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You can get a haircut on Main Street in the Magic Kingdom! The Harmony Barber Shop is open seven days a week from 9 am - 4:45 pm. The prices are $15 for adults and $12 for children. No appointments are given, just walk in - it is located in the far corner of the Emporium, near Disney Clothiers.

On average, 15 children get lost every day in the Magic Kingdom! The longest time that a child's parents went missing was 7.5 hours!

The old Swan boats of the Magic Kingdom were given to the City of Orlando and now float peacefully on Lake Eola.

The ONLY gas powered vehicle allowed in the Magic Kingdom's Utilidor is the daily cash pick-up with the armored truck. The truck drives into the Utilidors via a service road and collects all of the Magic Kingdom's daily cash. It's a tight fight driving through the Utilidors...the truck driver has only 4 inches on each side to maneuver. All other vehicles are operated by battery and are re-charged every night and throughout the day. Most of the battery operated vehicles are golf carts.

The sanitation crew works 24 hours per day picking up the garbage and dumping it into the AVAC systems throughout the park. Garbage is literally sucked to a central location for processing. The AVAC system moves garbage through pipes that are 20 inches in diameter at 60 miles per hour using compressed air. The system operates at intervals of about every 20 minutes. Depending on where you are when it happens, it sounds as if a tornado is quickly approaching, then passes you by. The system moves the garbage from all points around the park to a central location where it processed and recycling takes place.

The roof of the Enchanted Tiki Room is actually made of steel painted to look like straw.

The coat-of-arms above Cinderella Castle on the north wall belongs to the Disneys. Others belonging to assorted Disney executives hang in the waiting hall just inside the door to Cinderella's Royal Table (a book containing the details is kept behind the podium).

How many stones are in Cinderella Castle? None - it is made of steel beams, fiberglass, and more than 500 gallons of paint.

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