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Outside, down on the beach...

They had made their way to 'their' spot on the beach. They both stood and starred out at the ocean for a while. After about five minutes of silence Nick spoke. "Meg?"

"Yeah Nick?" She turned to smile at him.

"I have something to tell you. I really need to tell you."

"Nick you can tell me anything."

"Megan, you have to promise me that you wont over react."

"OK, Nick, I promise I won't over react."

"OK Um...there is no real easy way to say this so I'm just going to blurt it out."

"Blurt away."

"OK. Here it goes. Megan, I love you."


"Do you think he's told her yet?" Shayne question the group.

"I'm not sure, but make note of the time, because I'm sure we'll hear all about it when they get back." Brian said with a smile.

"Brian!" Kaytee grabbed a pillow off the couch and hit her boy friend in the head with it. "Be nice!"

"Yes, ma'am." Brian saluted her with a smile.


Megan turned towards him. She had been watching the waves hit the beach.

All she could do was stare at him. He loved her? The tall, blond guy that she had known since before she could remember, loved her?

They were right. They were all right. Everything that they had said since Brian had made the comment about them being made for each other, the night that her parents had died, had been true. Maybe even before that.

Even Sarah had picked up on it. She had been around them for less then four hours and she had picked up on it. BJ was right. Kaytee was right. Brian was right. AJ was right. Howie was right. Kevin was right. Who else had picked up on it?

BJ and Kaytee had been right about something else too. They had been right about her feelings for him. She didn't know when that whole thing had started. The night she found out about her parents? No, she told herself, it was before that. The Welcome Home party? Yeah that was probably it.

She wasn't sure when she had started having the feelings that she felt, but she knew that she had them. They had been right.

She loved him, too.

She was snapped back into reality. Nick was looking at her, for any reaction at all. "Meg?"

She looked into his eyes. The blue eyes that had always held friendly kindness and laughter. The eyes where, up until that night, she had always only seen brotherly love and teasing. That was all still there, but there was something else that took over all the other emotions. When she looked into his eyes she saw what he had been hiding. She saw the love that she felt in the place of all those other emotions.

She didn't know how she couldn't have seen it before. But there it was, plain as the sand beneath her feet and the surf crashing not twenty feet away from her.

"Meg?" Nick said again. He sounded concerned.

"Nick..."She began. She had to tell him. She shut her mouth and took a deep breath. She started again. "Nick...I - " She was cut off.

"Meg, I will completely understand if you don't feel the same. It was just some thing that I needed to say. I needed to ge-" This time she cut him off.

"Nick!" That got his attention, but he still held his breath, right where he had left off in his sentence. "Nick..." She looked down at the sand. 'It's now or never' "Nick...I...I love you too."

"-t off my chest." he finished his sentence. "What did you say?"

"I said... I love you too." She said it louder this time, but kept looking at the sand that she was standing on.