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She woke up in a strange place again. She was on a couch, her couch at her mom’s house, and someone had their arms around her. Her mom! She suddenly remembered what had happened earlier that morning.

She turned over and was looking straight at Nick’s upper chest. She was somehow comforted in the fact that he had been with her all night. She looked at the clock over her shoulder, it was only 10:30. She was still tired. She gave Nick a kiss on the cheek very softly, snuggled up closer to him and fell asleep again, knowing that nothing was going to hurt her while she was with him.

Now although he may have looked like he was asleep, Nick was awake the whole time, and Megan didn’t notice the small smile spread across his face when she kissed him and moved closer to him.

His arms tightened around her protectively.

No one was going to hurt her if he had anything to do with it. He was always going to be around to protect her now. She was going to be living with them from now on.

This was going to be very hard on her.

Laying there he realised something, he and the guys were leaving for Europe in less than two weeks Aaron was coming with, to make his debut.

He didn’t want to leave Megs here, with no one to lean on. She wasn’t going to get over this in that amount of time, and BJ had been trying to talk their parent into letting her come with them on tour.

Nick had an idea, and a good one I might add. He smiled to himself and closed his eyes. He needed to get some sleep.

Later Nick woke up again, this time to the sound people whispering "Oh, how sweet is that? They look so cute together!" It was Brian.

"No kidding, they like each other but wont admit it to each other, or even themselves." BJ.

"Actually, Nick told us last night that he liked Meg." I’m gonna kill you Shayne. Nick thought.

"Oh really? Cause Meg said the same thing last night, too." Oh really, Kaytee?

Megan turned over and noticed that Nick wasn’t really asleep, just as she hadn’t been for the past few minutes. She nudged him to show she wasn’t asleep either and Nick smiled. The others continued to talk about them.

Then the subject of them leaving soon came up, and they heard Kaytee ask, "Has he told her yet?"

"I don’t think so. But I also think he wants her to come." Brian said.

"I want to go, too!" BJ whined. That was it. They couldn’t stand it any longer, Nick and Megan burst out laughing. The other were surprised.

"How long have the two of you been awake?" Shayne asked.

"Long enough to know that I need to kick the crap out of you and Brian." Nick said, trying to control his laughter. He wasn’t doing a very good job though.

He couldn’t help it. Megan was laughing too, but not as hard as Nick.

"What time is it?" she managed to ask.

"3 o’clock" AJ answered.

"Wow, it is late. We slept the day away."

"Well, we didn’t go to bed until about 2: 30 this morning, at the earliest. I got Shayne to move his butt off the couch so that Nick could lay down with you. You were already asleep, and two minutes after Shayne got up so was Nick. I pulled a blanket over you and then we went to bed."

"Everyone else was asleep. The two of you looked so cute, there was no way I was going to wake you up. Plus you were both really tired." She looked at them. They were still laying on the couch, but Nick looked like he was about to fall off. He had slept on the outside, so Meg had been squished between him and the couch all night.

About two seconds later he started to slip and he grabbed onto Megan’s arm. (Like that did any good) He fell anyway and he brought Meg with him. She ended up on top of him.

Nick started to laugh harder and so did Megan. The others were laughing too.

Megan was laughing was hard she couldn’t get up. (Or didn’t want to, I can’t decide)

Just then Aaron and Angel came down the stairs and saw Megan on top of Nick.

They looked at each other and then saw Brian laughing his butt off. "I’m not sure I want to know what’s going on here" Leslie said, coming up behind the twins to see Megan still on Nick.

Everyone started to laugh harder. Brian and Shayne were literally rolling on the floor, they were laughing to hard to stand up. The three newcomers decided to go into the kitchen and see if there was anything to eat in the house.

Ten minutes later everyone had calmed down and they were able to stand up on their own. Megan had gotten up and helped Nick up.

They walked in the kitchen to find Leslie pouring milk onto a bowl of cereal. She handed the bowl to Aaron, who walked over to the kitchen table where Angel was already sitting and eating her bowl of cereal. "Hey, guys. Sorry about that. And Leslie you’re right you don’t want to know what was going on. Nick was being Nick, I’ll just put it that way." Megan said as she sat down on a stool she had pulled out from under the counter.

"Hey, watch what you say or…" Nick said after sticking his tongue out at her.

"Or what? What are you going to do to me?" she was trying to get him to react. He just stood there.

"I don’t know yet, but it will be bad." Once again everyone was laughing, even Leslie and the twins. Once they had all steadied themselves, again they began to plan what they were going to do that day.

Megan didn’t want to do much for obvious reasons, so Nick decided to stay back and hang out with her.

It was times like these that she was glad to have him as a best friend. "I just saw Dad’s car pull up, why don’t we go over there and talk to them about this." Nick suggested after everyone else had left the house.

"OK. I think we are going to need to talk to them about the whole going to Europe with you guys thing." she said quietly.

"Yeah, I think that they’ll let you go, as long as Denise is going, which I am pretty sure she is."

"Who is Denise?"

"I never told you about Denise? She’s AJ’s mom. She will be coming down in a few days to visit and talk to Mom about the travelling and stuff like that"

"Oh, OK. Lets go and do this talking thing." They walked out the back door and around the back of the Carter house.