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Chapter 1

"Megan! Telephone" Screamed Sarah at her sister as she ran down the stairs with her cordless phone.

"Ok, coming," answered Megan, meeting Sarah halfway between her room and the bottom of the stairs. "Who is it?"

"I don't know, but I think it's someone disguising their voice or something," replied Sarah as she handed the phone to Megan.

"Hello?" said Megan.

"Hello," answered a muffled voice.

"This is Megan, who's this?" Megan said.

"Satan, looking for a follower." replied the voice.

"Haha, very funny, go to hell loser, but wait, you live there, so, screw off!" yelled Megan as she turned off the phone.

"Who the heck was that?" asked Sarah.

"I don't know, some loser being retarded, you know how it is." Megan said as she handed the phone back to Sarah. The phone rang again. Sarah answered.

"Hello?" greeted Sarah.

"Hello Bitch!" answered the voice.

"Look, ok, whoever you are, your stupid so, like go away!" shouted Sarah as she hung up the phone.

"Same person?" asked Megan with a look of curiosity.

"Yeah, what a dipstick." said Sarah. Phone rang again.

"I have an idea." screeched Megan as she grabbed the phone from Sarah.

"What are you doing?!" exclaimed Sarah.

"You'll see. Hello? Paco's Tacos, This is Paco, may I help you?" asked Megan with a fake accent. Sarah cupped a hand over her mouth so she wouldn't make so much noise laughing.

"Yeah, umm.. Is this 589-0039?" asked the muffled voice.

"Eh? No, uh sorry, dis is 589-0309. You have the wrong number. But would you like to buy eh taco?" asked Megan in the fake voice.

"What? Hell no! Freak!" said the voice as the person hung up.

"Hahaha, that was so funny!" said Sarah as she burst out laughing. The phone rang.

"Like Hello? You've reached the *N SYNC and Backstreet Boys Club hotline, this is Julie speaking." answered Sarah.

"Yeah um I was looking for... wait did u say BSB hotline?" asked the voice with interest.

"Yeah, do you like the BSB? Nick Carter is such a babe." replied Sarah, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, well, me and Nick are pretty tight.” said the voice.

"Like totally no way!" answered Sarah.

"Yeah, but listen, um, I have to go, I'll call you later, bye." said the voice.

"Like bye, bye, bye!" said Sarah as she hung up the phone.

"Oh my goodness, what a loser. I'm sure they'll never call again," chuckled Megan Telephone rang again. "Or maybe I spoke too soon!"

"Listen, whoever the heck you are, stop calling, your stupid!" yelled Megan, answering the phone.

"Do you know I look into your bedroom window every night?" said the voice.

"Umm WTF?" yelled Megan.

"I'm a member of the BSB." said the voice.

"Yeah? I'm going out with Justin Timberlake." replied Megan.

"No, seriously, I'm really a member of the BSB." repeated the voice.

"Yeah, I was being serious too, so which one is this?" asked Megan.

"I can't tell you, but let me ask you, do you really like Justin, cuz I could do you better," said the voice teasingly.

"Yes, I love Justin, and no, you can't do me better, because no one is doing me, but you can DO me a favor, and leave me alone!" said Megan as she hung up for her second time.

"God, what a loser, if I were to guess who it was, and if they are really from the BSB, I'd say Nick, cuz he's the stupid one who'd do something like that," pointed out Megan.

"Well, what about that other one, its like Fairy or something?" questioned Sarah.

"Ohh, you mean Howie! Hmm I dunno bout him, he's shy." replies Megan.

"Yeah, I see, well it couldn't be Brian or Kevin, they have more sense, but then there always is AJ." assumed Sarah.

"Chya! But, I'm sure he has better things to do," said Megan.

"Yeah, you're right, but so do we, like sleeping!" said Sarah as she looked at her watch, 11:30 p.m.

"Yeah, ok lets go to bed." answered Megan as she saved her website she was creating, and shut down the computer. After brushing their teeth and shutting off the lights, Sarah and Megan went to their separate rooms and went to sleep.

Megan rolled over and looked at her clock. 5:43 a.m. She sat up, because she heard a loud noise causing her to awake. What the hell was it, she thought to herself. She saw a black figure run across her room and to the side of her bed. She reached over and quickly switched on her desk light. Nothing there. I must be tired, she thought to herself. She rolled back over and went back to sleep within short time.