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Part Four: Long Lost Friends

Anya got off the plane and looked around. She spotted two familiar faces. They didn’t see her though. She also saw the face that she had been studying on the plane and in Kentucky. It was time to put their plan into action.

She walked up to the group of guys and made sure that Nick saw her. She then threw her arms around his neck. “NICKY!!!! It’s soooo great to see you again!”

“Hey Anny! It’s great to see you too!” He returned the hug. They let go of each other and turned to the others. They were completely confused. Kevin and Brian just stared at them.

“Hey, Nicky, these two guys look familiar.”

“Well, that’s Kevin Richardson and Brian Littrell. They’re cousins and from Kentucky, just like you.”

“I used to know a Kevin and a Brian, but they both moved out here and never spoke to me again.”

“Oh really? Well, I don’t think that these guys are the ones you know. These two would never do anything like that. Would ya guys?”

“Shut up Nick.” Brian snapped. “I guess we deserve that, though.” He said and turned to Anya.

“You guess?” Anya asked, eyebrow arched.

“I think what he means to say is that we are very lucky that you don’t hurt us severely.” Kevin piped up. “We’re sorry, Ans. We just got really busy with the group and everything. We just lost touch.”

“You just lost touch? I haven’t heard from you in almost four years and you just ‘lost touch’? Don’t try and pull that kinda crap on me mister.”

“We are sorry. Really, really, really sorry.” Brian started, turning on his puppy dog face. “Can you forgive us? Pleeeease?”

“Brian don’t do that! You know that I can’t resist it when you do that.”

“I think that’s why he’s doing it.” Nick said from behind her.

“Pleeease? Please, please, please, please, please?” Brian pouted some more.

“OK!!! I forgive you, but only because I hate to see grown men beg.” She smiled and gave them each a hug. “It is good to see you guys though.”

“It’s good to see you too, Ans.” Kevin smiled at her.

“So…where’s the rest of the Backstreet Squad? I gotta check these guys out.” Anya asked as they began walking towards the baggage claim.

“What, Nicky boy not good enough for ya?” Brian asked as he ruffled Nick’s hair.

“Yeah, am I not good enough for ya?”

“No , it’s not that, I’m just gonna have to check everyone out and see who’s more my style.”

“Anya, I know what your style is, and it’s not AJ and it’s definitely not Howie.” Kevin said. The baggage claim carousal started turning and Anya began looking for her bag.

“Now that I come to think of it, it’s not really Nick either.” Brian looked thoughtful.

“Then who is it?” Anya asked, her arms crossed over her chest.

“I don’t know, but I have the feeling that we are going to find out while you are down here.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Not at all, we want to know.”

“Yeah, that way they can keep all the guys that are your type away from you so they can have you all to themselves.” Nick said.

“YUP!” The cousins answered with a laugh. Anya spotted her bag and grabbed it as it went by. Kevin grabbed it from her, while Brian picked up her carry-on.

“Guys, I’m not sure how I feel about that…” Anya said as they walked towards the EXIT.