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Why We Love Them...

They make us laugh, they make us cry – they make us scream. They are our Boys. They don’t owe us anything. They have given up their lives to us, the fans. They give us everything that they have and ask for nothing more then for us to believe in them.

They live the dream that we make possible, and they thank us for it every chance that they get. They are the modern day kings of our world, they are our gods. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.

No matter how old I get, or how long the Boys are gone, I will always be a loyal fan, because they have opened up my eyes to so many things, including the self-confidence I never thought I had. Once a Backstreet Fan, always a Backstreet Fan, and proudly so.

There are so many reasons that we, the fans, love the Backstreet Boys. They inspire us to follow our dreams and for that we love them, and always will.

There are so many people who have asked me why I like the Backstreet Boys. I've been thinking about it, and although it's not something that is easily explained, here is my attempt at it. And if you have anything to add to it, please e-mail me with reason's that you love them that aren't up here and I'll give you credit for them! Thanks!

They sign autographs, shoot videos, do interviews; magazine, radio and television, do meet and greets and let us into their homes. They share themselves through their most important creastive outlet, their music, At the same time they show us their many talents of acting, direction, producing, drawing, writing, and coming up with ideas for videos.

They help with charities, playing basketball, colaberating on a charity album and taking time to visit fans who have made it their dying wish to meet them.

They inspire us like none of them ever could have imagined they could. They make people want to follow their dreams, go out into the world and see how they can make a difference.

They work in the neighborhoods that need their help. They have recieved the key to Orlando for hurricane reliefe work.

They make music that our parents can not only not object to, but that our mother’s love as well. They made our mom’s cry at the Into the Millennium Tour, with a song that one of them wrote for his mom.

They wake up at times that no one should have to, just so that they can make it to the next city on the seemingly endless tour, so that we can see them, live and in person.

They take time and spend it with fans, especially younger ones, who look up to them. They know that kids look up to them and try to keep a positive image, encouraging kids to stay in school and supporting music programs in school.

They always have more then enough security to make sure that the fans are safe and no one gets hurt.

They do little things that make up smile; wear fake glasses, grin like they’ve just done something they shouldn’t have, and yell random things in the middle of songs. They don’t do anything because they have to. They do it because they want us to see what they are like.

They know that we love meeting them and enjoy meeting us as well. They try to calm us down when we are so excited that we can’t breathe.

They aren’t afraid of being honest with us. They let us know what is going on in their lives, unless it really isn’t any of our business.

They listen to us when we scream at them over the TV. They take into consideration what the fans think, but still make their own decisions.

They are still close to their familes and bring them on tour. They support their families and friends in anyway they can.

They get up onstage, while they are broken, and give it their all. They are even upset when they can’t give 110% because they are hurt.

They put off surgery to do video shoots and entire tours. As soon as possible they are back out there, doing everything they possibly can to make sure that we know they are OK.

They speak their own language, Backstreet. They make up telephone codes, and their own words.

They do special projects, like Official Photo Albums and Comic Books to give us yet another part of their lives.

They fall asleep in airports while waiting to get on a plane that half of them are afraid to get on in the first place, to go over seas and see more fans.

They aren’t afraid to tell us when enough is enough.

They believe that we desearve to know the truth about their relationships, and don’t hesitate to tell us when they are taken.

They actively take part in the making of their music. They write songs dedicated to the fans, explaining why they act the way they do, and what happens inside their heads when they get ready for a show.

They have a sense of humor about themselves. They don’t let it bother them when someone says something bad about them, they know that they have a million people who do support them. They make fun of themselves and each other.

They have good sense of humor about competion, and don’t see anyone else in the music business as a threat.

They aren’t afraid to be themselves with us. They share their fears, pains, and struggles. They put their love, hearts, time, blood, sweat and tears into everything they do for us. They give up their normalicy for us.

They have given us all so many friends; each other. We, as Backstreet Fans, are a family and it's because of those five beautiful young men we know as Boys.