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Chapter Seven

"Nick?" Megan asked.

They were sitting in his room watching TV and relaxing after everyone had gone home later that night.

"Yeah, Megs?"

"Did you notice anything strange about the way Olivia acted?"

"What do you mean? Other then the fact that she doesn't pay much attention to Kevin when he talks, I didn't notice anything."

Megan sat up from where she had been in his arms. She turned to face him.

"Your kidding me? Right?"

"What are you talking about?"

"She was gawking at you all afternoon and you didn't notice? There is something wrong with that!"

"What do you mean, she was gawking at me all afternoon?"

"Nick, the reason she didn't pay attention to what Kevin was saying was she was much more interested in your clothing, or should I say lack there of. I could feel her watching us when you kissed me."

"What?! Are you saying that Kevin's girlfriend is just using him to get to me?"

"It's possible. Considering that no one except our friends know that we are together. She might have thought that if she got in with one of them, she could get to you."

"I can't believe this!" Nick got up and started pacing. After about five minutes of that he turned to where Megan was still seated on his bed. "And what if she is using him to get to me? Don't you trust me? Don't you trust me not to fall for her games?" He had stopped in front of her and was had his hands on her houlders, like he was ready to shake her.

"Nick, of COURSE I trust you! I just wanted to know that you weren't completely blind to what was going on. Nick, I love you, and I trust you. I wanted you to see the way her mind was working. And I'm glad that I brought it up, because you obviously didn't notice that until the point that you said I was your girlfriend she thought she had you in the palm of her hand."

She was upset. Understandably so. She stood up and walked out of the room with out another word. Nick stared at the door after she all but slamed it shut behind her.

"Why did I have to question her trust? That was stupid, Carter. Really stupid. Now she's gonna go to sleep mad at me. And wake up still pissed off. This is just great!" He fell back on his bed, ignoring the television set that was still blaring.