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Chapter Eighteen

It had been a week since the last threat was received. They had figured out that somehow someone had gotten into Megan’s stuff before Marc had picked it up to be put on the bus. How they had managed that was anyone’s guess because security was as tight as it could be, but a large number of the team had been with them while they were at the Mills’ house.

They were steadily moving around the country, doing shows in every place they stopped and moving every day. With each stop they made the guys became more popular and there were more girls waiting for them. People were talking and so far it was a good thing for them in all respects but one.

The more people talked about them the easier they were to track and that gave who ever was sending Megan threats an edge on them. It wasn’t going to be difficult for whoever it was to find out where they were headed next if they got online and started talking about that amazing new group that was doing shows across the country.

Megan sat in front of the computer that Lou had given them to use while on the tour and typed “Nick Carter” into a search. A few seconds she was face to face with a lot of websites over 400 long. ‘Holy Jesus... ‘ She thought with a slight laugh. She clicked on the first one and waited for it to load.

A huge picture of Nick’s face filled the screen of the computer and she jumped back a little. She scrolled down the page and came to a list of links. She skipped over the picture, quotes, and bio links. ‘I’ve seen, heard, and know it all.’ She thought to herself. Just then something caught her eyes.

“Who’s that girl?” The link was under a picture of herself, walking between Nick and Brian into a hotel that they had stayed in. Curious as to what was going on she clicked the link.

The page opened and it took a minute for all of the pictures to load.

“I’m sure that you have all seen the girl that is on tour with the Boys. If not, or they haven’t been through your town yet, take a look at the pictures.” And there were certainly enough of them. Megan felt uneasy and scrolled down further, looking for something else that the girl had written. “I think that this girl is involved with one of the Boys and I think that it is Nick. As you can see, she seems to spend a lot of time with the Blond Backstreet Boy. I’m not sure what it is all about yet. But I do have friends that are going to be looking for her in cities to come on the tour, so come back to find out what’s going on.”

She scrolled down to the very bottom and found the girl’s email address. She clicked on it and instantly a Compose Mailbox came up.

“Hello. I just looked at the page that you have with the pictures of the girl that you think is with Nick. I was wondering, what if she was with Nick? I mean, would that really be such a bad thing? Well, I should go, but I’ll be coming back to see what other info you have on her. Later! “

She pressed the send button, bookmarked the page and disconnected from the Internet. Just then Nick walked into the kitchen area where she was sitting at the table. “What are you up to?” Nick asked as he opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottled water.

“Not much... just checking out something online.”

“Fan sites?” He asked while taking a seat next to her.

“Oh yeah- someone’s on an ego trip. So how many fan sites are there for you again?”

“1,998,786,756. Oh wait, another one was just launched.... That makes 1,998,786,757.”

“You scare me... a lot. How much longer do you think we will be stuck on this moving prison?”

“I don’t know. We haven’t been on the road for very long, but we are going to stop at the next gas station to get some food.” Just then he looked out the window and a gas station flew by. “Hey Warren! What was that? I thought we were going to stop?!?”

“Sorry man, I didn’t see it until it was too late.” The driver called back with a chuckle.

“Yeah, sure... how many miles until the next one?”

“35 miles.”

“Damn! Thanks for nothing!” Warren just laughed at him again and shook his head. He didn’t know how he put up with them, but he had been their driver since they had started and he couldn’t think of a better bunch of guys to drive around the country. And having Megan with them only made it more interesting.

But she had been quiet the past few days. And he didn’t like it. No one did.

They had sent the last threat to Florida, like they did with the recorded one and were still waiting to get word about the tests that were being preformed on it. Until then there was nothing that they could do, except wait. Wait for word from the police or wait until they got another threat.

Megan leaned against Nick as they sat at the table. She was tired and scared. The only time she really felt safe was when they were on the road, because that meant that they were getting further away from who ever was following them. But she knew that she was only running away from her problems, and eventually she would have to go back to Florida, where it had all started.

She sighed heavily. “What’s wrong Megs?” Nick asked, putting his arm around her.

“What isn’t wrong?”

“That’s fair enough. Dumb question, sorry.”

“It’s OK. I’m just frustrated, that’s all.”

“We all are. But the only thing we can do it wait it out. The cops are going to get Matt to talk soon, and even if they don’t if you keep getting threats they are going to find out who is doing this soon. They have to.”

Kaytee walked across the campus towards the parking lot. Her design class had ended early and she was ready to go home. She finally found her car and threw her books in the back seat.

Her life was lonely now. Her friends were all gone, and she was left there with Shayne, who spent most of the time that he wasn’t in school with BJ. She missed watching Nick and Kevin argue, hearing Howie trying to get everyone to stop fighting, wondering what color AJ’s hair would be the next time she saw him, and seeing the way that Megan smiled when Nick was around. But what she missed the most was having Brian there with her, only a phone call away.

She jumped when the phone lying on the seat next to her rang. She picked it up. “Hello?”

“Hey Kayt. How’s it going?”

“Hey Meg. It’s going pretty well. Just got out of class. I only have a month left of this semester, and then I have two weeks off.”

“For Christmas, right?”

“Yeah. It’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year again.”

“Maybe it’s because you’re in Florida and not in Oregon where it’s about three degrees out right now.” Kaytee laughed. “Well I need to go... but I’ll talk to you again soon.”

“OK. Later Meg, tell the guys I say and tell Bri that I love him.”

“OK. No problem, bye.”

Megan hung up the phone and smiled. Her friend was going to get the surprise of her life in a month.

This was almost too easy... all they had to do was get online and find out where the tour was going to be next. The fans were all too ready to talk about it, and they were beginning to give them more information about what was going on on the road.

He had been talking to a girl the night before who said something about a little girl in Portland. He was going to have to do more research on that. He looked over her shoulder and looked at the computer screen. They were in this together. They were going to bring them down. They had been planning this for a long time... and everything was finally falling into place. In a matter of a few weeks they would be able to make their move.

The plan was going to work. They had worked too hard for it not to.