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May 28,2001:
OK, I have made an executive decision about 'Love Will Win... It Always Does'. The story will be on hiatus until I get back from my trip to Costa Rica, for a number of resons. 1.), I don't have the time to really work on it right now with the end of school so close and 2.) I'm stuck on the story line. This way I can work on it while I'm in Costa Rica and be ready to update when I get back.
This doesn't mean that the site is on hiatus until then. I will be posting stories that I have started in collaberation with a few people. These will include the girl I am writing 'Undercover' with, my friend Sarah, Muzic, who I am talking with again, our very own Gabby, and maybe even Jess, who I have recently got back in touch with. I am trying to get ahead on as many of these stories as possible so that I can easily update when I get the chance to in Costa Rica.
Well, I think that's about it for now,
Peace, Luv, and Backstreet,

March 11,2001:
Hey there! I've got some important info on the updates within the next few weeks. Here's the deal: My mom is coming up from Costa Rica on Friday, I will be with her for a week. Then the week after that I will be in California for Spring Break. This means that I may not be able to do big updates for a while. Jen will most likely update her story, but other then that, I may not get to update much. If I get to a computer at anytime, I will try to update some of the other author's stories, but I'm not making any promises. When I get back there will be two more authors on the site and I promise that I will have chapter 16 of Love Will Win... ready to go!
Thanks for understanding!
Happy Reading, Peace, Luv, and Backstreet,

March 4,2001:
Hey everyone! We have reached capacity when it comes to Site Authors. I know there are only 9 up right now, but we do have a tenth one set up, and she should be up in the very near furture. So if you want your story up on this site then hosting is your only other option right now.
Um... I think that's about it, so I'll talk to you later!
Peace, Luv and Backstreet!

February 11,2001:
We have yet another new Site Author. But that's not the reason that I had you come here. What I need is help from you the readers. As I have said before, with the help of Jen we will be able to open the hosted section of this site again. Now here's where I'm going to need help. I need help making graphics for the stories. Graphics? By that I mean banners, like on 'Love Will Win... It Always Does'. I will need one for every hosted story what we put up, if the author doesn't provide one for us. I already have a few of the Authors helping me with this, but I thought that I would give you all a chance to help with the site too.
A side note to those of you interested in having your stories hosted: Start getting you story ready to send, because we will be launching that part of the site again soon.
If you think that you would like to help us with the graphic, just look at the requirements page. If you can meet those requirements, when go ahead and e-mail us.

January 21,2001:
Hi there! OK... we have a new e-mail address on the site, besides Mandy's.> is a new e-mail address where you can reach all of the Site Authors with one e-mail. But PLEASE only e-mail that address if you want all of us to read what you wrote. If you want to e-mail only one of us then use our individual addresses. If you e-mail us at the above account then we will all read it... so just remember that when you mail us there.
Well, I think that's about it... if you have any questions please feel free to mail me. And remember that I, Megan, am still the Webmistress of this site and I do all of the HTML on it. I hope to get Jen, the girl who won the Band Contest, and one of our up and coming Site Authors, to start helping me with that soon. But until then it's all, so any problems with links and other things need to be brought to my attention, so please e-mail my personal address for that kind of thing.

December 17,2000:
Hey everyone! Ok, here's the deal... I'm leaving tomorrow night at 7:00 for Costa Rica to spend Christmas with my mom. Those of you that have been coming to this page for a while know that I spent a month with her during the summer. This time it's only two weeks. This means that during that time I will not be able to update the stories... at least not my stories, I might be able to update the other Authors Stories if they e-mail them to me.
I will still be able to check my e-mail so I still want you all to send me feedback. I will also start taking notes for a story that I have in mind to tell you about my expeariences down there.
Another thing that I want to announce is that I can't get ahold of the winner of the Band Name contest. So... you are reading this and your AOL screen name used to be JenClassOf2000, you are the contest winner and I would really love for you to e-mail me so we can talk about the details.
So, this is good bye for now, and I hope to talk to all of you before I get back and update. I hope that everyone has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, AND A VERY HAPPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Peace, love and BSB- Megz

November 5,2000:
OK, I'd like to say congratulations to Jen, the winner of the Band Names contest. We haven't figured out what she is exactly going to get for winning, but we are working on it. So... I guess you are probably wondering what the name of the band is going to be... drum roll please......:::DRUM ROLL:::
Illusion is the name that most of you voted for.
Well, I think that's about it for now... I'll talk to you all later!

October 22,2000:
OK, there are a few things that I need to let you know about.
1. I need you all to give me your votes for the band names. I need more votes, or I wont be able to come to a winner. Please, please, please send me your votes, on those.
2. Gabby needs your help naming her new story. There is a little bit of it on her page, so please, go check it out and give her some suggestions on what she should call it.
3. We have two new Site Authors- Erin and Anya. Erin has been on the site for a few weeks, but Anya's page just went up yesterday. They both have great stories that I've started to put up. They have profiles so you can go find out more about them. Please e-mail me and tell me what you think of their stories, as well as e-mailing them with feedback. I need to know how you like the additions to our family here.
Well, I think that's about it. Talk to you all later, and Happy Reading.

September 4,2000:
Hey everyone!

I know, I know, it's been forever since I've updated, I'm sorry, but I'm sorking on getting the site up and running again, bigger and better then it was before angelfire totally screwed it up. I hope to have it in shape by the time I start school.

I've made the decision to not host any more stories. I will continue with the ones that are already on the site, but I'm not going to take any more on. I'm doing this because I have so much to do with the site already, with just the stories that I'm writing and the ones I'm posting for the site authors, and with school starting, I don't need any more stress then I already have.

As some of you may know, I just got back from spending a month in Costa Rica with my mother. Please don't e-mail me and ask how my trip was. I'm planning on writing a story based on it, but not until I get caught up on the stories that I have up right now, and some others that I have started but haven't posted yet.

I have another web site that I've started, dedicated to stopping the fighting that goes on between Backstreet and NSYNC fans. If you would like to take a look at it the addy is

Please check it out and tell me what you think of it. It's something that I really believe in and I hope that someday the fighting will stop.

Um... oh yeah!

I've narrowed the names for the Band Story once again. From the e-mails that you all sent me here are the top six choices

Angel Mist
Perfect Angels
and Hearts Delight.

Now, from these I would like to narrow is down one more time before I take the final poll. I would like to have it down to three by September 15, and the name chosen by October 1st. So if you could mail me with your top two choices, I would really appricate it.