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The Other Special Someone

Once we are done with dinner and Nick and Justin have eaten a mud pie (the whole thing), we head for the hotel.

When we get there, instead of going all the way to the top floor, we stop at the ninth floor. "OK, you guys are probably going to be shocked." Natalie says as she slips her key in the lock.

As soon as the door is open, a little girl no older then four, comes flying at Natalie. "MOMMY!!!!" Natalie bends down to pick the little girl up. She has Natelie’s curly blond, but it is a little darker then her mom’s. And instead of her mother’s blue-green eyes, this little girl has bright blue eyes.

"Hey, Sweety" she says as she kisses the little girl on the cheek, "Guys, this is Brianna, (Bri- anna) she’s my….." she looks at JC and then me. "….she’s my daughter."

"Hi!" She smiles at us. She is sooo adorable. She reached her arms out to me.

"You want to hold her? She seems to want you to!"

"Yeah sure." I take Brianna from Natalie.

As soon as I have her she wraps her arms around my neck, and whispers in my ear "Hi Bwian." I must look shocked because Nick pushes me to follow the others into the room that Natalie was leading everyone into.

"Hi. Jenna! How was she?"

"Good as always," as she says this, all of us guys fill in behind Nat. "Whoa. How many guys did you pick up off the street tonight?"

"None. I’ve known all of these guys for years, but I’ve known Brian, Kevin and Lance here since I was in diapers" she turned around to face us. "Guys, this is….." she smiles. "Way too crowded! Can we go somewhere else?"

"Yeah" I say, still in shock of the little girl in my arms. "We can go up to our floor. We are the only people up there, We can open all the doors and hang out in the hall."

"OK, lets go!" She took Brianna from me and nodded for Jenna to come with us. We left the room and waited for the elevator. When it got to the floor we were on we all pile on and I insert my room key so that we can go to the top. I turn back around and see the Brianna is smiling at me.