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Faith's POV

I'm not sure how much time has passed since this thing stopped. At least two hours.

Alex and Brian have been talking non stop and she has calmed down a lot.

I'm pretty sure that the others have noticed we are gone and considering Alex was suppose to meet her sister and hour and a half ago, the poor girl is probably beside herself with worry.

Suddenly I felt a vibration in my pocket. My pager! I had totally forgotten that I had it with me. I took it out of my pocket and turned on the backlight and looked the message. I scrolled through and read the message. 'Fai, we got help. I've got T. Luv ya, Nick.'

"Thank God!"

"What's up Faith?" Brian asked.

"Nick just paged me. Tommy's OK and Nick got help."

"Good old Nicky Boy. Could always count on him."

"Nick? As in, like, Nick Carter?" Alex asked, once again excited.

"The one and only!" Brian laughed.

"Nick Carter just paged you?"

"Yup." I had to smile.


"So it wouldn't be cool if I paged her?"

"Oh yeah, sorry Brian. I forgot."

"Bri, if I were you, I'd take that as a compliment if I were you. It means you're still normal." I looked at Alex. "Well somewhat."

"Hey! I resent that!"

"I'm sure you do."

Ten minutes later...

There was a sudden jerk of the elevator and the lights flickered back on. A moment later we started moving down. Alex, Brian and I stood up and gathered our things. Fifteen minutes after Nick paged me, the door to the elevator opened and we were greeted by all of the guys and a girl who was standing next to Nick, who had Tommy.

"Kallie!" Alex launched herself out of the elevator and at the girl. I was close behind her, walking over to Nick and Tommy.

"Alex, thank God you're OK." Kallie said, hugging Alex.

"How's my baby boy?" I asked, when I reached Nick.

"I'm doing pretty well." Nick answered. I rolled my eyes at him and took Tommy from his arms.

"You're this little cutie's mom?" Kallie asked me.

"Yeah." She looked at the baby and then at Nick. "It's not his. Tommy's father looks a lot like him, but it's not Nick's." I said, before she could open her mouth and say what I know she was thinking.

Kallie smiled at me, still holding onto Alex.

I looked around me. I caught sight of a pad of paper sitting on the counter. "Hey, Bri. I think you have something that you owe this young lady."

He looked at me for a moment and then remembered what I was talking about. "You're right. Where the paper?"

"Right over there hun." I pointed him in the direction of the counter and he walked in that direction.

"Ok, I'm confused." Kallie said.

"OK. Brian, " Alex started, pointing in Brian's direction. "and Faith are married. Tommy's father is a jerk, right?" I nodded. "Brian adopted Tommy."

"OK. I think I've got it."

Just then Brian re-joined us, with a pad of paper, which he handed to Nick, who scrawled his name and passed it on to Kevin. Soon all of the guys had signed the paper and it was back in Brian's hands. Brian walked over to where Kallie and Alex were standing and handed the paper to the younger girl. "This are for you."

"Yeah for having to put up with him for 2 hours." Nick said.

"Thanks Frack." Brian said sarcastically.

"At least she didn't have to spend them with you." Destiny said, speaking for the first time since we had stepped off the elevator.

"Children, children, be nice." Kevin and I said at the same time.

"I can't believe that just happened." Alex said.

“Believe it. It happens all the time.” Hope said, from next to Kevin.

“Shut up, Hope. It does not.” I turned to Alex. “These two girls are my two best friends, Hope and Destiny.”

“Faith, Hope and Destiny?” Alex questioned.

“That’s what I said when I furst met her. But I wouldn’t say anything to her about. It’s a touchy subject.”

“Speaking of which, we had better get going before the photographer flips out.” Kevin said.

“If it hasn’t happened yet, I don’t think it will.” I said.

“Still, we are gonna have to book it to make it there at all.”

“We need to get going as well. I’ve left the subjects in the lerch for long enough.” Kallie said, looking at Alex and then at Brian and I. “Thanks for taking care of Alex for me.”

“Not a problem. We’ll see you around Alex.”

“You better believe it!” the girl said with a smile as she allowed her sister to guide her out of the lobby and towards the street.

“Come on everyone! We are gonna have to haul some major ass.” Kevin said. We all groaned and followed him out to where the vans were parked.

“Where have you all been?!?!?!” It was the first thing that we heard when we got out of the van. It was the Boys’ tour manager, Nina.

“Um... well, Brian and Faith kinda got stuck in an elevator with a younger girl and the people at the front desk of the hotel have the collective IQ of a piece of barkdust. So it took about two hours to get them down.” Nick explained, walking right past her and towards the building. Everyone else followed suit. There wasn’t anyone around, and no one knew where we were going, but there was no way that any of us were going to take the chance of being recognised.

“Well, I guess there is nothing we can do about that. And it doesn’t really matter, because the photographer hasn’t shown up yet. But I guess that she is on her way. Family problem, at least that’s what they told me.”

“Who will be shooting us today?” AJ asked, a grin on his face.

“This one is new. In fact she is actually still a student, but does marvalous work, so we decided to give it a try.”

“Sounds good to me.”

By then we were in the lobby of the building where the shoot was being held. “I think I’ll be taking the stairs.” I said.

“I second that.” Brian said.

Nina laughed. “Well the shoot is on the third floor, so it’s not that long of a hike, plus these elevators take forever. It’s faster to take the stairs.”