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Chapter 10

"Oh my god!" Was all Nick could say when he saw Megan pass out. Olivia got up off of the couch and Kevin laid her down.

Everyone else rushed over to see if she was OK, and Shayne had gone to get Jane. "I think she might know who that guy was...." Brian said. "Come to think of it, he does sound kinda familiar."

BJ walked over to her brother and lead him to the couch opposite the one where AJ and Kevin were trying to make sure that she was OK.

"Nick, she's gonna be OK."

Nick just starred off into space, trying to think of who they knew that would do something like this. Only two people came to mind. Jackson and Janice.

Problem was that Jackson had blond hair, and was the same height, maybe a teeny bit shorter then Nick. Who did Megan know that would do something like that?

"Meg? Come on, sweety! Wake up, please!" Kevin said trying to get Megan to come back to the coherent world.

"Megan, come on! Don't do this now."

"What I wouldn't give for some smelling salts right about now." Jane said, kneeling by the couch.

They had been trying to get her to wake up for about 15 minutes and where about to call 911. She was breathing and had a pulse, they knew that much.

"Mom, can I try?" Nick asked from behind everyone that had crowded around the piece of furnature.

"Sure sweety."She stood up and turned towards the rest of the group. "Why don't we go into the kitchen? I'll fix some food, I know all this excitment has made you hungry, esspecially you boys"

"You know us to well Jane." Brian said as he helped her heard everyone out of the living room leaving Nick with Megan.

Nick knelt down beside the couch, right next to Megan's face. "Meg? Megs? Come on, please wake up. I need you to wake up. I don't want to have to take you to the hospital. If you wake up and tell me who that guys is then I can make sure that he doesn't hurt you. Come on Sweetie. Please? For me?" She stirred slightly. "Come on Megs, open those hazel eyes for me. I love you, and I don't want you to get hurt.... If you tell me who the guy is then I can make sure that he doesn't get within 2 miles of you without getting the shit beat out of him. Ok maybe not that far, but I can protect you. Please open your eyes. Do it for me?"

She stirred again this time opening her eyes slightly. "Nick?" she said softly.

"Megs?" Oh my god!"

"Nick, it's Matt." It was all she got out before passing out again.

"Oh shit....! MOM!!!!!!" Nick yelled running into the kitchen.

"What is it Nick?" Jane became concerned as soon as she saw the look on her oldest child's face.

"She gave me a name....."

"That's great!"

"...Then she passed out again."

"Brian, call 911." Was all she said before going into the living room.