The Dhoom Range

The Dhoom Range is the northern rim of the continent's bowl-shaped land mass, and cradles the Icedeath Glaciers, a natural magical sump on the continent. FayryByrries, the fruit of the famous FayryBrandy, grow abundantly in this area, as do the delicacies passab root, skimmer vine, and tree-skimmers (a sort of squirrel with vampirical tendencies and the ability to levitate small objects, including themselves). The Monthalthmusi goblynns have inhabited this range since humanity was a mere 'pithecean primate, if their oral history serves them well. They gave the name "Dhoom" to their mountains. The Monthalmusi word means simply "home", and while they are a fierce and wild people, they are also deeply spiritual and creatures of magic. Highland elves and humans moved into the Dhoom Mountains and through Icedeath territory only 700 years or so ago, and adopted much of the 'Thalmusak language to evolve languages distinct from their Highland origins. Local elves (called "Wyrding") and the Monthalmusi had been skirmishing over hunting grounds for centuries, but be-all and end-all war had never been part of their social structures. When the Highlanders started boosting their populations with settlements that threatened to change the landscape permanently, they displaced many Wyrding and Monthalmusi tribe markers and trading clearings, igniting firey hostilities between them all, and the word "dhoom" took on its ominous-sounding connotation. The Wyrding withdrew deeper into the Dhoom Range, and the Monthalmusi extended their warrens under the mountains to create a network of trails and tunnels so they wouldn't have to travel above ground and risk capture or death at the hands of the barbarian humans and elves.

Historical Note: About 500 years ago, a banished human mage set up a small fortress in the Dhoom Desert, a moraine close to the northernmost edge of the continent where the sea and the wind met and mingled, and the magic was raw. He specialized in trapping and holding elementals in crystal prisons, and very nearly married the Wyrding elf-princess Domino. The radiation from his spells and the concentration of so many different types of magic began to further influence the flora and fauna in the area, creating plants that could photosynthesize without chlorophyll, vampires, ghosts, and were-creatures. There is nothing more annoying than a vampire pixie. He also thwarted death on many occasions throughout that long life, and the ranger Pyros recently brought word to the then-Capital that Domino had finally slain him.

By all accounts, this fortress remains standing and virtually unplundered, for all intents and purposes a standing repository for powerfully magical artifacts.

The Cirriah

The Cirriah are rainbow-hued creatures of pure energy, and are also known as the "Voices of the Sky". They are actually visible manifestations of FayryLand's voice. Their existence was first recorded only recently, when Elven Highlord, the dark elf Hellion, and Lady Elfie worked the Landright magic to restore FayryLand after Maw Behl the Acrid's holocaust. In that great feat of magic, the five elements were united, creating the necessary conditions for the Cirriah to appear. Those who examined the Lady Elfie's journal many years after her death (and only after the Lady Javken gave permission!) could not agree on whether the Cirriah exist as actual creatures, or as the imprint of the Land's voice on mortal memory. Lady Javken knows, and she won't tell.

Aloysius Sebastien Valerian Damascus III

Aka "Aloysius".
Aloysius is a tall, sinewy, hideously-scarred human man with a bad case of amnesia, although his friends (and he has none) would say it's a good case of amnesia. After many youthful misadventures, he has established himself as the Big Man's right-hand man, paired with a rather numb-witted Algernon (equally scarred, massive, and strong). He tries to hide it, but he's rather a philosophical sort, but he uses his philosophy to rationalize (read: squelch) any moral misgivings about the job at hand. He doesn't really enjoy his work so much as get satisfaction in knowing he's good at his job, and that it needs to be done. He does what he's told to do without hesitation, and can eat a hearty meal afterwards.

Content to be a bit-player and yes-man to the Big Man, he is uncertain of how to deal with the new gift bestowed upon him by the Highlady.

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