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Double Trouble

Hey everyone! This is Meg, and I just wanted to see what you all would think of my *N SYNC story, should I put it up? So here you go! Here is a.....preview of it. Read on and decided. Then tell me what you think! Should I or shouldn't I?


Justin was confused.

What was his mom trying to tell him?

He had a sister.....?

What's more, she was his twin?

She had to be kidding him, right?

This was some cruel joke that she found amusing?

Not that he didn't want a sister. It's just that he was 18 years old, he had his friends, his fans, his singing...........and now he had a twin sister.


Justine was confused.

She knew that the people that she was living with weren't her parents, they never were. But now Paige was telling her who her parents were.

When she had been taken to her first foster home, she had kept her last name, the one that she had been born to, Timberlake.

When the music group, *N SYNC had made it's debut, all of her friends had automatically noticed that she had the same last name as it's then 17 year old member, Justin. And now the person who had raised her for the past 2 years was telling her that she was not only related to the singing sensation, she was his twin sister?

Justin and Justine? Was that some cruel twist of fate, or what?


OK, now that you have read the preveiw, read the story! Here you go!

Enjoy and tell me what you think!

*Characters and Story Setup*

*Chapter 1 - "Wha-?"*

*Chapter 2 - Confused Yet?*

*Chapter 3 - That's Weird*

*Chapter 4 - Picking On The Blond*

*Chapter 5 - The Jokes On Justin (But He Doesn't Know That)*

*Chapter 6 - Endings and Beginnings

*Chapter 7 - Meeting

*Chapter 8 - Setting Up The Party

*Chapter 9 - Agreeing

*Chapter 10 - The Beginning

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