On April 27, 1998 my oldest daughter, Sarah, was diagnosed with central auditory processing disorder. After 3 to 4 years of searching to find out what was wrong, I finally had a diagnosis, but no idea what to do next, where to turn for help, or even if there was help available.
The purpose of this page is to give encouragement to other parents of children with CAPD and to share the information that I have learned. This site will also serve as the basis for a support group where parents can come together to chat. By no means do I claim to be an expert on CAPD. I am simply a mom who will not give up on my daughter.
Please feel free to contact me with any information you would like to see added to this site. Together we can help other parents of children with CAPD.
Online Book Store Order books on CAPD or related topics of interst here. All proceeds, from books ordered through this site, go to fund the Online Support Group. Thank you for your support.