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The Proposition

"Do you think you could manage the duty of Godfather?"

"Are you asking me what I think your asking me?"

"If anything happens to me, which is possible, I want to know that my little girl is safe, happy, and loved. The only way I can be completely sure about that is if I know she’s with you. Brian, I’m asking you if you would take the responsibility of being Brianna’s godfather."

"I would be honored. Who wouldn’t want that little cutie as a goddaughter?"

"Well then it is settled. I’ll get it taken care of as soon as I can. You have no idea what this means to me. I almost asked Kevin. But I decided that, although I love Kevin like a brother, I would feel better if I knew she was with you. That way I wouldn’t have to worry about her. That way if something happens to me I will know that she will have fun growing up." I laugh with her. She is always complaining that Kevin doesn’t know how to have fun. It is sorta a joke between us.

"Well, she wouldn’t be allowed to date, if she was lucky, until she was like 40. That is if she lived with Kev. Me, I’d let her start dating the day she turned 25." Nat laughs.

"I haven’t decided on that one yet but it wont be for a long time!"

"When’s her birthday?" I want to know these things about my soon-to-be goddaughter.

"Well, actually, it’s kinda strange………"


"Well, your first birthday after our fight I was going call you and wish you a Happy Birthday. I was also going to apologize. Well, as soon as I picked up the phone my water broke and I went into labor." "So what your saying is that she was born on my 20th birthday?"

"Well, yeah."

"OK I don’t think I’ll have a problem remembering that." I realized something. This little girl was exactly like me. She was a small, young, female version of me.

"I’m really surprised at her."

"What do you mean?"

"I’m surprised at how much she’s like you. She had never met you until tonight, but I had shown her pictures of us when we were growing up. I have also pointed you out in pictures we see in magazines, and on TV. So now when ever she sees you on TV, she runs in to the room that I am in and yell ‘Mommy, Mommy! It’s Bwian! It’s Bwian!’ then I have to go and watch whatever you guys are doing. Not that I mind. She just seems to click with you. She is really funny too, always making faces like you use to when we were younger. And……"

"And what?"

"Well, I didn’t notice it until tonight, but she looks a lot like you. Her hair is the same color and her father’s eyes weren’t that blue. You are the only person I know that has that color of eyes. When I look at her, for some reason I think of you."

"You know what? Nick said something to me earlier tonight about Brianna looking a lot like me."

"He was a lot like you, her father. You know him. You spend a great deal of time with him."