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About Meg

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I don't need your attitude

Full Name: Megan Michele

Nicknames: I have to many to count, but here are a few: Meg, Megs, Maybe, Angel, Birdie(don't ask),Nikki, and about 25 more (I'm not exadurating either!)

Age: 16

Birthdate: January 27 (My B-Day is the day before Nick Carter's!)

Height:I'm really short! 5'2"

Hair: It's long. brown and there's lots of it!

Eyes: Hazel, they change colors.

Current Residence: Portland, OR

Siblings: I have a half sister named Katie who is 11, two step sisters, Danika (9) and Sarah (14), and I will soon have two younger step brothers and an older step sister

First Ambition: To sing!

Pets: I have a cats named Shadow, Nicky, my sister's kitten, Wishchief(don't ask) and my step sister's cat, Oreo. Then there are Bianca, PeeWee, and Rambo, our two dogs and cat down in Costa Rica.

Sports: Gymnastics, and I like to shoot hoops, even though I suck at basketball.

I don't really have any favorite actors or actresses. My thing is, if the movie is good, who cares who is in it!! Unless it is a REALLY hot guy!

Fave Music: I don't really have a favorite type of music, but I do have a fovorite band....

Fave Band: Gee, I wonder..... Let me think about this one, Ok I'm done thinking! I think you might heard of them, it's a group of five guys, um..what are they called again...Blackstreet Boys?....No...oh I remember now! It's the BACKSTREET BOYS!!! That's it! Oh yeah, I'm good! (Sorry, momentary lose of sanity, I'm OK, really, I am! LOL!)

Fave BSB: OK... I'm back to liking Nick, but not possesivly.

Why the Boys are important to you?: The Boys are important to me because they have shown me that if you really work hard you can acheive anything. They have been through so much while in the spotlight and they haven't let in affect the way they interact with the fans, they still do everything they can to make sure we know that they are thankful for our support. That's only a few of the reasons that the Boys are important to me...

Why do you write Fan Fiction?: I write fan fiction because it's fun, and because I love to write. My grandfather, who also writes stories, told me that you should always write what you know. I don't know the Boys personally, but I know a lot about them, and I feel like I know their personalities pretty well. I've gotten responses about my stories from people who do know the Boys and they have told me that I am right on when it comes to the personality thing, and that makes me fell good about what I am doing. I also like to write about situations that are really out there, such and teen pregnacy, and what I think the Boys would do if they were ever faced with something like that. It makes me fell closer to the Boys and I hope that if they ever end up on this site that they will be proud of the fact that fans can see past the fame and see that they are people and have problems just like everyone else.

What I have to fess up to: Lets see... If I had to pick a favorite N SYNCer it would probably have to be Joey... thanks to Sarah!

Hobbies: Singing, talking on the phone, shopping, listening to music, anything that has to do with BSB, and writting stories(well that's kinda obvious)

Fave TV shows: I don't watch much TV so I don't really have a favorite show.

Favorite Quotes:
* "Lead, follow, or get out of my way!"

* "It's nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice." ~ Nick said that, I think.

* "Lets have a party!"

* "Love is never unimportant"

*"My mother always used to say 'The older you get, the better you get... unless you're a banana'" -Rose Nylund

"If you're naughty, go to your room. If you want to be naughty, come to mine." Those words came from the mouth on Nick Carter... don't you just love him?

class of 2003




No Favourites? Yeah Right!

