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About Anya

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Full Name: Anja Erin

Nicknames:Lark, Whirlwind, Sunny


Birthdate:Dec. 21st, 1985

Height:5 feet, 6 inches

Hair:blond, very long


Current Residence:Raymond ME


First Ambition:to become a writer

Pets:1 cat, 2 rats, 1 dog

Sports:none, sports and I do not agree

Favorite Actors and/or Actresses:Jodie Foster

Fave Music:pop/rock

Fave Band:other than the BSB, Hanson, Don't groan!!

Fave BSB: Brian

What I have to fess up to: The real reason sports and I do not agree is that I have severe asthma. My name is pronounced Anya, not Anja

Hobbies:reading,writing,listening to music, arguing with my sister

Fave TV shows: Survivor

Favorite Quotes:Just keep on writing, no matter what happens, if you think its junk or whatever, just keep on writing-Zac Hanson