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Manatee Essay and Pictures

Manatees are sweet, loving animals. These animals are very large and are closely related to the cow.  Manatees are a gray color with slimy skin. Like cows they only eat grass and water plants.


A manatees weight is very heavy. An adult manatee weighs aprox. 1,000 to 1,200 lbs and its length would be about 10 ft but can grow to be 13 ft long and weigh around 3,000 lbs.

Manatees care about their young. Most manatees breed year round. They give birth about every 3 years. They are born either way head and/or tail first. Some manatees have twins but that is very uncommon.


Female manatees start to reproduce at the ages of 7 and 8. The male manatees are ready to reproduce at the ages of 9 and 10 years.


The calves will begin nibbling on pieces of grass but it won't be weaned until it is 1 years old. After the calves have been weaned they will stay with their mothers until they are 2 years of age, it will learn different things it needs for survival.