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The Things We Do For Friendship

This is a story about Brian and his best friend, Natalie. What happens when they meet after not seeing eachother in almost four years? How does he feel about the new person in her life?

This story revoleves mostly around Brian, although all of the guys and the guys of * N SYNC are major parts of the story too.

It is all in Brian's point of veiw.

Prologue: The Past

The Stage

The Surprise

The Reunion

The Other Special Someone

The Introduction

The Music

The Goodnight

The Proposition

The Truth

The Phone Call

The Future

The Pain

The Reality

The Travel Plans

The Talk

The Tradition

The Press Conference

The Airport

That's it! The story is over! I have started a sequel to it, and am contimplating making this into a series of stories, but I want to know what you think!
E-mail me and tell me what you think I should do!

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