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Side Notes:

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Here are just a few things that I've noticed... ramblings really, but I gotta put them up somewhere!

June 2nd:
I have one thing to say about that concert on Wednesday. Damn, damn, damn! I think that they have made it a goal to give half the girls in the counrty heart attacks before they turn 20.... Good job Boys! Loved it, and love ya much! Later everyone!

March 4th:
My Concert:
It was on Tuesday and I'm still in shock. The only this I have to say right now is DAYUM! It should we illegal to look as good as they did... February 25th:
The Grammys:
OK, this has nothing to to with the BSB, but does anyone else think that Justin looks like, as my sister so eloquently put it, a naked molerat now that he shaved his head? And he's pretty lucky Britney wasn't there... he was flirting with the VJ from VH1.

February 10th:
Was it just me or did AJ look like he was sleeping during Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Don't forget to watch again on Wendesday. Neither Howie or Kevin have been up yet, so you haven't missed much. Both Brian and AJ are there, but there is no sign of Nick. Wonder were he is...?