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When she walked in BJ was lying on her bed and Brian was sitting on top of her. They were both fully clothed but something didn't seem right. Brian got off of BJ and walked of the room without saying anything.

"Meg, that wasn’t what it looked like!!!" BJ exclaimed.

"I know it wasn't"

"You won’t tell anyone will you? Not even Nick? Especially not Nick!"

"Not unless I think it is necessary."

"Thanks" BJ walked around the bed and gave Megan a hug.

"No problem, now can we go downstairs?"

"Yeah! I want to see Dad!" The two of them walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Everyone else was already down there. Bob Carter gave his daughter a hug. Then he saw Megan, walked over to her, hugged her and picked her up.

"You Carter men like doing that don’t you?" she said when he put her down.

"Men? I only see one Carter man in this room. Wait, you were referring to Aaron weren't you? But he didn’t pick you up…." AJ’s voice trailed off when he saw the look that Nick was giving him. If looks could kill, AJ would have been a dead man!

Megan watched the exchange and laughed.

"What are you laughing at Meg?" Nick asked.

"Oh, nothing. How are you Bob?"

"Better now that my family is complete. It always seems so quite when you’re not around. Too quiet. Like part of the household is missing."

"It is even worse when Nick is gone, with neither one of you here it is really quite. You aren't arguing with each other, and he isn't trying make you scream. And he seems to succeed in that." He kissed her on the top of the head. (Bob not Nick)

Megan noticed Brian starring at her. He thinks I'm going to tell Nick what I saw, she thought to herself. Well, I am going to have to talk to him later.

"Pizza will be here in twenty minutes," Jane said as she hung up the phone.

"Oh, and who is spending the night?"

"I am!" everyone said at the same time.

"OK! That means we'll have to change the sleeping arrangement for tonight."

She was thoughtful for a minute. "BJ? Meg? Is it OK if Leslie and Angel sleep on the floor in your room tonight? That way we can put three of the guys in their room. ‘Cause, you know, six guys in one room is probably not a good thing." Jane said with a smile.

She got a big "HEY!!!" from all the guys standing around the kitchen. Megan and BJ laughed at them.

"OK with me if it's OK with Meg." Megan nodded.

"So much for the girl talk that we had planed. But that's OK, we have six months to do that."

"OK, the last one upstairs is a rotten, stinky, smelly, maggot infested..." But before Nick could finish his sentence everyone else was gone. "... Wonderful, caring, good smelling person", he finished as he ran up the stairs.

He stopped a few stairs short of the landing and looked at Megan, who was standing on the top step. She tousled his silky, blond locks.

"Sure you are BB! If you say so!" Brian, who was standing next to her, started howling with laughter.

Nick gave her an evil grin, picked her up, threw her over his shoulder like a sack of flour, and started running up and down the stairs.

He did that a couple of times with Megan kicking and screaming the whole way. Miraculously he managed not to get kicked in the face.

Then he carried her into his room and flung her down on his bed. He sat on her legs and started to tickle her. "Nick. Please. Stop. Nicky. Please. Pretty please. Stop."

"Only if you say…….hold on let me think…" The whole time he was tickling her.

"OH! You? Thinking? Don’t hurt youself!" She managed though her laughter.

"HA HA! You are sooooo funny! OK if you want me to stop you have to say….Oh I got it! You have to say 'Nick Carter is the cutest guy in the whole world'"

He stopped for a second.

"Nick! You know how feel about lying!" He started to tickle her again.

"Just say it!!!"

"No!! Nick. BB. Please. STOP." She was laughing so hard she had tears streaming down her face. "BB PLEASE!!!!!!"

"Nope" He kept ticking her. About five minutes later he stopped, and even then only 'cause he though she was going to choke for lack of air. He sat there for a minute while she tried to regain her composure.

"Nick get off of me. You're killing my legs." she said when she had calmed down.

"Oh. Sorry." he said as he got up. "That was for messing up my hair." He smiled at her. They looked up and noticed, for the first time, that they had an audience.

Even Jane and Bob had come up to see all the commotion and screaming was about. They had heard their 17 year-old son tell his 16 year-old best friend to say that he was the cutest guy in the world, and they also heard her response.

They look at each other and thought about how, when both Nick and Megan were little, they bet Megan's mom that the two of them, Megan and Nick, would at some point in time, end up going together.

They had thought it strange. Even though they were at that stage where Nick didn’t like girks and Megan didn’t like boys, the two of them had always gotten along.

Once Jane had asked Nick what was wrong with girls.

"They’re girls! They are gross!" was her answer.

"What about Megan?"

"Well, Megan is NOT a girl."

"Actually she is honey. But she is still your friend, right?"


"OK good. I don’t want you to stop playing with her because she’s a girl. OK?"

"Yes Mommy!"

Jane smiled at the memory. She snapped back into the present and they snuck back downstairs before any of the 'kids' had noticed them.