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"Well, aren't we the happy couple?" Brian asked with a laugh, two weeks later.

"I'd be a lot happier if SOMEONE would stop throwing me in the pool!" Megan exclaimed, looking at Nick.


"Don't put that innocent act on, mister!"

"OK, OK, guilty as charged!" He put his hands up in surrender. "Yeesh!"

"Oh you poor baby!" Kaytee said laughing. She got up and walked over to the edge of the pool, where Nick was standing.

"That's right!" Nick exclaimed. "Meg, you should pay attention to what Kaytee here does!" After he said that Kaytee pushed him into the pool.

When he came up Megan was laughing.

"Maybe I should pat attention to what Kaytee does!"

"That wasn't funny!"

"Yes, it was! In fact, it was extremely funny!"

"Shut up Brian!"

"Sorry, I can't do that man!"

"What's going on out here?" AJ questioned, coming out of the house.

"Nothing, they are just being mean to me."

"Good for you!" Sarah said, coming out from behind AJ.

"Hey, when are Kev and D, and Hallie gonna get here? Kevy wanted us to meet his new girlfriend."

"They should be here in a few minutes. So we better have as much fun as we can now, because we all know that as soon as the old man gets here, fun isn't allowed." Nick said, getting out of the pool and standing on the side, on the opposite side from where everyone else was sitting and with his back to the door that lead out to the pool.

"Is that so?" a deep voice came from behind. Before he knew what was happening, Nick was in the water again. When he came up this time Brian, Kaytee, AJ, Sarah and Megan were laughing hysterically.

"What's so funny? I mean that was funny, but it wasn't THAT funny." Kevin was confused.

"It's OK Kev." Megan, who had started to gain control again, said. "It's just that about two minutes before you pushed Nick in the pool, Kaytee did the same thing."


"Yeah..." Meg noticed the girl standing next to Kevin, looking at them as if they all had six heads and eight arms. "Hi, I'm Megan, but everyone calls me Meg."

"Charmed, I'm sure. I'm Olivia, but I'm sure you already knew that."

'Actually, Kev didn't tell us your name, but that's OK.' Meg thought to herself. Out loud she said; "It's nice to meet you. The girl over there with Brian and Nick is Brian's girlfriend and my best friend, Kaytee. And the girl permanently attached to AJ, is one of my friends and an old friend of Brian's, Sarah."

"When is D gonna be here?"

"He had to pick up Hallie, but the should be here soon." Howie and Hallie had been going out for about three weeks. They had all met her and liked her.

"That's cool." Megan watched Olivia while she and Kevin talked. Her attention wasn't on Kevin when he spoke, unlike Kaytee, or Megan herself, who always paid attention to what their boyfriends were saying. No, her attention was on one of their boy friends, Nick to be exact.

"Is this a private party or can anyone join?"

"Hey, Shayne! Come on out!" Megan smiled at her friend. "Guys this is Kev's girlfriend, Olivia. Olivia this is Nick's little sister and Kaytee's little brother, BJ and Shayne. We aren't exactly sure what they are, but we know that they are there."

Shayne shot her an evil look before saying hello to Olivia and sitting down on one of the lawn chairs sitting around the pool at the Carter house.

BJ followed his lead, and after saying hello, went and sat next to Meg.

Howie and Hallie had arrived shortly after Kevin and Olivia. The girls, with the exception of Olivia were all sitting on lawn chairs, talking.

"What do you think of Olivia?" Kaytee asked, making sure that her voice was low enough that the topic of conversation couldn't hear what she was saying.

"She is... ridged. And I don't like the way that she acts around Kev. She doesn't pay attention to anything that he says...."

"She gets sidetracked." BJ observed. They all watched for a moment as Kevin was talking to Nick and Brian, Olivia at his side. But she wasn't giving him any of her attention. She was too busy starring at Nick.

"I'm guessing that she's more interested in what Nick is wearing, or rather, not wearing, then she is in what Kev has to say." Sarah said.

Hallie nodded. "No kidding. She's been starring at him since we got here."

"And before." Kaytee said.

They all turned to Megan. "What?"

"You can't honestly tell us that you haven't noticed that too." BJ said.

"Not really...." Megan started. All of her friends gave her disbelieving looks. "....OK...OK.... I admit that I have noticed that she has been starring at him since she got here, but a lot of people do."

"Um...Meg I hate to break it to you, but most of those people are like 10. They know they have no chance. This Olivia chick looks like she's never been deprived of anything that she's wanted." Sarah whispered.

"Yeah, and it's not like she know that he's hands off material, or anything." Kaytee pointed out.

"Wait a minute!" BJ exclaimed quietly. "She doesn't know that you two are together? Didn't he introduce you as his girlfriend?"

"Well, no, I introduced myself and at that point I didn't think that she was interested in who I was."

"Well, maybe you should kinda give her the idea that she better back off."

"And how do you purpose I do that?"

"I don't know, but you better do it fast. Cause she could move in on him at anytime."

As much as she hated to admit it, her friends were right. Olivia didn't know that she and Nick were a couple and from the way she was looking him up and down, she had no interest in Kevin. The object of her affection, or lust rather was the tall blond standing next to her in nothing but his swim trunks.

"OK. But how am I suppose to give her the idea, with out making a scene?"

"I don't know. Just act like you always do with each other. And I know that either one of you have a problem with making out in public. And since we are at Nick's house, this isn't exactly public, so you really shouldn't have a problem with it." Kaytee said.

Megan got up and walked over to where Nick, Kevin, Brian and Olivia were standing. "Hey Megs!" Brian said, smiling. Megan looked in his eyes and she could tell he knew what was going on with Olivia.

"Hi, Rok."

"Um...Meg can I talk to you for a sec?" Brian asked after they stood there for a minute.

"Sure Bri." Nick shot her a questioning look before turning back to Kevin and Olivia. 'Now he chooses acknowledge my presence.' Meg thought as she followed Brian away from the trio.

"Ok, Meg. I don't like this. I don't like this at all."

"No kidding. It's kinda sad that Kevin hasn't noticed yet. He doesn't deserve that."

"Yeah I know. But I think that you should probably try and give her the idea that Nick is not up for grabs. And it looks to me like she would grab him if she had the chance."

"I know. The girls said the same thing. I'm not exactly sure how to do it though, with out making it obvious that I'm trying to show her that we are together."

"Why don't you pull him over to the side, and then kiss him of something? I mean, make it look like you are having a meaning full conversation and then kiss him."

She could see how that would work. "Thanks Bri! I knew you were good for something! Kaytee and the others couldn't figure anything out. Thanks!"

She gave him a quick hug and they walked back over to Kevin, Olivia and Nick.

"Nick, can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked sweetly.

"Yeah, sure Megs." He turned to Kevin. "Excuse me. The girlfriend calls."

He turned and let Megan guide him by the hand she had grabbed when he heard him say girlfriend.

The look on Olivia's face was one of shock. But she quickly covered it. The only people who hadn't see it were Kevin and Nick.

Megan and Nick walked over to where she and Brian had talked only a few minutes before. "What's up? You and Brian have a nice talk?"

"I guess. Nothings up. I was just wondering what you think of Olivia."

"She's OK, I guess. Personally, I think that she wears too much makeup and that she needs to pay more attention to people when they talk."

"She pays a lot of attention to you when Kevin talks." Megan said under her breath.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing. It's not important. "

"Meg, you know I love you, right?"

Megan looked up at him. He was standing about a foot away from her, his blue eyes focused on her face. He had his hands resting on her sides. He was inching closer to her.

"Yeah, I know, Nick. I know. I love you too." He smiled at her and kissed her lightly on the lips.

Megan could feel someone watching them and knew it was Olivia. She didn't care. Nick was her boy friend and she has every right to kiss him in his back yard, if she chose to do so. She reached up and put her arms around Nick's neck, pulling herself closer to him, deepening the kiss they shared.

Olivia stood watching them, almost sick to her stomach. 'I can't believe he is going out with her', she though.

"Olivia?" Kevin said, trying to get his girlfriends attention. He noticed her watching something and followed her gaze. "Oh... I see. They are a cute couple, aren't they?"

This got her attention. "Oh yes.... Adorable."