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The Other Guy


"BJ, will you hand me that skirt?" Megan asked.

She still shared a room with BJ. They still had their girl nights. And BJ was still trying to convince Megan that Nick liked her. Megan was softening to the idea, but wasn’t totally convinced. She was long over Matt, the movie theater jerk, as he was often reffured to.

But her nights spent crying over the loss of her parents remained many. So it became customary to, BJ when they were at home and the guys when they were on the road, to wake up and find that Megan was not in her bed. They all knew that if she had a bad night she would find her way to Nick’s room.

Sure enough, upon entering his room if she wasn’t in her, she would be there, curled up right next to him.

Since she was always rooming with one of the guys on the road, they had started always putting her and Nick together so that the rest of the guys could sleep without being disturbed.

Well, anyway. They were home for a little while before they began mega promoting the release of their CD in the US.

"Yeah, here you go." BJ answered the question and handed her the skirt. Megan held the skirt up to herself in the mirror.

"Do you think this will look good?"

"Yeah! I can’t believe that you have a date with Jackson Kelliton. He is like the most popular guy in the school. You don’t even go to our school anymore. And he’s a senior!"

"Calm down, BJ! It’s OK!"

"The only bad part about this whole thing is going to be the look on Nick’s face when he finds out that you are going out with someone else."

"You make it sound like we went out for about three years and then broke up."

"You know what I mean!"

Megan walked out into the hallway, with BJ right behind her. "OK, Nick isn’t going to care."

"I won’t care about what?" Nick asked, poking his head out of his bedroom, where he and the guys were having a video game tornement.

Megan opened her mouth to speak but BJ cut her off. "Meg here has a date with Jackson Kelliton tonight."

"Oh, cool." He said and went back into his room.

"See? I told you he wasn’t going to care!" Megan said and walked back into their room, completely forgetting about what ever it was that had brought her out there in the first place.


"I can’t believe she going out with HIM tonight!" Nick groaned after shutting the door to his room.

"You can’t believe who is going out with who tonight?" AJ asked, almost being confused at his own question.

"Megan has a date with Jackson Kelliton tonight. He’s a senior and you will never find a guy with more of a one track mind. He’s worse then you are, Bone!"

"Oh no! She’s in big trouble then!" Kevin said.

"NO! You guys don’t understand! This guy is nothing but trouble!"

"It’s OK. Calm down. Frack." Brian said trying to get his friend to calm down before he totally broke down.

"You know, Nick, Meg is a big girl. She can take care of her self. She’s 16. I mean, come on." Howie said.

"Yeah, I know. But, I don’t know. I just feel like it is my job to protect her. She doesn’t have anyone else to do the job."

"We know, Nick. We all care about her too. We don’t want to see her get hurt or anything." Kevin said sincerely.

"OK, now are we going to continue our game or are we going to sit here and talk about Megan all day?"

"You in a hurry to get beat AGAIN, Frick?"

"Oh shut up and play, Nick!" Nick laughed at him and started.


:::::::DING DONG::::::::::

The door bell.

:::::::DING DONG:::::::::::

"I’ll get it!!!!" Nick yelled. All the guys except Brian had claimed that they had thing to do and went home. Nick and Brian had been in the living room watching a movie.

He opened the door and came face to face with Jackson Kelliton. "Hi." he said with out enthusiasum. He disliked Jackson almost as much as Megan hated Janice Jankens. (If you read The Boy Next Door, you know who I‘m talking about.) He had also made fun of Nick when he was younger.

"Hi, I’m here to pick Megan up."

"Yeah I know, Jackson." Nick turned around and started walking towards the stairs. Then as almost an after thought he turned back around. "You can come in." He finished his jorney to the bottom of the stairs. "MEGS!!! JACKSON’S HERE!"

"OK! She yelled back.

He walked back over to Jackson. "She’ll be down in a minute."

"Thanks. You’re Nick, right?"


"I remember you from when we were younger. You were always getting out of class so that you could go to auditions and stuff like that."

"Yeah. That would be me."

Jackson followed Nick into the living room where he imediatly recognised the other Backstreet Boy. "It looks like it paid off."

Nick looked at Brian. "Yeah it has."

"Hi, I’m Jackson Kelliton, Megan’s date."

Brian stood up. "I’m Brian Littrell. I’m Megan’s………..well, nevermind."

"Yeah, um OK."

"Hey, guys!" Megan entered the room.

"Hi, Megan. Ready to go?"

"Give me a minute. I have to say goodbye to Nick and Brian"


Megan walked over to Nick and gave him a hug. While he held onto her he whispered in her ear. "You be careful, OK?"

"I will." She whispered back. "Nick, you need to stop worrying about me so much."

"I know. But that’s my job."

"Yeah I know. You are fully qualified."

He let her go and she walked over to Brian. "Bye, Megs. Stay safe. I hope you have fun, but not too much fun."

"Brian shut up! You know me better then that! And believe me if he tries anything, he’ll regret it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but he will one day."

"That’s the girl I know. You better be back before 1:00. You know that Bob and Jane don’t care if you are a little late. Nick on the other hand will have a heart attack."

"Yeah I know. Wouldn’t want that, now would we?"

"No!" He let her go and they all walked to the front door.

"Bye, guys! Love ya! And tell the kids goodnight!"

"OK, bye Megs!" Nick said. With that, they two were off on their date. "If he touches her he’s a dead man." He said through clenched teeth as they pulled out of the drive way.

"Yeah, I know Frack, I know."