Ill Communication

We thought as there are some major inaccuracies in your piece on us [cover, September], it would be good to set the record straight. First and most important, the story Doc Dre told regarding our performance at Apollo theatre was commpletely made by him. As it paints us as racits, we thought this to be most significant thing to inform you and your readership of. But as long as we are bringing up inaccuracies, it is worth noting that everything that Dre said was made up. We can only guess(as we have not spent much time with Dre since the short time that he DJed for us back in '86) that Dre was following in the footsteps of how we used to conduct ourselves in interviews back then. In those days, we lied alot in interviews. In fact, some of the very lies he told were the same things we used to say to interviewers back then. For example, that we were banned from an entire hotel chain as well as and airline, or that we drilled a hole int a hotel floor. Perhaps Dre thought that is would be funny to just make the whole interview up, as we used to do. Unfortunately, when his untruths were laid out juxtaposed against everone else's words(not all of which were accurate either), they came across as history. An especially unforunate result is that now "Time New York" picked it up from "SPIN" and put it into their piece on that band as though it was true. Doesn't anyone fact-check anymore?

The Beastie Boys

New York, New York