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Chapter Two


"Nick? Is that you?" BJ asked as she walked down to the kitchen.

"Yeah, Beej. It’s me." Nick was having trouble sleeping. He was worried about Megan. "Couldn’t sleep."

"Well you have about a half an hour before Meg gets home."


"OK or we could talk about something else."

"Sorry, BJ. How about we just go watch some TV?"

"Sounds good to me." They both walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. No sooner had BJ turned on the TV did they hear what sounded like yelling out in the front of the house.

"I’m going to see what’s going on out there." But before Nick got to the front door, in walked Megan. She looked shaken. "Meg? Sweets are you OK?"

"Nick, don’t you have better things to do then wait up for me?"

"Actually no I don’t."

"That’s pretty pathetic. Why don’t you…… never mind!" BJ walked into the room. She had seen everything.

"Megan, why don’t we go upstairs. You look like you could use some sleep. You look….um tired. Among other things. "

"OK, BJ." Megan started to trudge up the stairs, to their room. BJ looked up at her brother as he watched Megan go up the stairs. "I’ll find out what happened. Don’t worry about it."

"Thanks Beej, Your a doll."

"Actually, no I’m a person. But thanks anyway. But Nick, you look like you could use some sleep too, big bro."

"OK, OK. I’m going BJ. I’m going!" They both walked up the stairs and went their separate ways, each into their own room.

When BJ entered her room she found Megan in bed and in tears. "What’s the matter Meg? What happened?" She asked as she tried to comfort her friend.

"What would you like first?"

"Start from the beginning."

"OK." Megan took and minute to compose herself and then started talking. "We went to this party. Well, It wasn’t really a party, just a few couple of couples that all knew each other. Well, eventually :::Hippup::: most of them started to make out. Jackson asked me if I wanted anything to drink. I told him to get me a Coke.

"He came back a few minutes later with my :::hiccup::: drink. After I drank it I began to feel really weird and couldn’t see straight. That’s when he started to try and put the moves on me. But, of course I was feeling sick so I told him that I wanted to go home."

"Did he try ……… anything?"

"Oh no! He didn’t :::hiccup::: get that far. I guess it’s a good thing that I’ve had Nick and the guys around. It was a big help tonight."

"So then what happened?"

"I told him that I wanted to :::hippup::: go home. He drove me home, and walked me to the door, but when he kissed me goodnight he got a little touchy feely."

"So you yelling at him was what Nick and I heard just before you came in?"

"Probably! The kiss wasn’t what I was mad about though. When I told him to stop, he muttered something about me not being able to handle a little hard liquor."

"Hard liquor?"

"Yeah. He put rum and vodka into my Coke."

"Oh MEG! You poor thing! Are you going to tell Nick?"

"I don’t know………."

"You have to tell him!"

"But B-"

"Megan Michele Bradford! If you don’t tell him, I will!’

"OK, OK, OK! I’ll tell Nick. But not right now! All I want to do is get changed and get some sleep."

"That sounds like a good idea." Megan walked into the bathroom and changed out of her clothes and into what she wore for pajamas She then walked back into the room and crawled into bed. "Goodnight Meg"

"Goodnight BJ"

And soon everyone in the house was asleep, but not everyone slept peacefully.

Namely, Megan and Nick, but both for different reasons.