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Chapter Two

The next moring, Megan rolled over and looked at her clock again, 12:30 p.m. 'Holy crap', she thought to herself. 'Man, I actually slept in'. She sat up and stretched, and letting out a deep breath.

She looked over at her Justin Timberlake poster and gasped. It was covered in red paint, and said "I could do you better!" She screamed. "SARAH!!!!" About a minute later, Sarah came stumbling into Megan's room, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"What Sis?" she asked.

"Look at Justin!" she exclaimed as she pointed at the poster

"Do I have to?" she said as she hesitated. "What the heck? What happend! Oh my god, isn't that what the Backstreet Boy said to you?" asked Sarah as she looked from the poster to Megan.

"Yeah, what a crazy freak, I wonder how he got in here. I'm calling Justin," Megan said as she walked over to her night stand and dialed Justin's number.

"Ello? Dis is Justin speakin, how may I help ya?" greeted Justin.

"Justy, it's Megan, some crazy freak came into my house last night when I was sleeping." said Megan.

"What? What happend?" asked Justin with concern.

"Ok, yesterday some wierdo kept prank calling us, and so I asked him who he was. He said he was a 'Backstreet Boy' and said he could do me better than you could, and I told him no one was doing me, and that he could DO me a favor and leave me the hell alone, then he never called again." answered Megan. "He did come into the house and draw on your poster though."

"Haha! Someone betta den da Justin Timberlake.. WHAT!?! He ruined that fine picture of me? I'm coming over!" said Justin as he hung up the phone.

Fifteen minutes later, Justin arrived at Megan and Sarahs' house, driving up in his little black Benz. Sarah and Megan greeted him at the door. With a quick Hi and Hello from each, a long hug between Megan and Justin, and a sickening sigh from Sarah, they went down into Megan's room.

"See!? That's what they did to your 'Fine picture of you', what a jerk! That pisses me off." said Megan as she let out a deep breath.

"Ohh I know, thats a special poster of me! Took 4 hour of posing and makeup for that thing, and also signing it," admitted Justin. Sarah slapped him upside the head.

"No retard, you're supposed to worry about your girlfriend, good lord." said Sarah as she glared at him and put her arm around her sister.

"Ohh yeah, sorry sweetie. Uhh.. are you ok woman?" asked Justin as he kissed Megan on the cheek.

"No, I want to know who the crazy lil phsyco is damnit!" answered Megan as she looked at Justin with fury. The telephone rang. Megan picked up the phone and handed it yo Justin. "Justin, you get it."

"Ello?" said Justin.

"Yeah is Megan there?" asked the voice.

"Yo, who be dis?" questioned Justin.

"I'm her little friend, you know the one who could 'Do her better', look at her wall, it will explain," answered the voice.

"Listen crazy dude, leave mah girlfriend alone yo, or I'll come and kick yo ass," yelled Justin. "By da way, where did ya get dis phone numba?"

"Your crackhead friend," replied the voice.

"JC? Dat two timing hoe!" gasped Justin.

"Well we made a deal, I gave him a few bags of crack, for Megan's phone number and address, but I'll be seeing you more, don't worry fro boy," said the voice, as three seconds he hung up the phone.

"JC! He gave dis phsyco your numba! For some crack yo! Too bad dat boy is out on vacation, or I'd be kickin his butt yo." said Justin as he clenched his fists.

"I always knew he was a crack addict, that little shiz." said Sarah as she looked away at the floor.

"Yeah, well, what if this 'Backstreet Boy' comes back? Justin, my parents arent home for the week, will you sleep here tonight?" asked Megan with a pleading voice.

"Yeah! I'll be superman, yo! I'll protect ya sweetness." said Justin as he kissed Megan on the lips.

"Gross..." said Sarah as she left the room.

"What crawled up her butt?" asked Justin as she drew away from Megan.

"I don't know, she hates guys, her last boyfriend played her." answered Megan.

"Hmm I know who shed be perfect with yo!" said Justin with a smile.

"Who?" Megan asked.

"Lancy-poo! Yeah dude dat would be awesome, they would be purfect for each otha." replied Justin.

"Well, let's go to the movies, and invite Sarah and Lance." said Megan as she hugged Justin. After a few minutes of kissing, and talking to Justin, Megan went to go take a shower and get ready to go to the movies with Justin.

"Sarah what are you going to do today?" asked Megan as she tilted her head sideways to wring her hair out with her towel.

"Probably clean my room, do homework, watch sappy love movies, mope around, whatever," answered Sarah as she closed the book she was reading and took off her reading glasses.

"Sarah! Your sixteen! Screw studying, and cleaning your room! Why don't you try having some fun?" said Megan as she picked up Sarah's book and tossed it onto her bed.

"Yeah, well, it would be nice if I had a man, but we all know thats never gonna happen." replied Sarah with a sigh.

"Me and Justin are hooking you up with Lance Bass." said Megan with a smile.

"What! You aren't serious, what would he see in me?" asked Sarah.

"Well, we're bout to find out, you and me are going on a double date, you, Lance, me Juju." said Megan as she walked over to Sarah's closet.

"Are you serious? What are you doing?" asked Sarah with a look of interest on her face.

"I'm looking for something hot you could wear, first impressions are important you know." replied Megan. She withdrew a pair of dark flares,and a tube top.

"I'm not wearing that," said Sarah as she pointed at the tube top with a look of disgust. "And why is it in my closet, when it's yours?"

"Cuz I knew you'd be needing it sometime," said Megan as she placed the black tube top and the flaires in Sarah's hands. "Go get into the shower, you're going." Without a discussion, Megan shoved Sarah out of her room and into her bathroom. Ten minutes later, Sarah came out of the bathroom covering her top half of her body.

"Hey Justin, don't you think she looks hot?" asked Megan.

"Wow, what happend to you?" asked Justin.

"Ohh thanks Justin, Megan I'm taking this off," said Sarah as she started for her room. Megan put her arm in front of Sarah's doorway to stop her.

"No, you're keeping it on, come on. We need to wait for Lance outside." said Megan as she grabbed Sarah's coat off the side of her bed. The door bell rang.