoyed the flight and you have a nice stay in London. Good luck and I hope the rest of your travelling goes well. You may unfasten your seat belts and make your way to the front of the plane."

They all stood up and gathered their things together. When they were sure that they had everything they made their way to the front door way of the plane. Nick followed Aaron who was right behind Megan.

They stepped up to the doorway and all the guys put sunglasses and Baseball caps on. "Oh no. That’s not totally obvious!" Megan said.

Nick rolled his eyes behind the dark glasses and gave her a playful shove towards the door. "C’mon, smarty. Let’s get off of this plane!"

"In a hurry or something, Nicky?"

"Just go!"

"OK! OK! I’m going!" She stepped out of the plane and into the fading sunlight. She took a second to look through the window by the gate. The fans that had gathered to welcome them were pressed up against the window, trying to get a glimpse of their idols. Whoa! She thought They weren’t kidding. These people are crazy! All of this of a nine year-old and five dorky guys? I don’t get it!

Her thoughts were interrupted by Nick telling her to get her butt in gear. She walked, very carefully down the steep flight of stair and stood aside while everyone else came down.

She stood there, staring at all the fans at the window. 'All those girls would just about kill to be in my place right now. And I’m just coming with my best friend. This is really weird!'