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Chapter Three

"Are you going out with Jackson again?" BJ asked as Megan got ready to go out somewhere.

"HELL NO!!!!!!1 I’m going out with Sarah. We are going to go to the mall and the maybe catch a movie. Sorta a girl's afternoon out."

"Can I go?"

"No. I think that you need to say home today."


"Well, I gotta go. See ya later, Beej."

"Bye Meg!"

With that Megan was out the door and on her way to the Mall where she was meeting her friend. "Where is she off to in such a hurry?" Nick asked his sister.

"She’s going to meet Sarah at the Mall."

"You mean the girl that we have never met?"

"Yeah. I think that’s her."

"Oh OK." Just then his cell phone rang. "Hello?……Oh hey! ………. Yeah …….. He is?…….. Sure I’ll see if she wants to come. ……….. No, she’s out with a friend ………..No! It’s not Jackson! ………..OK, I’ll be there in an hour. Bye!"

"Who was that?"

"Brian. He wants us to go over to his place."


"Yeah. He has a surprise for you."

"Um…..OK. Lets go!"


::::DING DONG::::

The door opened and BJ and Nick were greeted by a smiling Brian. "Hey! I’m glad you BOTH came." Brian said, looking at BJ. "Come on in but BJ you have to close your eyes, I have a surprise for you."

"I’m not sure I trust you Rok."

"Just do it Beej. You’ll like…no love the surprise that Bri has for you." Nick tried to convince his little sister.

"OK, OK I’m closing my eyes." She closed her eyes and was lead inside the house by the two guys.

"OK you can open them now." A new voice said. But it wasn’t a new voice.

She knew that voice. Her eyes flew open and she came face to face with……….


Megan pulled into a parking place at the Mall. She got out, locked the door and walked towards the building. She went to the food court, where she was suppose to meet Sarah.

"MEG! OVER HERE!!!" She heard her friend yell. She looked around until she spotted her and walked over to where she was sitting.

Sarah was about 5-6, had blond hair, blue eyes, but wore contacts that made her eye color gray. Megan had met her while shooting hoops at the high school. It was one of the rare occasions that Nick and Brian didn’t accompany her, which is why they hadn’t met her before. Megan wanted to make sure the Sarah liked her for her, not because she was best friends with the BSB.

"Hey Sarah! How are you?"

"Pretty good. How ‘bout you?"

"Good. But not as good as one of my friends will be in a little while. Her big brother and his best friend who also happens to be one of my best friends Boyfriends, has a huge surprise for her."

"Hey, that’s cool. So where do you wanna go first?"

"Well, we can go to The Gap or Banana Republic. I really don’t care."

"OK, as long as we go to Sam Goody, I have to get this CD. An old friend from when I was growing up is in this singing group and I want to get the CD."

"Where did you grow up again?"

"Lexington Kentucky."

"I have friend that grew up there."

"Cool. Well, let’s go.

And they were off. They went into The Gap and both found something that they wanted. Then they went into a few other stores and found a few more things that they couldn’t live with out. (he he he They are girls! ‘Nuff said!)

They finally made their way to Sam Goody. "What’s the name of the group that you are looking for?"

"The Blackstreet Boys? Backbeat Boys? Something like that."

Megan froze where she was standing. "The Backstreet Boys?" She asked.

"YEAH!! That’s it!!! Can you help me find it?"

"Yeah, sure." Megan walked right over to where the guys’ CD was and handed it Sarah. "Here you go."

"You’re good at that!"

"Thanks. Which one do you know?"

"I think that’s him, but I can’t tell." She pointed to Brian. "This is a really bad picture." And it was. (OK you all have to admit the pictures on the CD are pretty bad. They have so many better ones!) "His name is Brian."

"Yeah, well, lets get this and then lets go."

"OK" Sarah went and paid for the CD and they left the store. "I think that I’m ready to leave. We’ve been shopping for about four hours."

"Hey, you wanna come over to my house?"

"Sure! That sounds cool."

"OK. You can follow me. That way you wont have to come back here to get your car."

"OK, sounds like a plan. What time is it?"

"It’s about 5:00. Everyone should be home. And I do mean everyone. Even the people that don’t live there. We always have a million people in that house."

"You live with these people but they aren’t your real family?"

"Oh they are my real family. They may not be blood related but they more like family to me then my real parents ever were, and the kids are all like my siblings. Except for Nick, the oldest. He’s my best friend and well lets just say that to say that he is a like a brother to me is just sick and wrong."

"That’s cool. That you have friends like that. Sounds like a lively group of people."

"You have no idea." They had reached their cars, which were parked remarkably close to each other. They each got into their own car and Sarah followed Megan back to the house.

While she was driving, Megan pulled out the cell phone that she kept in the glove compartment and dialled Nick’s cell phone number. "Hey! Nicky! It’s Meg, where are you all right now?"

"Well, we just pulled up to the house. Why?"

"Well, I am bringing my friend over…."

"Do you want us to leave?"

"NO. I have a little surprise for her, that’s all."

"Don’t tell me, she’s a fan."

"No. But apparently she knew one of the guys when they were growing up. She doesn’t know that I know you all though so I wanted to surprise her."

"Which one of the guys?"

"I’m not telling you. But you will find out soon enough."

"OK, well I gotta go. BJ is still freaking out about her surprise."

"I knew that she would love that. By the way tell Shayne that I say HI and Welcome back to Florida."

"OK will do. See you in a few."

"OK, Nick."

"Bye Meg."

"Bye Nick." She hung up the phone and put it back in the glove compartment.

Ten minutes later they pulled into the driveway. Sarah pulled right up behind her, They both got out of the cars and Sarah walked to Megan, looking at the house.

"Nice pad. I like!"

"Thanks. I used to live right over there." Megan said, pointing to the house next door. "But that was before my parents passed away. Now I live here but all our stuff is in that house."

"That’s cool."

"Yeah. Well, lets go inside. Just beware of AJ, he is a little girl crazy. The rest of them, well I don’t think that you will have to worry about them."

"I am NOT girl crazy!" AJ said, walking out the front of the house.

"Sure you aren’t Bone and I’m Hillary Clinton."

"Poor you!"

"Shut up! Sarah, this is AJ McLean. AJ, this is Sarah Masterson."

"Nice to meet you." AJ took Sarah’s hand and kissed it.

"Nice to meet you too."

"OK, enough with the flirt fest. You have about twenty other people to meet and they aren’t all going to come out here. Most of them are too lazy. Well, at least the rest of the guys are."

"OK, lets go." AJ agreed and the three of them made their way inside.

"NICKAAYY!!! MEGSSS HOOOOOOME!!!!!" AJ yelled as he walked in the front door.

Nick walked out to where they were standing, "Geez! Think you can be a little louder next tome Bone?"

"Well, I can try, but I’m not sure how successful I am going to be."

"OK, enough of that. Nick, this is Sarah Masterson. Sarah, this is my best friend Nick Carter."

"Hey! Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too Nick."

"Well, you want to come in and meet the rest of the guys?" He gave Megan a knowing glance.


"OK, well right this way." Nick lead them out back to the pool. Did I forget to mention the fact that Nick was in his swim trunks and wearing a muscle shirt? Well, he was. When they got to the back, Aaron and Angel were just about to jump into the pool but upon seeing Megan, decided to tackle her first. They both ran towards her and when she bent down to give them a hugs she was almost knocked down.

Brian, Kevin and Howie were sitting on lawn chairs, with their backs to Megan and Sarah. "Sarah, these cuties are Aaron and Angel, the twins."


"HI!" The twins said at the same time and then turned around and ran back to the pool, this time jumping in.

"And those guys right there are Kevin Richardson, Howie Dorough and that dork on the end….." As Megan said this Brian got up and walked towards the pool.

Upon hearing the word dork he turned around to protest. But when he saw Sarah, whom he recognised he took a step back and ended up falling into the pool. "….That would be Brian Littrell. We’ll just call him Grace."

Everyone was laughing at Brian, who came up sputtering. "Sarah? Sarah Masterson?" He asked as he swam to the edge of the pool."

"Sarah Masterson, I would like to introduce you to the Backstreet Boys."

"You are kidding me, right? That’s the Brian Littrell that I grew up with? And these are the guys that sing on the CD that I bought today?"

"YUP! That would be them."

"Why didn’t you tell me before, when I told you that I knew Brian?"

"I wanted to surprise you."

"You surprised both of us!" Brian said, climbing out of the pool. "Well, Sarah, don’t just stand there. Come and give me a hug!"

"You are out of your mind Littrell. You are SOAKED!!"

"Oh yeah, forgot about that." Brian said sheepishly.

"Oh believe we won’t be letting you forget about that one for a VERY long time Frick" Nick said, still laughing.