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"This is not right! I can’t see where I’m going!" Megan Bradford said to Kaytee Mills. Her friend smiled at her, as they walked.

"Yeah, but I guess this is what we get for knowing these guys."

"You mean this is what you get for going out with Brian Littrell and what I get for my best friend being Nick Carter."

"Well, yeah, that too." Both girls laughed.

Brian, who, with Nick, had been walking behind the two girls while they were talking, now caught up with them. "What’s so funny?"

"Nothing. I was just telling Kaytee that, had I known that I was going to be coming here and be blinded by camera flashes, I would have thought twice before going next door and accepting Nick’s offer to play with him the first day that I met him." Megan said, laughing.

The couple stopped and posed for a picture. The group was walking up the red carpet at the MTV Europe Awards. Howie, Kevin and AJ were walking in front of the two girls and occationally stopped for pictures, and comments.

As Megan watched the couple pose for a few more pictures she, smiled and sighed. "What’s wrong Meg?" Nick asked, coming up behind her.

"Oh nothing. They just look so happy. I hope that I will find someone that will love me like that."

‘I love you like that’ he thought, but instead said, "You will, don’t worry."

"HEY NICK!!!! OVER HERE!!!!" a photographer yelled. He amazingly knew English. Nick turned toward the voice and wrapped his arms around Megan from behind. "GREAT PICTURE!!! THANKS!!!"

By now the rest of the group had reached the entrance to the building, were inside, watching the other two and waiting.

"Hey Meg! Cute picture." Kaytee said when she and Nick caught up.

"I could say the same thing about you and Brian, so shut up and lets go sit down." They all decided that she had a good idea and went to find their seats. Megan ended up between Nick and Brian, with Kaytee on Brian’s other side. "Aren’t I just the lucky one?" She said sarcastically, and more to herself then anyone else.

"What? You don’t like us anymore?" Nick asked, with puppy dog eyes.

"It’s not that. It’s just that, now I get to here you two snicker about how hot you think Mariah Carey is."

"Brian! Do you really think that she’s pretty?" Kaytee asked, while elbowing Brian in the ribs.

"Yes, but not as pretty as you are." He kissed her on the tip of her nose. "By the way, that hurt."

"Oh, you poor baby."

"Yeah, that’s right." Kaytee laughed at her boyfriend.

The seven of them sat, talked, and waited. Soon the lights began to dim and the audience was quieting down. Kaytee rested her head on Brian’s shoulder.

Nick looked at Megan. She was sitting straight up in her chair and watching the host of the show, Ronan Keating.

"You think that guys is interesting?" He whispered to her.

"No, I’m just having trouble with two, no make that three things. #1, I’m trying to figure out what he is saying. #2, trying to figure out how anyone could be screaming over him. And #3 trying to figure out if they could have made these seats any less comfortable."

"Here this might help with that last one." He leaned her head against his shoulder and put his arm around her waist. "That better?" She nodded and turned back to the stage.

They all went back to the hotel happy. The guys presented an award to Jon Bon Jovi, won the award for best dance video and gave a great performance. But, by the end of the night, after all the after parties that AJ and Howie had insisted on them all attending, they were beat.

They were so tired that when the four of them, Nick, Megan, Brian, and Kaytee got to Nick and Brian’s hotel room they collapsed. Well at least Brian and Kaytee did. They fell asleep instantly on Brian’s bed and Megan didn’t have the energy or the will power to go to the room that the two girls were sharing.

She borrowed a t-shirt and a pair of boxers from Nick and they fell asleep as soon as they got into the bed.

"YES!! We are going HOME!!!" AJ yelled.

"Gee, you’d think he wanted to go home or something." Megan said to Kaytee. They laughed.

"Hey AJ, didn’t you hear? They extended the tour for another month." Nick said.

"You are so NOT funny, Nicky." AJ called back.

"He doesn’t care about getting home. He just can’t wait to get back to this girlfriend that he claims to have." Nick said.

"I heard that Carter," They all laughed.

"Come on people, we do have a plane to catch if we want to get AJ, his hormones, and the rest of us back to the States." Kevin said, walking towards the terminal.

"Kevin, you haven’t changed at all." Kaytee said.

"Thanks………….I think." They all grabbed their stuff and follow Kevin to the terminal.


The seating arrangement: Window; Howie, AJ: Aisle; Kevin, Nick, Megan, Brian, Kaytee: Aisle; Denise, Lonnie; Window.

"How do I get suck in the middle of the plane, between you two all the time?" Megan asked Nick as they settled.

"Your just lucky I guess."

"Oh yeah, just sooooo lucky."


Nick and Brian looked across Megan and at eachother. Megan imediatly recognised the look of mischif that they both wore. "Uhhh, guys? Should I be scared right now?"

They didn’t say anything, well at least not to her directly. "READY OR NOT FLORIDA HERE WE COME!!!!" They both yelled.

Megan just looked at both of them. "Gee I don’t think that the National Gaurd was ready for that one, let alone the two of you. Oh and by the way, it’s not like yelling at the top of your lungs is going to attract any attention or anything."

"Oh be quiet Megs!" Brian said with a smile.

"Yeah, be quiet Megs!" Nick said teasingly.

"Oh who asked you?" Nick looked around, then at Brian for help. He got none. "No one that’s who. Now shut up and sit still. How’s a girl to get any sleep if her pillow keeps moving?"

They laughed and eventually everyone fell asleep