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January 28, 2001:
It's Nick's 21st Birthday today! I hope he has a great one...
Hey Everybody! Did you hear that Kevin's environmental foundation JWR is going to host an environmental information table at each of the concerts? The Sierra Club is a national environmental group and Kevin has partnered up with them and invited them to share information at all of the concerts on the U.S. leg. Every one of us who is going to the concerts should stop by and learn what we can do to help. Also, in the concert, "The Answer to Our Life" has an environmental video playing while the guys sing. Just thought we'd share and promote, as Kev calls it, the "save the world kind of vibe."

January 7, 2001:
Bubbles During 'Time'
Attention all Backstreet Fans that are attending a Backstreet Black and Blue concert date in the year 2001!! We want the guys to know how special they are to us and that we've been there, and always will be there for them through and during the years!! So to show our appreciation, please bring a bottle of bubbles to blow during "Time." We've picked this song, because it is the most meaningful song to the guys and we want them to know that their fans will always be there for them until the end of time. We want this to take place at every show, but it won't work unless the Backstreet fans spread the word! So tell everyone you know that is going to ashow about the Backstreet bubbles! We want to make this song as special for the guys as possible. If you can, bring extra bubbles to your show to pass out for the people that didn't hear about the boys our bubble bond!
--Please spread the word! and bring lots of bubbles for all the people who don't know about this or forget.

The Boys are going to be on The AMA's tomorrow... be sure to tune in.

I'm sure you've all seen, or at least heard of N SYNC's Backstage Pass Game, right? Well the Boys are going to have their own board game soon, based on their 'Around the World In 100 Hours' trip. I'm not sure when that will be coming out, but when I find out I'll let you know.

PEOPLE Magazine.......People named its 25 Most Intriguing People of 2000 and we wanted to find out who you think ranks as this year's most intriguing person. Some of you voted for those picked by PEOPLE, like George W. Bush, Eminem and Prince William. Others obviously voted for their personal favorites, even if they weren't big newsmakers for the year. Below, the Top 10 as you picked 'em.

1. Billy Ray Cyrus (singer), 88,289 (WHY?!?!?)
2. Josh Souza (TV's Big Brother), 86,358
3. Scott Cohen (actor), 38,399
4. Backstreet Boys (band), 30,190 (GO BACKSTREET!!!)
5. Keanu Reeves (actor), 30,083 (Yay! Sorry, love him.)
6. Michael Jackson (singer), 14,322 (Can we say ick?)
7. 'N Sync (band), 12,527 (Ick!)
8. Brendan Fraser (actor), 11,685
9. Adrian Paul (actor), 10,822
10. Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys singer), 2,393 (GO NICK!)

OK, this isn't really Backstreet News, but Justin Timberlake is being sued by a 15 year-old fan for false imprisonment. He had he body gaurd bring her up to his hotel room so he could yell at her for telling him that she liked JC better and thought that he was cuter. She said this to him after he continually ignored her at the meet and greet she was attending. A reporter witnessed Timberlake yell at the girl. Once I get the artical from my friend, I'll give you the whole story, but that's what I remember from what was in our local paper.

December 3, 2000:
Let's see... what's going on in Backstreet Land nowadays...? Well, they set the new International record for album sales on the first week. Over 5 million copies of Black&Blue were sold world wide durring the albums first week in the shelves. Pretty good if I do say so myself and I think that the Boys should be proud, as should every Backstreet fan who went out and bought the record!

November 5, 2000:
OK... this isn't really BSB News, but some kid in Tennessee was ploting to kill *N SYNC as a show in Atlanta. Is that scary or what? His reason was that he was sick of listening to the girls he knew talking about them all the time and freaking out about the concert. Good LORD PEOPLE! Since when is that a good reason to go out and kill someone, let alone five people! OK, now that I've got that out of my system....
Everyone needs to wear Black and Blue on November 21st. It's to show fan unity. It wasn't my idea, but I'm passing it on just the same. And please join the BSBOOST (Backstreet Boys Official Online Street Team. All you have to do is go to the main page and put your e-mail address in the box. It'll take you where you need to go and tell you what you need to do.
BSB are on the cover of Teen People This Month... and I must say that they look DAMN good! : )

October 22, 2000:
Black and Blue - November 21

Ok, they have finally set a date for the ablum release. Here's the track list... It's interesting to say the least:
1. The Call
2. Shape Of My Heart
3. Get Another Boyfriend
4. Shining Star
5. I Promise You (With Everything I Am)
6. The Answer To Our Life
7. Everyone
8. More Than That
9. Time
10. Not For Me
11. Yes, I Will
12. It's True
13. How Did I Fall In Love With You

There are a few in there that I'm not sure about, such as #3 and #13, but I guess we'll see what they are about when the album comes out... Well, I guess that's about it. Everyone needs to join the BSB Official Online Street Team, an effort to make sure that the Boys beat N SYNC's record for ablums sold in the first week, and the idea is not to go out and buy 40 CD's the first week, we don't need to stoop to that level.

September 3, 2000:
Brian got married yesterday to Leighanne Wallace (No, he married Tyk...) 300 people were at the wedding, including the rest of the Boys. Ladies, two down, three to go. But don't worry, even if all of them get married in the next two years, they will always be our Boys. They live for the fans, and that's who we are.
