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Fan Fiction Links

This is where I have all the links to other great fan fiction sites, of ALL kinds. If you would like me to put you site link up here, e-mail me and I'd be happy to link you!

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Fanfiction Hotter Than Kev Himself

Sarah's Stories This is were my Step-Sister Sarah keeps all of her stories. There is only one up right now... but it's really funny! It's an example of what would happen if she, *N SYNC and I ever spent an exsesive amount of time together!

Blue Hearts Cry Another great fan fiction site put together by one of the visitors of this site! Check it out!

FanFics Sensation Great Site! Check it out. Another one of the readers of this site!

Backstreet Boys 2 Backstreet Men Fan Fiction This is another site that is done by a reader of this site. Go ahead and check it out!

I'm Dreaming (with eyes wide open) Yet another great site! MX does a great job with the layout! Check it out!

In My Eyes The site that used to host my stories before I started working on this one. It no longer hosts stories, but Liza still writes some great fan fiction. You need to check it out. It's not anything fancy, but it's still good.

...My Mind Flies & Carelessly Imagines... The site looks great! I haven't read any of the stories yet, but I will when I get the time! But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't go and check them out!

Banner Links

Creations of the Imagination: 5 guys, 1 imagination & countless readers...


Sirius' *Nsync

A great set of stories! If you like 'N SYNC then you will love these stories! They are very carefully written and the girl has a lot of talent, but don't ask her to write anymore, she's not going to.

*NSYNC Fan Fiction Yellow Pages