Dizzi again..say you'll be my severed game
~...CAuse---your lipS..Dont ,,mOvE___~
~oh! Whats Between MY^)_EARS!
GuESS..I'll<^)_WASte Away~~~~~~~~~~~~~___^
Holdin,,MY..hEAD Between,,my,,LeGS~*
SO_____MAD!______^~As..i,,,,hold ....yoU...
...yoUR A shape oF DeaTH____^)_+
THE ICE IN MY BLOOD~~::::Raging through my ..Cigarette smoke====~~~~~``~~
..I BArk))))
~Im YoUR~__Dog^))Through every,,Empty,,,,,do0R^*
Youll ..BE MY sereverd gAme
All Rights Reserved 1999
goT a cig?...co0l,,ok
This Peom ,,next ...gotta look ,,dowmxzxzx.heee
Better known in poetry circle as Citizen X my cig..heee
POETRY BY:LAZARUS~title:angels
Angels Still
There are angels still
though the brightest has fallen
i have found her
still deep on my skin
through the smoke and spilled spirits
she moves slowly
to music i can't hear
that sings in my ear
like her breath
there are angels still
though here
they've all been prayed to death
She smiles when her eyes meet mine
i feel like i'm wasting her time
some poor mother's virgin whore
for these few moments more
she's all mine
in the blacklight
she seems to glow
i can almost see her halo
there are angels still
though in the dark
they won't be saving any souls
Tonight i sleep
with my shirt on my face
as the only remnant
of her grace
she will fall
and i will pray
there are angels still.
Signed:-Lazarus(its over)
~*This neXt P0em Holds A_LiGHT
~Next t0 MY>> where the...F.. My Cig?..(goT mY..PaRTYDRESS^)
in brace
mother of pearl
inside of a girl
think death is nearly done
in ways that they mean
they carry the chaos gene
ain soph free shin
oooh hooo
yeah hahahaaaaa
dancing in the darkness
in ways that they mean
star fire
Thunder rollin
desire ever to be
forever giving
forever living
forever in love
dancing through the pain
oblivious to the rain
oooh hooo
yeah hahahaaaaa
laughing at the fools
oooh hooo
yeah hahahaaa
laughing at the fools
trampling all their rules
in knowledge of history
initiated mystery
moses the baby killer
kicked hitler's ass
in bloodshed
and genocide
Then Jesus
the slobbered
he son of cain
his evil empire still remains
in brace the sane
dancin through the pain
Laughing at the fools
breaking all their rules
california bound
too deaf to hear your sound
after the romp
through the mississippi swamp
narely a teary
of those days of february
through the mississippi swamp
one hand creates
one hand destroys
feigned hurting drain
one hand creates
one woman
one bullet
one brain
jammin the tune
under the laughing moon .
exploding rhythmic destruction
fingers in tentative connection
mine the seeds
yours the garden
fire and lace
the saving face
kick the legs out
from under angels
in brace in hell
PainSt ***
Princess-Brace- :))!!!!!
Title:Just one DAy in hell~The Fatal Mistake*
ya I did alot a dancin through ya dirty streets
- through the all thE... laughs
- Through the pain
but ,,,,no,,,scary day of february
-can ever kiss ,,,,the BETRayal of ,,,,,,,JUnE)
- So oblivious ....yet so damn awake
finally realize the worlds gone ______MaD*
-A quiet nitTE^ depressed yet sooooo dramatic
-Lucy calls friend ,,",drag queen Eric"..
- on the
but hes tryin on bras
-has no time..and...
- Eric calls cops instead,,,,,,,
- no holdin lucy near
unware ,,,,,Lucy....says...
-okay..lets ,,,,,,,log on ,,internet shup bop!....
"Hard knocks"
-scary socks
- men in navy
should i think there scarY?
-they smoke
-as they play my guitar
guns at theyre sides
-kickin life
--Brace- Lucy ,,knows........this aint right!
in,,brace...PainST? is there law?????
-Facade fades
-as cold clasps
-go click click click
round my wrists
-I cry no not me!
- a mistake a sorts
but they cant see
- innocent BEaT
-A marked Lucy walks cuffed in the streets
an the neighbors ,,,gather popcorn
-Front row seats
-- :
-Threw lucy in a cell
where she sang for a spell
-- mo-town
-- and wind ,,,,,,,blow ,,,,,wind ,,,,,,,
so as not to sink
- to the brink
-of exclusions
while pushed against a wall
-legs kicked wide
-Lucys hugs ,,,,Brace.....for her ..Strength ,,,inside,,,,,,,
From cell to shining car
-Handcuffs carry ~~~~~~far
-Against all will
-PainSt?....whatta ya say bout that?
-Horrid smells
- to protest is..... HELL
For i protested ,,,,,,,for ,,,,,a ....cigarette..........
-While shortly after
-ThE nurse ,,,,,,sorta mental ,i believe
5 black men
Corners Lucy in the lighted halls
-steppin on my feet
-rubber gloves
She tried to escape!
The insanity!
Lucy thought!":thiS is not a moviE!"
-Me, Lucy ,,,,in,,,,,Brace
- fragile to be held
-BY monsters of the night-didint go easy!~~~~~
didnt knock me out the shots of ,,,,,,,quiet
-The determination ,,,,,,,in Brace
- this fatal ,,,mistake
didnt knock me out the shots of ,,,,,,,quiet
-the determination ,,,,,,,in Brace
-this fatal ,,,mistake
And will they say theyre sorry??
My over dramatic freind Eric?
-Or the cops who played my fender?
-or the monsters who attacked me..with
needles in my back
- :
-- I look around ...Waiting to leave
-one niTE^ one mistakE^
- I see the poor bastards
-Cryin in theyre beds
~I played basketball before i left
that... morning
a poor bastard awakes
from under the tree
stumbles to the ho0ps
Falls flat on his face
inside-Brace-OH damn it,,PainST!!
I see the nurses and wonder ,,,,this......
-( To to determine ,,,,,,,,,illusion from reality)
- (truth from a lie)
This is something.....the best of us ..
.sometimes..can never,,,,,,,,win.....*
- As I encountered ..........insanity....
from people i felt" were safe an,,,sane"
I wonder who should really be locked up*
-SAD.. to find out.........
-the outsides ....looking in,,,,,,,,,
scary days ....of june*
-Princess-Brace- inBrACE__to Lucy*
-Princess-Brace- ++++++++++++++++++++
(Mistake_no_Apology _was ever _made_)
As I sit safe home _an_Smoke_1 day..later.
. 1 scary nighT..1 scary morning in junE...)
((talking to freinds can be dangerous)))
*The Baker AcT^*=The Fatal Mistake*
Brace For ..Lucy,,,your the dearest.....
!Thing in the world to me....*
Signed: Bracelets_HELL
Jamie BL All rights Reserved 1999
PlEASE<<<<^Check links below to insanity
Also ChEck my links to,,,,
"MShalT xxx rated poetry,,,heee"
An,,Poetry BY~PainST
Yeah..Light upsaxzz...f0llow linkS....
Be*Well*Protect*YouR*Circle*..brace...* email is! no partySOCKS?
Quote:ThE EXisTence of My Evil
HAS..Always ..Been ...In..YOU~t0..Me)))...brace*
FolloW liNkS~
Braces Solitude#2
SnoW Queen
About LucY!!
Passion CellaR