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Part One

"We didn't start the fire. It was always burning. Since the world was turning. We didn't start the fire. No, we didn't light it. But we tried to fight it!" Fifteen year old Hunter Hawkins screamed at the top of her lungs while standing in her best friend's car.

"Green sit down! The cops are going to get on our backs if you keep doing that. Remember I have gotten pulled over more than once because of you. This is the last time we listen to your home made CD's." Laura Silvestro laughed as she pulled her friend down with one hand on the steering wheel. Laura was referring to her friend's now green hair, the color hunter green and Hunter's favorite color.

"You're no fun. And you said that last time. " The now sitting Hunter said as she brushed back her dark green locks into a messy bun.

"Your mom's going to kill you. She was finally getting used to the blue."

"Well the blue was getting old, and we have company coming over. I want to see how they act when they see me."

"What the hell are you going to wear?"

"Just the baggy, long, dark green jeans and a dark green tank with Capricorn on it."

"I still don't get how you are a Capricorn…aren't they supposed to be quiet and studious?"

"Hey I don't care I get good grades, I think that is the only reason why my mom hasn't disowned me yet. Hey look at AJ McLean of the Backstreet Boys, he ain't quiet."

"You're around way to many teenies."

"Hey babysittin' brings in the money so I can pay for the dye jobs. Besides the kid are cute. Where do you think I found out about my anthem? Even if it is sung by a little squirt…"

"Yo he ain't little now, he's like…13 only two years younger than you."

"Shut up and drive, I want some time to put on makeup and some of the great jewelry I got a week ago."

"The stars? Well if I drive any faster, we will get stopped. I really don't feel like being dragged to the station because of some tickets I haven't paid. And I really don't feel like having to explain to the rents that I got arrested…"

"For the last time it wasn't my fault. Just because we were at the wrong place at the wrong time doesn't make it my fault."

"Yes it does. Anycrap here is your stop. Good luck! I hope your mom doesn't kill ya!"

"Same! See ya tomorrow!" Hunter walked in and ran up the stairs before her mom could see her hair. She went through the bags that she had carelessly thrown into the corner. Humming along to the songs she soon found what she was looking for. Putting it on she threw on her cloths and grabbed a book and waited at the top of the stairs. Hunter was getting into the really juicy part of Tom Sawyer, when Tome and Becky get caught in the cave, when there was a knock at the door. Mrs. Hawkins yelled to Hunter to get it.

When she opened it she found five, no make it six guys. She rose and eyebrow at the blue haired one…he looked familiar. She saluted them and led them to the living room.

"Salutations. I'm Hunter, don't say anything," she looked at the three blondes, "I guess you are my mom's guests. I'll go get her." Hunter turned around and shouted to the kitchen. "Mom those people are here!" She was sure the tall, dark-haired one covered his ears. "Now if you excuse me, I have to put on some make-up before my mom sees me…she hasn't seen me without it in about a year, it might scare her." With that Hunter bounded upstairs and did what she had to do. When she came down the stairs she found the shortest blonde sitting on the landing.

"Bueno," Hunter said.

"Hey. I'm Aaron." The boy answered.

"Wait you look familiar. Do me a favor and sing a little. It doesn't matter what, just sing." Once he was done she snapped her fingers. "So you're the one who sings that song…"


"Oh I baby sit, and they frequently play teeny- sorry pop music."

"If you don't mind me asking, are you a Goth?"

"Goth? Nope, I prefer rebel with a cause. Have fun that's it. Been there, done that, can't remember most of it…" That brought a smile to Aaron's face. "And I would be guessing that the five people downstairs are the Backstreet Boys?"

"How'd you guess?"

"Besides the fact that the little twerps I spend every other Saturday night with are in love with them…they really don't look like body guards…the tall dark haired one maybe, even the tall blonde but the others no."

"Kev could never be a body guard, he love designer clothes to much and would kill me if he had to be around me 24 hours a day. Nick would sooner fall asleep or stuff his face than make sure one of the fans decided to get touchy-feely." Hunter laughed at that.

"Hunter, dear it that you? Could you please come down and meet our guests?" Hunter grimaced at the word dear.

"Yes mother dearest," she said while pretending to gag herself. She shook her head to get the hair out of her face and headed down the stairs.

"What did you do with your hair?"

"Mom it's called a dye job."

"B-b-ut it's green…."

"Yeah I got it dyed…mom you know I do that."

"But I was getting used to the blue…"

"The blue was boring, see Mr. Dye here has blue, it's boring."

"Hey don't bring me into this, I think I'm original…everyone is coping me…" The tattooed freak said.

"Sure keep telling yourself that Bone," the Latino one said.

"Bone?" Hunter said confused.

"Really the name is AJ." AJ said.

"I'm Brian"

"Hey it's me, Nick."

"Yo, it's Kev."

"Hola, me llamo Howie"

"As you all know I'm Hunter. Mom why are the super five plus one here?"

"Doesn't he," she motioned to AJ, "Look a little like my older brother Robert?"

"Mom, I really couldn't tell because: a) the most recent picture of Uncle Robert I have seen is at least 10 years old, man, that guy looked like he had an afro…b)under all the tattoos I can't tell. c) under the dyes you can't tell what color the hair really is. So no mom I do not see the resemblance between this tattooed, multi-colored hair freak of nature and the fat older man with and afro in the ten year old black and white picture."

"Hey I resent that "tattooed, multi-colored hair freak of nature" comment."

"Too bad, but why is the rest of the Scooby gang here? We only needed the tattooed, multi-colored hair freak of nature."

"For the love of god my name is AJ! I have a name!"

"Oh sorry you tattooed, multi-colored hair freak of nature," she smirked at him.