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"Wow..." Was all that Jane Carter could say when Nick and Megan told her what had happened the next day. They showed her the note and waited for some motherly advice.

"Yeah I know. Megan came to my room in tears. We decided that although it said nothing about her, it would be safest if BJ didn't sleep in there last night. So I left her a note. That's why she was in the guest room this morning."

"Good thinking." She turned to Megan, who was clinging to Nick as if her life depended on it. "I'm sorry sweety. This shouldn't be happening. I guess it's a good thing you guys are going back on tour."

"What are we gonna do until we leave, though?" Nick asked.

"Well, I guess we are going to have to be extra careful. Make sure to set the alarms, and if we see any one suspicious, call the police."

"Is that all we can do?"

"Right now, I think that's about it. Also, just to be on the safe side, when you two are in public, you might want to just act like friends. Who ever sent you this is watching while you are out and about. I don't know how the note got into the house...."

"I'm not sure I want to know..." Megan said.

"Yeah no kidding. But maybe they weren't in the house, maybe they gave it to some one and had them put in the house." Jane suggested.

"Who would do that? I know that the guys, Kaytee, Shayne, Sarah and Hallie wouldn't do anything like that, especially if they knew what it said."

"Nick... you left out someone....Olivia." Megan said.

"You don't think that she would do sometihng like that, do you?" Jane asked.

"Well, we don't know her very well, and she was eyeing Nick yesterday. And if she didn't know what the note said then she might. I'm not saything that she's to blame, but if the person that wrote that note wasn't in the house, which I hope they weren't, then the only logical answer is that someone brought it in for them. We know that everyone else wouldn't do it no matter what....but we don't know that for sure of Olivia."

Nick looked at Megan and then at his mom. "It makes sense to me. Of all the people here yesterday, she is the one mostly likely to put the note in their room without knowing what it said."

"Well, we can't jump to conclusions, but I'll think about that. You two should probably tell everyone else about it, including Olivia and see if she reacts at all."

"Ok.... Come one Megs, lets go call everyone and have them come here. It'll be easier in person."

"If you say so..."

One and a half hours later there were 12 people sitting in the Carter's living room. Brian, Kaytee, AJ, Sarah, Howie, Hallie, Kevin, Olivia, Shayne and BJ had no idea why Nick had asked then all to come over on such short notice.

"Frack, man, what's this about?" Brian asked.

"Well, last night after everyone was gone, Meg went to bed and found a note. She came to my room crying."

"What did it say?!?" Sarah and Kaytee said almost in unison.

"Guys, it was a....a....death threat." The last two words were barely audible.

"A WHAT?!?!?" AJ all but blew up.

"A death threat." Megan said, trying hard not to start crying again.

"Holy shit....." was all that Kevin could manage.

"Yeah, no kidding." The girls immediately all got up and walked over to Megan. All accept Olivia, that is. She stayed planted in her seat, and starred out into space.

"Is that why you didn't want me to sleep in our room last night?" BJ asked Megan.

"Yeah. It didn't say anything about you in it but we wanted to make sure."

"You still have it?" Howie asked. Nick handed him the paper. After he read it he handed it to Kevin.

Kevin got up from where he was sitting after reading it and walked over to the window. "A death threat. Whoa.....that's......damn...."

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Train. Who the hell would give sweet little Megs a death threat?!" AJ asked.

"That guy..... Or was it the girl in the car he got into....?" Olivia started talking for the first time since Nick dropped the news.

"What are you talking about. Olivia?" Brian asked, as nicly as possible.

She looked up from the spot she had been concentrating on and looked, first at Nick and then to the group of girls huddled around. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights of an on coming car. "I'm sorry, I didn't know what it said. He just asked me to put it some where you would find it. He told me not to read it, so I didn't. If I had I would have told you about it." She started rambling.

Kevin turned around and looked at his girlfriend in disbelief. He walked over to her and grabbed on to her shoulders, making her look him in the eye.

"Who gave you the note?"

"A guy. When I went back to the car to grab my bag, before we came in. He asked if I was going in the house. I told him yes. He asked me to put the note someplace where Megan would find it. There was a girl in the passanger seat."

"A guy....?!? Talk about weird." Nick said, turning around. That's when he saw Megan's face. "What's wrong?"

"Olivia, what did he look like?"

"He was just a guy...."

Megan got up from where she was sitting and walked over to Olivia. Kevin had let go of her by then. "God damnnit! What did he look like?! Hair.... hieght.....anything!!!!!" She almost yelled in the older girls face.

"Um... Dark hair, brown, I think..... He was pretty tall.....Not at tall as Kevin or Nick, but pretty tall..... I think his eyes were either blue or green....."

Megan just stood and stared into nothingness. "Oh shit...." was all she could say before everything went black. Luckily Kevin caught her before she fit her head on the coffee table.