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ok, this is really starting to piss me off...people think that i can't like more than one freaking boy group, and that i have to have a also pisses me off when i get hatemail saying how much the group i have a page on sucks...this mail usually comes from a fan of the other group, so it's just pointless...i am a fan of both groups, and if you're not, don't tell me that nsync are copy cats or that bsb sucks...i'll write more when i can make sense...just take tha banner
here's the banner and the code:

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this was sent in by Monica

The Backstreet Fans/ 'N Sync Fans War
Hi. My name is Monica. I am 16. I love the Backstreet Boys. But I don't like 'n sync. I just don't listen to their music or find them attractive. By now, I'm going to get some email from people who say "BSB SUCK, 'N SYNC RULE" or who are going to say "BSB RULE, 'N SYNC SUCK". But what people don't understand that is is my own OPINION on who I like and don't like. I don't just have friends that only love BSB. I have friends who like one, both, or even any of the so called "Boy- Bands". But I don't hold that against them.

In the beginning things weren't so bad. But now it's getting bad.....real bad. One group's fans are dissing the other group and their fans, and visa versa. One thing is preventing the other from breaking a record, because it's the other group that holds the record. Now, it's okay to vote for your group's video/song, but it gets stupid when you have to vote for another totally different group, especially if that's a video you don't like. Come on, not only is that stupid, but that's not even fair.

People don't understand how deep that the word "HATE" can affect someone or someones. When I see or hear someone say "I hate 'n sync" or "I hate BSB", I just wonder if they really thought about what they are saying.

Other things that just adds to this whole mess:

The name calling. This is just down right low. Calling any group or their fans because you think you have to is wrong. Sure, it's your opinion, but there's a point where it's got to stop.

Having list stating why "BSB is better than 'n sync" or "Why 'n sync is much cool" is just stupid. Come on, give me a break. They just don't make any sense. Again it's your opinion but, don't you just hate it when it's talks bad about "your" group. Then it isn't funny anymore.

Having "Hate" sites. This is just a waste of space and of anyone's time. Now humor sites are good, but hate site declaring that so and so must go down.....that's just bad.

Going to BSB sites, boards, chatrooms, etc. and say "BSB SUCK, 'N SYNC RULE" and visa versa is also a stupid thing. And it can also get you in trouble, as some people would know.

There are so many other things I can say, but those are the most important. I'm not say you have to stop or start listening to the other group, I'm just saying keep your opinions to your self. If this doesn't stop, things will only get worse. And the victims won't be the's going to the groups themselves. They are the ones that are caught in the middle of this whole mess. Guess what, people: they respect each other! So why don't you respect the other groups fans. You don't want their music to be drown in this fighting. Just stop. It's that easy.