debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:15:07 AM)
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:15:13 AM)
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:15:14 AM)
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:17:10 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:17:22 AM)
hi there!
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:17:54 AM)
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:18:26 AM)
how are you doing this morning?
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:18:47 AM)
This is strange, my computer literally "took" me here
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:19:06 AM)
oh really? were you in website?
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:19:24 AM)
Yes, reading the CAPD list!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:19:49 AM)
somehow or another you must have clicked on it...*L*...happy you are here!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:20:25 AM)
Dr J should be joining us you have a child with capd?
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:21:09 AM)
I have a 7 yr old son with suspected ADD or CAPD. And you?
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:21:31 AM)
i have an 8 year old daughter with capd......she was dx 2 years ago
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:21:34 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:21:39 AM)
hey Marge!!
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:21:39 AM)
hi there!
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:21:49 AM)
hi lbk... do i know you?
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:21:53 AM)
Hi Marge!
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:22:11 AM)
(wish we could see pix of each other!!)
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:22:26 AM)
(everyone looks alike here on chat, hahahaha)
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:22:29 AM)
This is Linda Kimmel Engle.
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:22:29 AM)
Marge....they changed a few things in the room yesterday.....
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:22:43 AM)
LINDA!!! ((((hugs)))) great to see you here!!
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:22:46 AM)
debbie: oh? how so?
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:22:52 AM)
if you have any questions or comments...let me know!!
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:23:09 AM)
debbie: sure thing, i willdo that!
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:23:10 AM)
Great to {see} you too:)!
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:23:20 AM)
linda: hahaha! how is your daughter doing?
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:23:23 AM)
it's little things...the private messages changed.....*i like it*
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:23:38 AM)
hmmm ok let me see... i willt ry it
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:23:49 AM)
My son Darrell just finished another (2nd) round with FFWD
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:24:01 AM) is your son doing?
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:24:06 AM)
How is Karen doing?
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:24:23 AM)
linda: ACK!! that's right, you have a son... i guess i have you confused w/laura cowlishaw
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:24:36 AM)
karen is doing great, thanks so much for asking
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:24:54 AM)
she just got a new pair of glasses... FYI for kids, the bifocal segment needs to be higher than for adults
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:25:04 AM)
just in case you ever have a friend who needs to know that
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:25:13 AM)
debbie: oh, i see re: pvt messages... interesting
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:25:18 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:25:18 AM)
Glad to hear it.
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:25:24 AM)
hi dr j!!!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:25:27 AM)
good morning Dr J!
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:25:38 AM)
Debbie - "We're he------re------"
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:25:43 AM)
how are things in washington dc?
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:25:46 AM)
Good Morning dr j!
Sam (ID=27) (Feb 8, 2000 8:25:46 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:25:49 AM)
hi sam
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:25:51 AM)
hi Sam!
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:26:02 AM)
Sorry to be late, but traffic was #@$%#* (remember the cartoons? :-) )
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:26:22 AM)
(tune: Auld Lang Syne) we're here because we're here because we're here because we're HEEEERE; we're here because we're here because, we're here because we're here :-)
Sam (ID=27) (Feb 8, 2000 8:26:27 AM)
Hi all!
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:26:45 AM)
dr j: we have that kind of traffic here in atlanta too... you're only 2 mins late by my clock, not to worry (smile)
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:26:58 AM)
.oO (Is Marge trying out for choir?) :-)
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 8:27:01 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:27:06 AM)
brenda!!! hey there!!
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:27:08 AM)
I can identify with Brenda's recent post about pressure to use Ritalin
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:27:20 AM)
dr j....i was able to go in and add a few short cuts for typing...aud=audiolgist psych=psychologist neur=neurologist earo=earobics......... let me know others you would like to see.....
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:27:22 AM)
dr j: funny you should ask, i used to sing in choir ... tenor!!
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:27:32 AM)
Brenda, this is Linda Engle..How are you?
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:27:43 AM)
never mind..will have to email them ...that didnt work
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:27:49 AM)
let me try the shortcuts: aud psyc neuro ear ffwd
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:27:50 AM)
hi brenda!
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:28:01 AM)
"aud" works for audiologist
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 8:28:02 AM)
Hi Everyone!
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:28:04 AM)
Well, Marge, traffic isn't too bad here. It only took me 45 minutes to travel 12 miles.....about 10 minutes longer than usual :-)
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:28:14 AM)
ack! i typed a - u - d for audiologist
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:28:18 AM)
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:28:32 AM)
if you type a - u - d you can get audiologist all spelled out
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:28:37 AM)
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:28:42 AM)
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:28:44 AM)
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:28:51 AM)
hey hey try p s y c h
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:28:56 AM)
That's nice. How did you set up that "shortcut" for aud
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:28:56 AM)
e-a-r-o is earobics
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:29:03 AM)
Sam (ID=27) (Feb 8, 2000 8:29:04 AM)
What can we do to increase fluency in a student who is good at decoding?
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:29:05 AM)
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:29:33 AM)
i have a "bad word" list..but i used it for shortcuts ..hehehehe
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:29:35 AM)
sam: my guess as a mom is practice, practice, practice... maybe reading a story out loud
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:29:50 AM)
Sam, if the by fluency you mean fluency of speaking, the problem is one you need to discuss with an SLP (is this a shortcut too) and has nothing to do with CAPD
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:30:14 AM)
will be in a sec...i can add shortcuts as we go
Sam (ID=27) (Feb 8, 2000 8:30:17 AM)
I mean fluency in processing the written language.
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:30:22 AM)
sam: is the student a boy or a girl? how old?
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:30:30 AM)
Debbie, how'd you get to be the "Flower of my heart sweet Adoline?"
Sam (ID=27) (Feb 8, 2000 8:30:36 AM)
Student is a boy - 14
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:31:17 AM)
sam: my guess as a parent is find some books on a topic he really likes a lot, have him read those
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:31:31 AM)
dr j: look under "settings", use the icon tab
Sam (ID=27) (Feb 8, 2000 8:31:37 AM)
What about repeated reading
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:31:40 AM)
Sam, again, if the problem is in expressive, written language is expressive, the problem is NOT CAPD. SOunds like you should have an SLP check out word retrival or organizational problems related to expressive language. Expressive anything is not auditory processing at all.
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:31:54 AM)
aaaaaawwwww......dr j..............if you go to can change icons....
Sam (ID=27) (Feb 8, 2000 8:32:22 AM)
Dr. J: So then FastForWord wouldn't even be an option for him?
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 8:32:58 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:33:04 AM)
hi royce
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 8:33:14 AM)
Hi royce!
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 8:33:22 AM)
hi to all
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:33:24 AM)
hi Royce
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:33:36 AM)
there ya go, dr j... nice icon
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:33:37 AM)
there ya go dr j
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:33:42 AM)
! Trying a new Icon
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:33:44 AM)
debbie: gmta!!
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 8:34:10 AM)
nice site-easy to read
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:34:23 AM)
.oO (Was looking for mickey mouse but couldn't find him, so had to settle for the lightbulb! )
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:34:54 AM)
Debbie, how do you want to set the "rules" or just open chat or what?
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:35:08 AM)
thanks royce....dr j.......will look for a mickey mouse for you =)
LBK (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:35:15 AM)
(This user is now known as Linda)
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:35:42 AM)
let's try open chat for now.........if it gets out of order we will go to a moderated format.....
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:36:06 AM)
linda: what is you icon... hockey stick & puck???
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:36:43 AM)
dr j: we just did some consonant discrim testing on my oldest girl; turned up some interesting stuff!
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:36:44 AM)
! Or is Linda, as the old joke ;-) a "hockey puck" ;-)
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:36:54 AM)
the biggest rule i will have in here is proper protocol towards others....anything short will not be allowed...
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:37:26 AM)
sounds good to me, debbie!
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:37:30 AM)
Marge, really, what was done. A formal test, informal what?
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:37:35 AM)
Hockey mom!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:37:39 AM)
if i can ask in old people's childrent with capd are.....and how long ago diagnosed.?
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:38:07 AM)
formal test: monotic CV-PI discrim, and we just completed some nonsense syllable tests (NST) in the booth; don't have scores on that yet
Sam (ID=27) (Feb 8, 2000 8:38:07 AM)
Why do some major medical centers drag their feet on testing for CAPD?
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 8:38:08 AM)
almost 5, diagnosed 3 days before she turned 3
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:38:15 AM)
! To Linda: Knows what you mean. You must have been up QUITE early, then, this am. !
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:38:21 AM)
debbie: all girls, ages 11, 9, & 7
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 8:38:41 AM)
my daughter just turned 10 - she was dx last yr in October - she was 8.5 then
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:38:47 AM)
debbie: i also have a 5 yr old who acts like auditory stuff is gonna be a problem
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:39:04 AM)
my 2 oldest were dx 2 yrs ago
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:39:13 AM)
Marge, you said CV-PI and NST. I'm not aware of these as any standardized tests. Where they standard tests or just exploratory tasks?
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:39:50 AM)
dr j: when you say standardized, you mean...what exactly?? no, not yet part of anyone's capd protocol... just trying to get a handle on where the system is breaking
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:39:58 AM)
royce....what type of activities are you doint to help your child now?
Donna (ID=30) (Feb 8, 2000 8:40:01 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:40:05 AM)
hi donna
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:40:07 AM)
hi Donna
Donna (ID=30) (Feb 8, 2000 8:40:21 AM)
Hi everyone!!
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:40:31 AM)
sam: i think the reason for foot dragging is because there is still so much debate as to what is or isn't capd, let alone how to test for it
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 8:40:32 AM)
Logan has done FF1 and FF2
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:40:32 AM)
Hi Donna. Welcome.
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:40:42 AM)
We had an extensive work up by an audiologist almost 2 months ago, and were only told our son "fits the profile for CAPD"... is this a diagnosisis?
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 8:40:46 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:40:51 AM)
hi cj!
Donna (ID=30) (Feb 8, 2000 8:40:59 AM)
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 8:41:14 AM)
hi marge and donna
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:41:15 AM)
hi cj..thanks for joining us.
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 8:41:48 AM)
good to be here not sure if this was to be am or pm
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:41:53 AM)
royce...what type of success have you had with the ffw programs/
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 8:41:56 AM)
She had some gains from both but not any of the super stories you normaly hear..because she is extremely verbal!
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:42:02 AM)
Linda, for many audiologists, the only approach they often know to take is a Test Battery Approach (as I call it). That is, they give tests, score them, and if the child fails the tests child has CAPD, if child passes, not CAPD.
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:42:11 AM)
Royce - how was FFWD 2? We just finished FFWD1.
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:42:33 AM)
debbie: somehow my lines are off-kilter...
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:42:49 AM)
debbie: oh, i see, i fullscreened & problem went away
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:42:59 AM)
We had the electrophysiological rather than the behavioral series of tests.
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 8:43:06 AM)
I was very pleased with FF2 because the child has "some" control in what order the games are played
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:43:19 AM)
cj....there will be parent chats every tuesday night ..hosted by various parents such as Marge and Brenda....and then chat with professionals posted at various other times
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:43:21 AM)
! BRB !
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:43:43 AM)
dr j: that would be more the approach of the SLPs, right? behavioral hearing tests = test battery approach
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 8:43:49 AM)
thank you debbie
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:43:55 AM)
linda: you mean the tests you had at LSU?
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:44:04 AM)
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:44:36 AM)
Plus 5 hours of testing by a pediatric neuropsychologist
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:44:54 AM)
linda: i am not sure what dr berlin's approach to capd is, tho' he has written quite a lot about central auditory stuff... i have a book chapter i can copy & send you that he wrote, if you will email me your snail mail address... too long to email or to fax
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:45:01 AM)
royce my child was beginning to be very verbal when i started ffw...i wondered if she really needed it...but i just her post testing scores....i was shoecked
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:45:08 AM)
And we're still awaiting definitive feedback!
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:45:15 AM)
! Back !
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:45:30 AM)
linda: i get the impression dr berlin doesn't subscribe to any of the current models of capd... i think he takes a different approach
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 8:45:38 AM)
dr. J what remediations are a vailable for kids w good phonemic awareness but difficulty w auditory closure and backround noise
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:45:47 AM)
Marge, I would really appreciate that. I'll email you my address.
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:45:54 AM)
linda: no problem
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:46:37 AM)
I asked him, but he kind of side stepped the question.
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 8:46:58 AM)
Debbie according to my SLP Logan could be the Poster Child for FF1 because she gained SO MUCH! but I only see that she can "hear" short vowel sounds better
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:47:01 AM)
I know he is a very busy man.
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:47:21 AM)
linda: you are not just whistling dixie!
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:47:52 AM)
royce: that is great that ffwd got her to hear short vowels better... no small thing, that
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:48:05 AM)
I still want some remediation strategies, irrespective of whether we're dealing with ADD or CAPD!
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:48:11 AM)
Marge, the Test Battery Approach is not merely the approach of the SLP. Many, if not most, audiologists who do not really understand CAPD but know how to administer the CAPD tests use the test battery approach. I have seen some AUD who give a battery of tests (let's say 8 - 10 tests) and will Dx a child as CAPD if one of the tests is abnormal.
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:48:17 AM)
i saw gains in sarah that seemed not to be significant....mainly her writing and reading
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:49:15 AM)
Dr. j - would you consider the shift in the Pb peak in the MLRs an indication of CAPD?
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:49:28 AM)
dr j: i've seen that too... it is really a shame... some aud almost seem to label anything they don't understand (and that usually means something that doesn't just show up as a walloping puretone loss) as capd! very very frustrating
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:49:29 AM)
dr you ever recommend have a child retested for capd after there has been some remeadiation?
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 8:49:55 AM)
Debbie-Teri Bellis is a professor at The U of South Dakota and I hope to take Logan there. We were hoping for more gains in reading but Logan also has MAJOR vision problems so we have that too
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 8:50:06 AM)
good q debbie how often do you retest
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:50:11 AM)
Our son exhibited this peak at 65 MHz instead of the usual 50. Other tests were OK.
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:51:03 AM)
i would like to know if anyone does repeat electrophys testing after ffwd... if the claim is that the software actually grows more neurons, you should be able to see that, shouldn't you?
Sam (ID=27) (Feb 8, 2000 8:51:26 AM)
What are some good tests for expressive language?
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:51:37 AM)
Linda, NO, I would consider the shift in the Pb Peak an indication that there is a timing problem in the upper brainstem region of the central auditory pathways. It is how the system deals with this timing problem that can lead to problems processing information through that system. I would bet that there are people with shifts in MLR results who deal with the timing problem fine and have learned (self learned or learned through remediation) how to deal with the information they receive. Please note, ALL that I say relates to my approach to CAPD which is very behavioral.
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 8:51:45 AM)
when do you use electroqhys testing.
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:51:55 AM)
royce......i took sarah to the eye dr for of the first questions he asked me was if she had and processing problems....i was flabbergasted.....he said because she was straining so hard to understand her "visual senses" were working overtime to compensate
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:53:05 AM)
dr j: so you label for the upper brainstem type problems would be... what term, if not capd? just trying to get a handle on the terminology
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:53:13 AM)
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:53:25 AM)
thanks debbie
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:53:27 AM)
Debbie, yes, You should have a child retested to see how the child is now dealing with the auditory tasks after remediation or just maturation has occurred. If a child undergoes remediation, and the "remediators" feel there is growth and change, then it is worthwhile to get formal testing completed. So long as the time period is about 6 months to a year later, the test-retest influences do not seem to be affected especially a year down the road.
Sam (ID=27) (Feb 8, 2000 8:53:30 AM)
Thanks debbi
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 8:53:35 AM)
thanks debbie
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:54:46 AM)
so if you retest a child and child no longer shows significant signs of you continue to remediate to prevent further problems?
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 8:54:50 AM)
debbie-Logan has been wearing glasses since she was 13 mnth should have had them at 9 mnth-bifocals at 4.5 yrs. and continues to struggle but since her left eye corrected is 20/30 they do nothing
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 8:54:58 AM)
dr. j what remediations are available for auditory closure and figure ground issues? phonemic awareness is fine.
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:55:22 AM)
I am hoping to have our son's MLRs retested after FFWD. I'll advise all of you of any changes!
MargeTamas (ID=25) (Feb 8, 2000 8:55:28 AM)
ack, i hate to have to leave, but i have to get to a meeting this morning... great to see everyone here... nice to "see" you, dr J... thanks for taking the time to be here.
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 8:55:42 AM)
Bye Marge!
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 8:55:43 AM)
bye marge
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:55:44 AM)
Debbie, you ask when do I do electrophysiological tests? When the case history or the test patterns or behaviors noted suggest that there may be some physiological basis for the auditory processing difficulties. Otherwise, the presence or absence of abnormalities on electrophysiological tests have not, at least not to my knowledge, been quantified or found to be directly related to ANY behavioral factors which is why parents, teachers, and children are finding problems with the child deealing with auditory information.
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:55:46 AM)
good seeing you soon!! bye bye!
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:56:15 AM)
Bye, Marge. SOrry yu have to leave, but hope to "see" you next time.
Donna (ID=30) (Feb 8, 2000 8:56:19 AM)
Bye Marge
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 8:56:42 AM)
Dr. j since my dau has done both FF1 & 2 and the SLP did their follow up tests which other tests should be used in re-testing
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:57:38 AM)
Royce, what was the basis for your daughter doing FFWD? Whatever presenting symptoms and tests that supported the use of FFWD, you should now have those tests done to see if there has been improvement or change.
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 8:58:03 AM)
<~~~~confused!! my daughter only ever had original battery of test fo capd....never had the neurologist testing......should she have?
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 8:58:30 AM)
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 8:59:08 AM)
dr. J I was wondering what remediation is available for kids w auditory closure and figure ground issues, no phonemic awareness issues?
Sam (ID=27) (Feb 8, 2000 9:02:11 AM)
Debbie, This is a great chat set-up. Sorry I have to leave - my student is here.
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:02:24 AM)
bye sam
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 9:02:36 AM)
also according to one of the follow up reports she "struggles" with 5 elements at all frequencies and 4 elements at high (2000hz) and low (500Hz)-how does this translate to the classroom? Logan "hears" words not pieces of words she also processes what she hears slower than most-but she relies on her "hearing" a lot because her eyes aren't great
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:03:09 AM)
royce........does Logan use any type of FM?
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:03:14 AM)
Debbie, does your daughter's case hx or test results or anything else suggest that she may have neurological problems? Please when I say this next thing do not think I'm making fun or critizing you........did you have her checked out by an oncologist? by an endocrinologist? by a geneticist? by an orthopedist? I think you get my drift. If there are no presenting symptoms, why have her checked out by a neruologist? In the vast, vast majority of cases, CAPD is a behavioral issue and not a neurophysiological issue. (Reference: Check out the writings by Dr. Frank Musiek. He found three categories for identifying the basis of CAPD in children. One was something in the history indicating a trauma or other neruophysiological factor (very few cases have that), some are developmental or maturational (many cases of this), some are probably "wiring" that is child has cells in brain different from the normal cells and you just have to deal with the structure as it can't be changed (many of these cases are assumed but not known and not tested)
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:04:18 AM)
Dr J....i take nothing personal...i have so much to learn!!
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 9:05:07 AM)
debbie -no- we tried to convince her but there is a deaf child at her school and she said she won't wear one because she is not deaf!
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:05:19 AM)
cj, you asked what remediation for auditory closure and figure ground issues. The bottom line for me is "Why is the child having auditory closure and figure ground issues?" There are many reasons or causes for why a child can not synthesize (closure) or understand speech in noise. SO, until we know the WHY how can we provide remediation?
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 9:05:39 AM)
I'm looking into getting my son an assistive listening device. Can anyone suggest one?
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:05:43 AM)
Debbie, what's the Nuts icon represent?
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:05:45 AM)
Dr. J...I want to have a better understanding why more electrophysological testing isn't automatically isn't done when CAPD is suspected or even diagnosed.
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:06:01 AM)
Dr J...sarah was a child that suffered from chronic ear infections...we thought capd related to them
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:06:12 AM)
Linda, my daughter uses a Comtek auditory trainer. We have had great results with it.
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:06:19 AM)
Just scrolling messages in room of upcoming events or things for people to know.
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:06:23 AM)
linda, why are you looking into getting your son an assistive listening device?
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 9:06:30 AM)
How much did it cost?
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:06:58 AM)
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 9:06:59 AM)
We were told it might help. I guess we're reaching for anything that may help.
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 9:07:13 AM)
Wow. Anything cheaper out there?
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:07:14 AM)
Dr. J the child has mild neuro impairment, yrs. of fluid in ears intermittently, 2 sets of ear tubes, hearing is normal,,had sleep apnea prior to tonsil and adenoids removed
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 9:07:42 AM)
CJ - sounds a bit like our son!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:07:48 AM) child has an Fm that my school provided for classroom use
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:08:02 AM)
comfort in #s Linda.
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 9:08:27 AM)
The tubes were a tremendous help!
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 9:08:55 AM)
We also suspect chronic allergies contributing to the fluids....
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:09:05 AM)
Our school wanted to provide one but they refused to let us use it outside of the classroom. We needed it for use in other areas of our daughters life as well...restraunts, shopping, etc. so they paid for 1/2
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:09:09 AM)
Linda, what a difference. t&a made a huge difference
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:09:32 AM)
Brenda, if you can scroll back I put some info which answers a part of your question. Basically, to my knowledge, there is no evidence that directly links any neurophysiological factors to the behaviors we see that we call auditory processing problems. Thus, if a child is found to have any abnormality on an electrophysiological test, what does that mean? Consider. Imagine a child with abnormal MLR (one of the electrophysiological findings) but no problems dealing with auditory information. The child has compensated successfully. Does the child have a CAPD problem?
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:09:43 AM)
allergies may be a part too. son takes nasal spray for this
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:10:55 AM)
brenda we find the issues worse outdoors, ie ballfield /park
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:11:20 AM)
as time goes on we can use the scrolling messages to "direct" the chat or make announcements on chat subjects....any input you have is welcome...we can cater times you are here to how you'd like to run things too
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:11:27 AM)
Debbie, there is no direct evidence to indicate that chronic ear infections cause CAPD. As a matter of fact from most of the research, all that has been shown is the after the fact/fact. Many children with CAPD have histories of many, many ear infections. However, many, many children with histories of chronic ear infections do NOT have CAPD. So, it's the old logic game which has been, for me and according to my approach, a MAJOR problem in the entire field of CAPD.
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:11:40 AM)
Dr. J...I have been reading along and I understand your point. But my daughter presented with CAPD and made no progress in speech. Her MLR's are absent and was finally diagnosed, 2 years later, as being functionally deaf. If we would have had this information when she was originally diagnosed, we would have had a better opportunity to begin more drastic remediation techniques earlier on.
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:12:30 AM)
Brenda, when was your daughter first evaluated by an audiologist for auditory abilities of any type?
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:12:36 AM)
Dr. J...let me clarify...the MLR's were not tested until this past November.
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:12:50 AM)
Dr. J....when she was 2 1/2
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:12:50 AM)
interesting about the ear infections Dr. J . I never thought of it not being the fluid as part of the caouse
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 9:13:38 AM)
Logan only had 2 ear infections...I believe hers is from how she has "processed" her world through the "fog" of her sight
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:13:57 AM)
Brenda, at 2-1/2 (I don't know if you posted her present age, but please, what is it?) what were the results of the audiological assessment/ What did they do to determine their conclusions? WHat was present in the info you presented to the audiologist to suspect any problems which may be related to the auditory pathways?
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:14:03 AM)
if a child has a neurolog. impairment and had the fluid in ears, sleep apnea, what tests would you consider, DR. J?
Karen (ID=32) (Feb 8, 2000 9:14:43 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:14:52 AM)
hi Karen
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 9:14:55 AM)
hi karen
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:14:57 AM)
hi Karen
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:15:08 AM)
Dr. daughter will be 5 in a couple of weeks. The audiologist did a test where my daughter (almost 3 at the time) was to point to a picture while background noise was slowly introduced...she failed and the audiologist declared CAPD
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:15:12 AM)
cj, what answers and what symptoms does the child present? Tests are not just given because we want to test. Tests are done to get answers to questions?
Karen (ID=32) (Feb 8, 2000 9:15:17 AM)
Donna (ID=30) (Feb 8, 2000 9:16:04 AM)
Gotta go to class....Thanks for letting me read you all. Not much to say today. ..PPT in 2 weeks, audiologists eval in hand, ready to get strategies implemented..Dichotic, Temporal and Monaural problems, I'll let you all know what happens. Thanks BYE:)
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:16:15 AM)
Brenda, OK. Your daughter could not identify which words she heard at 2-1/2 years of age when noise was present. How did she do on the same task when noise was NOT present?
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:16:21 AM)
bye Donna
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:16:45 AM)
In a sound booth? With both ears being tested equally at the same time? Fine
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:17:14 AM)
child mistakes words like okay vs. obey. He misunderstands things in the classroom ie: knows he has a fieldtrip but missed the when or where.
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:17:25 AM)
Bye Donna. Nice to "see" you .oO(THinks Donne has a yellow face with two black eyes and a big smiling lips but no nose or ears ,etc. ;-) )
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:17:49 AM)
Her MLR's tested together are abnormal but have some peaks, where individually they are absent...
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:18:06 AM)
on a ball field he cannot understand you unless he were to leave 2nd base to get closer to you (if you are on the mound)
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:19:36 AM)
cj, first, the mis-discrimination of words suggests maybe an auditory discrimination problem. The missing of information suggests an auditory processing problem, and attentional problem or a language problem . SO, the tests would be hearing test, evaluation by audiologist of CAPD, psychological tests of information processing/cognitive (usually called IQ) and attentional testing, and speech-language eval for language testing.
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:21:01 AM)
Brenda, what did the evaluator (I assume an aud) say about the abnormal MLR's and how they relate to what is normal/abnormal and maturational in a 4 years old child?
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:21:06 AM)
what attentional testing is available? what speech tests might you suggest? I realize that some of this might be out of the audiological field
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:21:25 AM)
Dr J......if a parent "knows" there child has a problem and is unsure what it do they go about requesting the proper test.? When I originally went to my pediatirican (several times) I was told Sarah was "fine"
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:22:06 AM)
cj, there are auditory continuous performance tests and visual continuous performance tests. These are good tests for focusing and maintaining attention. SLPs who understand processing issues know the variety of language tests that can be done.
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:22:19 AM)
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:22:48 AM)
Dr. J...the evaluator was Dr. Charles Berlin and he seemed to think that the MLR's were abnormal for a child her age. He also suggested we continue using cued speech and the auditory trainer at all times. He suggested that the problem will NOT go away and that she will need these tools for her entire educational carreer.
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:23:40 AM)
Dr. J...My question is not about the diagnosis. My question is why don't audiologists do appropriate testing to determine specifically what is causing the CAPD instead of using CAPD as a diagnostic crutch?
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:23:43 AM)
thanks dr. J. Does it matter if the continuous performance tests are visual or auditory(how do you choose which one to do) and who is the professional to these?
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:23:44 AM)
we saw aud for almost 4 years before capd was diagnosed
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 9:23:56 AM)
cj-my dau was given an attention test by her aud. where she had to buzz in every time she heard the word dog-the test lasted about 10 mins.-we were trying to rule out ADD and did!
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:24:29 AM)
thanks for the info Royce
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:24:41 AM) audiologist can rule out ADD?
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:24:51 AM)
that is a long time debbie
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:25:22 AM)
cj ....sarah saw a psych for educational evaluation and he had us fill out questionairres as well as present and past teachers......he used these to rule out add....
Karen (ID=32) (Feb 8, 2000 9:25:49 AM)
dr.j My son is 11 and according to home survey, has ADD concerns. The teachers did not show any ADD concerns (they had known him for only one month). I requested further evaluations and they did educational and psychological evals. Full scale IQ was 123, but the processing speed was 104, long-term retrieval was standard score of 71 and auditory processing standard score was 89. I requested further evaluation in the area of auditory processing and was refused. Any ideas?
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:26:04 AM)
cj..that is my point exactly!! took way too long to make dx
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:26:07 AM)
Debbie (let's try again), parents should NOT be asking for specific tests. The parents' role is to be parents. We see problems and we have to rely on those we go to for advice to suggest the tests. What we as parents need to do is be sure that test results are clearly described, that we understand what the test results mean as they relate to the problems/symptoms we see, and we need to be sure that ALL of our questions are answered. Consider the following: If you have an ache in your stomach, do you go to the doctor requesting specific tests ("Hey, Doc, order me an upper and lower GI series?") or do you descirbe ALL of the symptoms and rely on the expertise of your doctor to provide answers through the tests. Then, if the answers are not forthcoming, we need to find other advisers who can lead us to where we may find the answers. When we have the answers and explanations, we will see that the solutions (mangaement, trreatment, etc) is simply an outcome of understanding what is the problem and this is what to do about it.
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:26:10 AM)
debbie that is a screen I believe, rather than a test. the Conner's is a popular one
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 9:27:00 AM)
brenda-we were orginially told that the teachers thought Logan was ADD so we had her tested using MANY tests and yes she isn't ADD she is overly attentive because both areas needed in the classroom are working overtime!
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:27:52 AM)
royce...I see, I didn't know how that worked, I have never had any experience with ADD or testing of such, I was just curious
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:28:35 AM)
royce overfocusing can also be a symptom of add , I believe
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 9:29:04 AM)
Brenda we didn't think she was ADD either thats why we had so many tests done...
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:29:32 AM)
Dr J...i understand your point.
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 9:30:08 AM)
cj I ve never heard of that but anything would make sense...the brain is a funny person!
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:30:30 AM)
Karen, you requested further testing in the area of auditory processing to answer what questions? IF you were to write to the schools (I have afeeling this was done by the schools) saying "I want auditory processing testing for my son." I'd deny that myself if I were the administrator in the school. BUt, if you were to write (and it needs to be done in writing to leave a paper trail), "Because of the low scores in auditory processing on the psychological eval compared with my son's IQ/potential, I'd like him to be tested to see if it's an auditory processing problem that is causing the delays in processing time and the poor scores in auditory processing." Now you have presented the questions you want answered and the school district must respond to your questions. If you are not satisfied with their answers, you'd have to go privately or go for a fair hearing. But, I would think if you present reasons for the testing, not just "Well he may have CAPD, so test it out." I would think a hearing officer just based on that would agree with the school district denial.
Karen (ID=32) (Feb 8, 2000 9:32:08 AM)
On the CAPD list, it seems like there is a connection with inability to retain math facts and CAPD. Is there a connection? My son has struggled with math facts since first grade.
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:32:14 AM)
Royce, cj's right. Overfocusing would refer to underinclusive attention a problem in which the person includes too little in their "sphere" of attention, so they may miss related, but tangential information or related but not within their direct focus. This is often overlooked and such children are often called compulsive or emotional factors.
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:32:23 AM)
Dr. J can a "harness" be used to hold a mic effectively in the classroom if a lapel mic or behind the neck boom could not be used
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:32:25 AM)
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:33:15 AM)
Oh, dr. J I forgot to mention this is for a soundfield fm
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:35:42 AM)
Karen (let's try that again), NO. There is no connection between math and CAPD. The connection is that math is often taught using a great deal of verbal information and math "facts" are mostly so-called math word problems. Children with any auditory processing factors could have problems understanding the verbal information in math facts and word problems. But, a child with just an auditory processing problem would not have a problem with adding, multiplying, etc. or any basic math calculations if the child were taught math manipulatively as is often done. Thus, a child with problems dealing with auditory information AND problems with basic math calculation has either two separate problems or one basic underlying information processing problem NOT CAPD and it is the underlying information processing problem that is causing the auditory and math problems. (This is according to my approach and model of CAPD)
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:36:02 AM)
cj, what do you mean by a harness?
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 9:36:39 AM)
I've got to get to work. Enjoyed the chat! Bye.
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:36:44 AM)
bye Linda!
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 9:36:48 AM)
dr j -I asked a question way back- the test results from FF2 showed my dau still has problems with 5 elements at all fequencies and 4 elements at high (2000Hz) and low (500HZ)- how does this translate in the classroom?
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:37:05 AM)
Bye, Linda. GOod to see you. Hope your kids do well and enjoy the hockey.
Linda (ID=24) (Feb 8, 2000 9:37:16 AM)
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:37:31 AM)
I do notknow what this is. I heard from the audiologist that it was a device used prior to the modern behind the neck/head mic or lapel mic
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:38:05 AM)
Dr. J...I think this message might have scrolled by before you could read I'll type it again. My question is not about the diagnosis. My question is why don't audiologists do appropriate testing to determine specifically what is causing the CAPD instead of using CAPD as a diagnostic crutch?
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:38:44 AM)
Dr. J how would I know if this is appropriate to use as a substitute in the classroom w the soundfield sys.
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:39:50 AM)
! brb !
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:39:53 AM)
<~~~~~wants to thank Dr J for donating his time and being so patient with all of us.......we've bombarded him with questions and he's been very helpful..=)
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 9:40:27 AM)
and thank you debbie for setting this up!
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:40:30 AM)
<~~~~~wants to say "ditto"!
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:40:46 AM)
Back! I didn't leave yet, jsut an interruption I had to ask to come back.
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:40:46 AM)
Thank you DR. J. Lots of Qs!!!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:41:27 AM) daughter really likes her fm..her teacher is wonderful about using it and the teacher leaves instructions for her subs on how to use.....if they forget for any reason..sarah is quick to remind them!
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:41:33 AM)
Royce, 5 and 4 elements of WHAT?
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:41:57 AM)
just wanted to say thanks ahead of time incase you made a quick exit =)
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 9:42:17 AM)
Dr j -from the game Trog Walkers-so it would be tones
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:42:19 AM)
Dr. J I am glad you are back. Who would be the professional to do the continuous performance tests and which do you choose-visual or auditory and when
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:42:56 AM)
<~~~~imagines Dr. J. quickly changing back into his audiologist outfit after almost being caught as "super audiologist" with cape and no glasses...
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:43:21 AM) are welcome. im learning as much as everyone else!
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:43:38 AM)
Brenda you are SUPER funny
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 9:43:44 AM)
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:44:15 AM)
cj, I wonder if it's the old around the neck plastic piece that just held the mic below the speaker's chin. Actually, the bottom line is, you want the mic to be as close to the teacher/speaker's mouth as possible, and any way to place it is better than none. The personal FM or sound field FM has nothing to do with the mic. What is needed is that the school should have a professional audiologist (educational audiologist) who knows assistive technology consult on the best and most appropriate system and use of the system for your daughter, the classroom, the teacher and everyone else.
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:45:16 AM)
Royce, you say you son has problems with 4 tones or 5 tones doing what task? I'm not familiar with Trog Walkers, so, I can't reply without knowing the task.
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:45:53 AM)
I agree Dr. J. I have a situation where the teacher refuses to wear a battery on her body so whatever this is she will not need to wear a battery.
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 9:47:16 AM)
dr. j-she had to click in the sequences of sounds which changes in tonal qualities and speed
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:48:15 AM)
cj, as an audiologist, I only do the auditory continuous performance test. Also, as one of the first clinical people using that test, and I've discussed it with Dr. Robert Keith the developer of the test, there are many qualifying behaviors I have seen that are not scored nor are seen by the typical evaluator unless you look for them. Thus, just a score on the ACPT (as it is called) is often not enough. Also, the battery has other tests which have attentional components, so it is necessary for me to do the entire CAPD test battery with the ACPT in it. Usually, psychologists, neuropsychologists and psychiatrists do the TOVA or some other test of visual continuous performance. These are computerized tests.
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:49:59 AM)
Dr. J how often does an audiologist check a soundfield sys for clarity and appropriate usage? How should the team decide which continous perf. to go w : tova or auditory continous perf. test?
Brenda (ID=28) (Feb 8, 2000 9:50:30 AM)
Bye everyone...thanks Dr. J and Debbie!
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:51:44 AM)
cj, YES, the teacher ALWAYS has to wear the transmitter (which houses the battery, a microphone, the electrical system that converts the mic output into an FM signal and the tranmitter that sends the FM signal out). Some systems allow the transmitter to be worn in a pouch or carried in the pocket, but the microphone needs to be within (ideally) 6 inches of the teacher/speaker's mouth or no more than 12 inches (one foot) away [note: these distances are American and would convert to one inch = 2.54cm for European or no greater than, about 30cm ideally 15 cm)
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:53:50 AM)
w this "harness" I believe the mic can hold the battery (the mic )- that is passed around for student use; and teacher will not need to wear a battery
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:53:55 AM)
cj, depends on the contract with the school system. If the audiologist is part of the school system as an employee, the system should be checked a minimum once a year or whenevery any problem arrises. Also, in this case, the audiologist would probably be making periodic checks into each classroom, so the aud would hear the system and may hear a problem before anyone else reports it. For the audiologist contracted, it depends on the contract. When I was contracted to do this type of work , the schools wanted me to come in during the early weeks of Sept. as school was just starting to check each FM system in use.
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:55:05 AM)
forget contracts. what is the appropriate frequency it should be checked . there is audiologist available
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:55:36 AM)
cj...whenever we have an open house or im at school to see sarah's teacher,, i put on her Fm to hear what it sounds like so if it is not working properly I can usually tell
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:56:28 AM)
working properly i call the school audiologist
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:57:05 AM)
cj, I think you need to consult with a professional who really knows assistive listening technology. There are so many different models of FM systems, that what you say makes no sense from a professional point of view. And, without having an FM unit to show you, it's hard for me to explain. BUt, understand this, since the teacher's transmitter is portable and requires power, a battery is required to run it. Almost ALL FM systems I know use 9 volt batteries whether regular, alkaline (usually preferred) or rechargable. Some have their own recharagable battery systems, and some may use multiple AA batteries. But, the transmitter with the microphone HAS to have power and the power is a battery.
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:57:15 AM)
<~~~tecnical question .................anyone else having trouble with room scrolling?
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:57:24 AM)
good idea debbie, this gets embarrassing as the kid gets older. besides it is one thing for you to know it is unclear, it is another to convince the school. sort of subjective hearing. you can hear what you want to
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 9:58:29 AM)
cj, there is no appropriate frequency to check a system. The user of the system (the classrooom teacher) should be trained to do a listening check EVERYDAY. How often do you check if your portable phone or beeper works? You use it everyday, and you notice if something seems WRONG. But ,how often is it necessary to do a formal check of a system, once a year.
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:58:34 AM)
no trouble scrolling
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:58:49 AM)
cj..when i go to school i try on FM and let sarah talk into mic...she thinks it's cool
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 9:58:58 AM)
no trouble scrolling
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:59:10 AM)
thanks dr. J
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 9:59:22 AM)
thanks Debbie
Sue Lewis (ID=33) (Feb 8, 2000 9:59:48 AM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 9:59:55 AM)
hi Sue
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 10:00:01 AM)
hi sue
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 10:00:05 AM)
hi sue
Sue Lewis (ID=33) (Feb 8, 2000 10:00:23 AM)
Good Morning!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:00:48 AM)
cj when i had trouble with ear pieces on FM i called my aud at the distict and he brought new ear pieces that day!
Karen (ID=32) (Feb 8, 2000 10:00:56 AM)
Thanks dr.J. Thanks Debbie. Got to run, I've got a sick child home today. Bye
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 10:01:00 AM)
Dr., J how does the team decide to go w Tova or the ACPT?
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:01:04 AM)
bye Karen
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 10:01:20 AM)
cj and others, it is the responsibility of the IEP to be sure you get into that IEP how the user's of the FM system are trained to use that system. For example, in my educational audiology class I will be teaching in a little while (I'll have to leave soon), one of the sections the students will learn and one of the projects they have to do is an inservice for non-professionals (teachers, parents, administrators) regarding: How to handle the daily factors of heairng aids in class, FM systems (personal and sound field), and other technology in class or at home. It is a daily check that is needed for ALL technology to be sure it is working correctly. This especially goes for FM systems and hearing aids.
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 10:01:23 AM)
Thanks Debbie .
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 10:01:41 AM)
Bye Karen, nice to "see" you
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 10:03:26 AM)
Dr.J that is a valuable crucial thing to do. I have had to learn the hard way and my child suffered for it because the iep did not allow for this.
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 10:03:42 AM)
cj, the team will decide TOVA or ACPT depending on who they know as their evaluator resources and what information they will know they are getting from that evaluator. For example, an audiologist just looking at the score on the ACPT can miss some very important info and misdx an attentional problem. A psychologist using the TOVA only depending on the score computed by the computer program can miss attentional factors. SO, the team will go with whomever they feel comfortable with based on prior experiences.
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:03:51 AM)
if the use of the FM is documented in the IEP or 504 Plan...can the teacher still refuse to use it such as in cj's case?
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 10:04:58 AM)
cj, I am sorry if some of my comments led in one direction. I am so used to insuring that the IEp and the school district has in place a proper orientation program for users of technology, that I forget that often FM systems are "dumped" into the schools with no one knowing really how to use them.
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 10:05:04 AM)
debbie she uses it w the wrong mic. they switched the mic because teacher refuses to wear a battery and did not tell me
Nancy (ID=35) (Feb 8, 2000 10:05:42 AM)
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debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:06:04 AM) school originally told me that sarah did not qualify for a FM device since she was not in ESE and had a 504 plan...i asked them to document about two weeks i had the Fm for sarah under the 504 Plan
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 10:06:05 AM)
hi nancy
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:06:07 AM)
hi Nancy
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 10:06:11 AM)
do not be sorry. hope that this practice will change, it has been a long year!?
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 10:06:20 AM)
hi Nancy
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 10:06:54 AM)
good for you debbie. Letter writing is crucial
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:07:25 AM)
i've learned letter writing and tape recording the hard way cj.....
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 10:07:43 AM)
we tape too.
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 10:07:45 AM)
Debbie, NO. AN IEP and a 504 plan signed by the district and the parents is a contract and a fedearally supported and state supported contract. Thus, no one has the right to refuse to fullfil the obligations of the contract. If there is a problem, let's say, a teacher has a neck injury and can't wear anything around his/her neck and the FM system to be used has a neck harness or plastic piece, the teacher could have a legitimate complaint, but the professional advisors should know of alternative systems like head worn mics, earclipped mics, mics that clip into clothes, etc. requiring nothing around the neck.
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 10:08:27 AM)
! Looks at the clock and realizes he better get prepared for class - that educational audiology class !
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:08:39 AM)
thank you dr j!!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:08:55 AM)
please email me with any comments or suggestions
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 10:08:57 AM)
trick is that they only stated soundfield fm and did not specify using it correctly! tricky isn't it
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 10:09:07 AM)
thank you Dr. j
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 10:09:15 AM)
Thanks Dr.J bye.
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 10:09:29 AM)
To all, I realize there were many questions posed that we could not get to or that got lost in the chat. So, come back in two weeks and bring them up then.
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:09:34 AM)
or short cut typing you'd like for me to add to list
Sue Lewis (ID=33) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:01 AM)
can anyone to the me the difference between a soundfield and a personal fm system?
royce (ID=29) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:12 AM)
well it is off to work i go-bye to all!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:28 AM)
Sue i can send you an addy that describes different devices..hold on
cj (ID=31) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:40 AM)
got to go the time really flew by.
Nancy (ID=35) (Feb 8, 2000 10:11:17 AM)
My daughter in 5th grade this year is using an FM for the 1st time and loves it much to her surprise. I guess we are lucky the school didn't fight it. It happens they received new ones this year. It's the totable kind. A unit sits on her desk and the teacher wears a mic.
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:11:42 AM)
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 10:12:03 AM)
cj, not tricky, but typical. Please also note that very, very few audiologists have any training in educational audiology. Also, note, the field of audiology is moving and changing in it's education. The majority of new programs being developed for the new Doctor of Audiology degree (soon to be the ONLY degree for audiologists)......the majority of programs will have NO focus or background in pediatric and educational issues or a very limited background. This may sound like an Ad for my university, but that is our strength and focus.....our doctoral program (one of the first of it's kind) focuses on the educational and pedicatric and rehabilitative issues.
Sue Lewis (ID=33) (Feb 8, 2000 10:12:11 AM)
thanks, debbie!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:12:19 AM)
my daughter has aan FM that looks like a walkman radio..she wears it on her belt
dr.j (ID=26) (Feb 8, 2000 10:12:35 AM)
Bye, everyone. See you on the list or in two weeks. Bye, Debbie. It was really fun and interesting.
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:12:59 AM)
<~~wishes there was an audiology program near
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:13:36 AM)
sue that site descibes different devices in general...good starting point
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:14:35 AM)
it's amazing the difference the FM has made for Sarah.... kids in her class have commented on "how quick she answers with that hearing thing" ......she's in 3rd grade
Sue Lewis (ID=33) (Feb 8, 2000 10:15:26 AM)
debbie, would the system your daughter wears work in a dance class? My daughter is having difficulties in ballet this year, her fourth year in ballet, remembering all of the moves in French. The teacher walks around a lot and when they are at the barre, the teacher is at the barre also, talking into the wall.
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:16:25 AM)
i would think it would work......the unit my daughter wears has it's own belt.....kind of like a fanny pack does
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:16:32 AM)
guess i missed her!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:17:24 AM)
Nancy have you noticed a difference in your daughter since she started using the FM?
Sue Lewis (ID=36) (Feb 8, 2000 10:17:50 AM)
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debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:18:02 AM)
there you are Sue.....=)
Nancy (ID=35) (Feb 8, 2000 10:18:03 AM)
No, I haven't, but the teachers say it helps very much with her attention
Sue Lewis (ID=36) (Feb 8, 2000 10:18:54 AM)
rookie mistake - don't close the browser when chatting!!??!!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:19:07 AM)
the Fm my daughter uses has it's own belt like a fanny pack or waist pocket for a cd player so it should work for dance i would think
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:19:18 AM)
i've done that too sue!
Nancy (ID=35) (Feb 8, 2000 10:19:42 AM)
But this (the FM) is only 1 small piece of what's being done and more always needs to be done! She's terribly behind in basic skills!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:20:16 AM)
how long ago was she diagnosed?
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:22:24 AM) daughter also completed the ffw program
Nancy (ID=35) (Feb 8, 2000 10:23:24 AM)
March '98. at the time her school didn't know what to do. Now she's in the intermediate school (5th & 6th grade). Much better set up and she is happy. She did FFW 1 last summer. It was a hard schedule but she made it.
Nancy (ID=35) (Feb 8, 2000 10:24:04 AM)
We did it at home. And I got reimbursement from school! That was a miracle!!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:24:17 AM)
my school told me they never heard of capd.....that's where as a parent we become a good advocate for our child!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:24:29 AM)
i'd love to hear how you did that!!!!!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:24:53 AM)
we did the program at home the middle of soccer season and school!
Nancy (ID=35) (Feb 8, 2000 10:27:03 AM)
We didn't see huge gains, the biggest was with her attention. I think that's why she's able to be in a class within a class this year. Last year was full time LD class. Sorry, gotta go, I'm at work. Thanks for this wonderful resource, I'll be back!
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:27:39 AM)
Nancy I regret saying I am going to have to go....I started a new job working nights and have to catch some shut eye
debbie (ID=23) (Feb 8, 2000 10:27:48 AM)
i'll catch you here bye
ChatMaster (ID=37) (Feb 8, 2000 10:28:50 AM)
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ChatMaster (ID=37) (Feb 8, 2000 10:30:48 AM)
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marian (ID=38) (Feb 8, 2000 10:52:52 AM)
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ChatMaster (ID=39) (Feb 8, 2000 11:30:40 AM)
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me (ID=40) (Feb 8, 2000 11:34:29 AM)
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me (ID=41) (Feb 8, 2000 11:37:22 AM)
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me (ID=42) (Feb 8, 2000 11:42:57 AM)
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P. Hunter (ID=43) (Feb 8, 2000 11:45:30 AM)
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me (ID=44) (Feb 8, 2000 11:47:30 AM)
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Page (ID=45) (Feb 8, 2000 11:48:09 AM)
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me (ID=44) (Feb 8, 2000 11:48:17 AM)
hi page
me (ID=44) (Feb 8, 2000 11:48:36 AM)
oops......this is debbie
Page (ID=45) (Feb 8, 2000 11:48:47 AM)
Hello, Debbie
me (ID=44) (Feb 8, 2000 11:48:58 AM)
how are you doing?
Page (ID=45) (Feb 8, 2000 11:49:13 AM)
OK. Is Dr. J. on this forum?
me (ID=44) (Feb 8, 2000 11:49:30 AM)
he is......he was here a little bit ago...the chat times are EST
Page (ID=45) (Feb 8, 2000 11:49:47 AM)
So I am a little late, darn it.
me (ID=44) (Feb 8, 2000 11:49:50 AM)
soon there should be an archive of chats.....but i dont have them functional quite yet
me (ID=44) (Feb 8, 2000 11:50:07 AM)
there will be a parent's chat tonight also from 8 to 10 pm
me (ID=44) (Feb 8, 2000 11:50:10 AM)
Page (ID=45) (Feb 8, 2000 11:50:30 AM)
Well, this is the first time I have attempted using a chat room. I will try again, maybe this evening. Bye til then.
ChatMaster (ID=46) (Feb 8, 2000 11:52:24 AM)
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ChatMaster (ID=47) (Feb 8, 2000 12:29:40 PM)
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Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 7:56:47 PM)
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Marian (ID=49) (Feb 8, 2000 8:01:56 PM)
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Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:02:02 PM)
Hi Marian!
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:02:23 PM)
We are the only two here so far...
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:02:51 PM)
Do you have a child with CAPD?
Marian (ID=49) (Feb 8, 2000 8:03:09 PM)
Hi- Hope I am doing this right- it is the first time for me. Did you do the one this morning, I missed it?
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:03:23 PM)
Yes, it was really good.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:03:33 PM)
Did you have to work?
Marian (ID=49) (Feb 8, 2000 8:05:12 PM)
Yes, my daughter Whitney is 14 and I just found out last year she was CAPD although she has been classified LD in school since Kindergarten. What happened this AM- anything new AND EXCITING?
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:05:39 PM)
Well, Dr. J answered ALOT of questions, are you familiar with Dr. J?
laura (ID=50) (Feb 8, 2000 8:05:54 PM)
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Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:06:02 PM)
Hi Laura!
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:06:19 PM)
By the way, Marian, my daughter is almost 5, diagnosed with CAPD at the age of 3.
Marian (ID=49) (Feb 8, 2000 8:07:45 PM)
Yes, I am on the list and faithfully read everything, it has been the most imp. thing for me this last year. It has helped immeasurably(?) I am very rural and get so little support!
michelle (ID=51) (Feb 8, 2000 8:07:51 PM)
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Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:08:02 PM)
Me too. It was very helpful for me to find the listserv!
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:08:06 PM)
Hi Michelle!
Marian (ID=49) (Feb 8, 2000 8:08:34 PM)
Hi- to all. How did you get the dx. so early?
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:08:49 PM)
Dr. J answered a lot of personal type questions, I believe Debbie, the owner of this chat will be making an archive of the chat to be available for people to see.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:09:24 PM)
We just had so many problems with our daughter speaking, she was completely unintelligible, we finally found an audiologist willing to do some tests and they figured it out!
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:10:12 PM)
Michelle, do you have a child with CAPD?
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:10:41 PM)
Marian and I were just chatting about this mornings chat hosted by Dr. J from the CAPD listserv. It was great!
Marian (ID=49) (Feb 8, 2000 8:11:23 PM)
ISorry I am so slow at this
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:12:25 PM)
No problem! I've been typing for many, many years at this point so I am used to typing quickly. Please don't worry about how fast or slow you are! So when did they finally diagnose your 14 yr. old with CAPD?
Marian (ID=49) (Feb 8, 2000 8:15:07 PM)
If you are on the listserv I have been trying to find out if there is a way to get income tax deductions for the remediations and other services that do not fall under medical deductions. Last year she was dx. by a new school psychologist- one who is the only one I can now consider worth her weight in gold. She went back to school as an atypical student, and just luckilly she startted the ball rollling.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:16:12 PM)
Wow. I'm glad you finally found a good psychologist! What a relief to finally have a dx! I, unfortunately do not know anything about tax deductions but I have seen the postings.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:16:26 PM)
What are you doing for remediation?
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:17:39 PM)
Michelle, are you on the CAPD listserv? If not, it is a wonderful e-mail service for people who have themselves or have children with CAPD. It is really helpful. It is hosted by Dr. J, an audiologist.
Marian (ID=52) (Feb 8, 2000 8:26:23 PM)
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Susan D (ID=53) (Feb 8, 2000 8:26:39 PM)
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Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:26:42 PM)
Hi Marian! What happened?
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:26:45 PM)
Hi Susan!
Marian (ID=52) (Feb 8, 2000 8:27:10 PM)
I was disconnected and couldn't get back on till now!
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:27:23 PM)
Sorry about that!
Susan D (ID=53) (Feb 8, 2000 8:28:28 PM)
Hi just joined,bear with me i'm a slow typist.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:28:46 PM)
Don't worry about it!
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:29:01 PM) you have a child with CAPD?
Marian (ID=52) (Feb 8, 2000 8:29:14 PM)
How did you get your dx. so soon, and where do you live? Right now we live in live in IL, for the past 4 yrs, before that in rural FL.
Susan D (ID=53) (Feb 8, 2000 8:30:36 PM)
Yes, she is 11 and was diagnosed 2 yrs ago.I am struggling with this. the fine line of trying to motivate her while also not wanting to frustrate her.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:30:55 PM)
We live in a fairly rural area in TX. Our daughter was having so much difficulty in speaking, it was completely unintelligible until she was diagnosed and began wearing an auditory trainer. We went to several physicians and finally found an audiologist who did the testing to find CAPD.
Marian (ID=52) (Feb 8, 2000 8:31:37 PM)
What did you discuss this AM? I always feel so isolated. It is great that you can start with your daughter so early- there will be no limits there!
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:32:23 PM)
Susan..I am sure that is a difficult fine line! I can imagine that an 11 year old is conscious of their difficulties, I am fortunate that my daughter is only 5 and has no idea (well, she struggles but doesn't probably realize what CAPD is yet!)
Susan D (ID=53) (Feb 8, 2000 8:32:35 PM)
My daughter did not like to use her trainer how did you motivate yours?
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:33:19 PM)
Marian...we basically discussed personal issues. Many people had questions regarding diagnosis and remediation pertaining to their personal situation.
michelle (ID=54) (Feb 8, 2000 8:33:31 PM)
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Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:34:03 PM) daughter loved it because it was the first time she ever began to hear more easily. She loves it. She is used to wearing it, she has been wearing it for 2 years now
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:35:26 PM) idea I had heard before regarding an older child and wearing the trainer was to allow the other children in the class to try it out so they could see what it was like. Then the CAPD child became "cool". Also, having the teacher do "neat" tricks with it, like
Susan D (ID=53) (Feb 8, 2000 8:35:47 PM)
Brenda- my daughter suffers from extreme shyness and does not like to call attention to herself.She can also be oppositional when she does not want to do something even if it helps her.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:36:19 PM)
telling the CAPD child that they were almost back to the classroom as a "warning" and the child could tell the other classmates, that would make them "cool" too.
Marian (ID=52) (Feb 8, 2000 8:36:22 PM)
Whitney spoke and walked late, shhe was a second child, following a very precocious one. I too walk that fine line of frustration and letting her come of age. It is so difficult, but she has a good self- image- I don't know how we managed that considering all the frustration and self comparison. She makes reference to her disability, sometimes uses it as an excuse, but it provides a basis of her tolerance for others and she always expresses how difficult things are for her while ot using it as an excuse
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:37:15 PM)
Susan...I am extremely shy too, that would be a difficult one to figure out!
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:37:36 PM)
Marian...sounds like Whitney has a good grip on things! What a champ!
PENNY (ID=55) (Feb 8, 2000 8:37:41 PM)
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Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:37:50 PM)
Hi Penny!
PENNY (ID=55) (Feb 8, 2000 8:38:07 PM)
Hi Brenda
Marian (ID=52) (Feb 8, 2000 8:38:10 PM)
Whitney has been using an FM also for the past 11/2 yrs and does not feel self-conscious, luckily
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:38:36 PM)
Marian..does Whitney notice a big difference with/without the FM?
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:39:24 PM)
Penny, Debbie's friend?
Susan D (ID=53) (Feb 8, 2000 8:39:28 PM)
Has anyone had experience with a listening device in the ear?
PENNY (ID=55) (Feb 8, 2000 8:39:28 PM)
PENNY (ID=55) (Feb 8, 2000 8:39:48 PM)
I wanted to come in and see how the chat was going since Deb has to work tonight
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:40:08 PM)
Susan..what do you mean? Like a hearing aid? Or ear molds?
Marian (ID=52) (Feb 8, 2000 8:40:14 PM)
Actually that is the least of her problems, she says no but she is in a school that has open classrooms can you believe it, and I sub there and cannot hear myself speak so I think she really likes using it.
Susan D (ID=53) (Feb 8, 2000 8:40:44 PM)
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:40:59 PM)
Marian..that is good!
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:42:03 PM)
Susan..My daughter's FM has a continuating cord with ear molds attached at the end, she loves is so much easier to use than the headphones and gives better quality sound. Plus it is easy to cover up with hair...
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:42:22 PM) said that is the least of her problems...what kind of problems is she having?
Marian (ID=52) (Feb 8, 2000 8:43:14 PM)
This year she has an aide- not a personal one, who has ben a lifesaver in making school not stressful upp until this it was unpleasant for her. She puts the wire under her shirt it is not noticeable, and she is a bit of an exhibihionist anyway!
PENNY (ID=55) (Feb 8, 2000 8:43:28 PM)
Debbie is on the phone with me now she says hi to everyone
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:43:36 PM)
PENNY (ID=55) (Feb 8, 2000 8:43:53 PM)
Debbie she says how do you like the banner she put for you
Susan D (ID=53) (Feb 8, 2000 8:43:54 PM)
Brenda, my daughter's FM was in the form of a speaker,book size, that is placed on the desk.
PENNY (ID=55) (Feb 8, 2000 8:44:15 PM)
oops I mean Brenda LOL
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:44:21 PM)
Marian...what a GREAT idea! How helpful it must be to have an aide! Does the aide help take notes and such?
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:46:12 PM) this must be a classroom type, my daughters is actually a personal type, about the size of a pager (a bit bigger) and it is just for her, not noticable at all.
Susan D (ID=53) (Feb 8, 2000 8:47:03 PM)
Where did you obtain it, Brenda?
Marian (ID=52) (Feb 8, 2000 8:47:19 PM)
Mostly the problems are frustration. She is a well adjusted kid, but nothing comes easy to her. She is not a visual person-which I am and it makes it more difficult to help. She is an auditory learner and with that compromised it is hard. She compares herself to her older sister who is extremely advanced and always wants to know why it isn't the same for her. Although she gets NO comparison at home- she is alert and knows others don't struggle.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:48:02 PM)
My daughters audiologist ordered it for us. It is a Comtek auditory trainer, they have a website and there are others, they can give you more information about audiologists who will assist you in getting one.
michelle (ID=54) (Feb 8, 2000 8:48:27 PM)
Marian- my daughter is only 6 and she sees the difference in what she can do compared to others, also.
PENNY (ID=55) (Feb 8, 2000 8:48:50 PM)
Deb says bye and wish she could be here and sends a big hug to everyone
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:49:56 PM)
Marian..being an auditory learner must really make it hard. My daughter is a visual learner, I always assumed it was so to compensate for the auditory loss, I never realized that it could have just as easily gone the other way...
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:50:12 PM)
Penny...tell Debbie "ditto"!
michelle (ID=54) (Feb 8, 2000 8:50:28 PM)
how do you know if a child is an auditory or visual learner?
PENNY (ID=55) (Feb 8, 2000 8:50:34 PM)
I did =)
PENNY (ID=55) (Feb 8, 2000 8:51:24 PM)
I have to run now sorry I can't stay Have a good evening everyone
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:51:29 PM)
Michelle...mostly by observation. My daughter can see something and copy it. Where others may have to hear it repeatedly before being able to copy it. Know what I mean?
michelle (ID=54) (Feb 8, 2000 8:52:36 PM)
brenda-i'll have to watch more closely. Thinking now, I feel like she has trouble both visually and auditorally.
Susan D (ID=53) (Feb 8, 2000 8:53:07 PM)
My daughter has become inward and lives in an imaginary world, sometimes, to cope with her awareness of the differences. She is resillient however and bounces back. I do not want to give the impression that she is not adjusted, she copes but is also sad and that breaks my heart.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:53:08 PM)
Michelle...have you had your child tested for visual processing problems?
Marian (ID=52) (Feb 8, 2000 8:53:10 PM)
No the aide doesn't really help with notes etc. although her presence is enough. If only schools would understand stress for these kids added to their disabilities. The total failure in our school system besides not actually addressing the disabilities themselves- no excuse is the Failure to address strategies that would help. It would cost them nothing to do so.
michelle (ID=54) (Feb 8, 2000 8:54:19 PM)
Brenda-no, they have not tested her for visual processing problems. We had taken her to the eye doctor for an eye test, but I don' t think the school tested her in any way visually.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:54:26 PM)
Susan...I know what you mean. It is the saddest thing in the world to watch as no one understands your child, sometimes even yourself, and knowing there is nothing you can do to help that.
michelle (ID=54) (Feb 8, 2000 8:55:12 PM)
Brenda and Susan, I agree. It breaks my heart. I want to do everything to make it easier. Trying to figure out where to begin is difficult.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:55:47 PM) are so right! If only the schools would begin to try different remediation techniques! We just recently got our daughters school to approve the use of a Cued Speech Transliterator. Now all of the sudden, the teachers and aides notice what difficulties my daughter has without the use of cued speech! It is ludicrous!
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:56:51 PM)
Michelle...The best thing in the world I did was to look for remediation techniques. It was the only comfort I had, knowing that I was, at least, trying to do something. It was then that I found Cued Speech, tried it, and it worked! For the first time in my daughters life, she understood what was being said to her! It was like a miracle.
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 8:58:12 PM)
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Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:58:28 PM)
So many of the techniques out there are not necessarily developed for children with CAPD but for other disabilities. I think a lot of times we have to just try different things, because who knows what might work!
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 8:59:22 PM)
I got kicked out for a second. I wish there was a list of techniques that were known to work. It would make it much easier.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 8:59:57 PM)
That is for sure! I am afraid that CAPD is just too new, to unchartered for any one technique to be proven 100% to work.
Marian (ID=57) (Feb 8, 2000 9:00:39 PM)
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michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:00:57 PM)
Definitely. I hear that different universities in the country are working on different ideas. Which will work? In the meantime, my daughter keeps on trying to survive.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:01:16 PM)
CAPD can be so diverse. It can be a variety of things and affect different people different ways, therefore it takes a variety of remediation techniques to be tried before finding something that works for a particular child.
Marian (ID=57) (Feb 8, 2000 9:01:16 PM)
Guess I am cut off again
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:01:38 PM)
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:01:59 PM)
did anyone go on-line this morning with Dr. J? I thought it was tonight.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:02:14 PM)
oops! there is a school in NY that is called Mill Neck. It is a school for the deaf but they have a special program just for children with CAPD and they have had about 80% success rate.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:02:28 PM)
I was on the chat this morning. It was great!
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:02:39 PM)
What part of NY?
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:03:13 PM)
What issues did Dr. J discuss?
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:03:20 PM)
Not sure, but the web site address for this school is (or maybe org, I can't remember) and they have been doing this for about 7 years now.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:03:47 PM)
dr. J mostly addressed personal issues with diagnosis and remediation. The thread mostly focused on diagnosis.
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:04:15 PM)
great, I'll try to check it out. What type of work does Dr. J. do with CAPD
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:04:57 PM)
Dr. J is an audiologist at a university in Florida I believe. He is the host of the CAPD listserv, are you familiar with the listserv?
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:06:03 PM)
I wish I was on-line. I've been wondering if my child has ADD as well as CAPD? RE: listserv - my husband has been getting me info on that but I'm really new at the internet - about the 10th day
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:06:41 PM)
Michelle, you are doing great! I hope that you are finding some useful information!
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:06:48 PM)
Brenda-how old is your child?
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:06:53 PM)
When was your 6 yo diagnosed?
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:07:06 PM)
My daughter will be 5 at the end of this month.
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:07:12 PM)
She was diagnosed in Oct. from the school district
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:07:33 PM)
How long have you known your child has CAPD
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:07:37 PM)
Have you found quite a bit of information about CAPD on the internet?
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:08:19 PM)
We got the diagnosis about a week before she turned 3. So about 2 years now.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:08:39 PM)
What tests were done to get the CAPD diagnosis?
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:08:45 PM)
Yes, we got the info. from the St. John's list. We got some info from HERDEWE
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:09:45 PM)
Clep-K, IQ, hearing I don't know what else. She was listed Speech and Lang. impaired and put into Speech 2X a week
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:10:25 PM)
We think there is something else going on. We have been pushing the school because of her distractibility.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:10:26 PM)
I've never heard of HERDEWE, well, now that I think about it, it does sound familiar. I created a web site to help people like yourself find information about CAPD on the web. it is the banner that is flashing on this screen with the bunny on it. The address is if you ever want to check it out.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:10:51 PM)
So was your daughter speech & language impaired before she began school?
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:12:38 PM)
Thanks for the address. She was speech delayed. But nothing we noted before K. The K school didn't do anything for us. We got her tested privately in May before 1st grade. They said speech delayed. We asked school district to hold her back since she was 2 wks before deadline but they said they would test her and provide services needed.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:13:01 PM)
Have they provided services?
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:14:06 PM)
Have you had her tested for a hearing loss? Or possible fluid on the ear? Sometimes sudden speech problems arise as hearing levels decrease.
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:14:32 PM)
We think more services are needed. The speech is 5:1 in a pull-out session 2 x a week. She has reading - pullout 2 x a week and a para 3x a wk. in the class. Last week when I was on this chat room, people mentioned the auditory trainer - looking into that.
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:15:03 PM)
We had her tested for hearing loss. Hearing is great. Some issue with background noise interfering .
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:15:44 PM)
An auditory trainer is definitely worth trying out. The Comtek we got we were able to try for a "trial" period of one month. That was helpful.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:16:06 PM)
Has she had any history of frequent ear infections?
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:16:29 PM)
She also has some fine motor skills so that is being addressed this week by the building team. No history of ear infections - only one ever.
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:16:52 PM)
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Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:16:59 PM)
Hi Molly!
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:17:02 PM)
Hi Molly
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:17:24 PM) is good that the school is working quickly to address your concerns!
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:17:54 PM)
Not many of us here tonight. Last week was so busy. I guess everyone was here this am. Brenda-I think they are. We'll keep on them.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:17:55 PM)
Michelle...are they open to the auditory trainer?
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:17:58 PM)
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any info on obtaining a correct IEP in California schools :)
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:18:18 PM)
Molly...what is a "correct" IEP?
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:18:53 PM)
Brenda-haven't asked yet - was sick all week. just found out about meeting today. School psy. is supposed to call tomorrow - will ask then.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:19:11 PM)
Good. I hope you have a good report!
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:19:22 PM)
Me too!
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:19:43 PM)
Molly - what IEP did they present to you?
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:19:53 PM)
Molly...I do have info on California schools, regarding the state regulations and education code, is that what you are looking for?
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:20:10 PM)
Well, my daughters school won't allow me to take her out of school early for FastForWORD, they want to test her for "other" handicapps. But I want them to concentrate on her processing disorder & dyslexia and they really can't help me with those things.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:20:43 PM)
Are they paying for FFWD or are you?
beachbum (ID=59) (Feb 8, 2000 9:21:07 PM)
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Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:21:15 PM)
Hi beachbum!
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:21:22 PM)
hi beachbum
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:21:43 PM)
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michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:21:58 PM)
Hi Marge -
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:22:00 PM)
Hi beach, brenda, michelle, molly
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:22:02 PM)
Hi Marge!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:22:05 PM)
hey brenda, what's up?
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:22:27 PM)
So I was wondering if anyone had any success within California, with obtaining help for CAPD & Dyslexia. So far, we have paid for her dyslexia tutor and we have paid for FastForWORD.
beachbum (ID=61) (Feb 8, 2000 9:22:34 PM)
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MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:22:40 PM)
got back from our camp fire outing a little late... still getting kids past homework & settling into bed, but i wanted to check in with you
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:22:41 PM)
Marge - I'm TheBischoffs from last week. Thanks for the mail.
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:22:52 PM)
happy to help michelle
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:23:17 PM)
a campfire sounds great
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:23:33 PM)
hahaha! i'm a volunteer leader
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:23:33 PM)
Molly...can you get a medical excuse for your child to miss school from the SLP?
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:23:51 PM)
They wouldn't accept the note from her speech path.
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:24:01 PM)
Molly - no knowledge on California, sorry
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:24:05 PM)
(we went to the VA Hospital Nursing Home to hand out valentines, then went out to dinner
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:24:08 PM)
oh, how cool! Debbie made SLP turn into SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:24:29 PM)
molly: if they need a medical excuse, it must come from a medical doctor, i think
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:24:31 PM)
see, I put in the initials slp, oh, never mind
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:24:43 PM)
type s l p all together
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:24:48 PM)
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:24:53 PM)
but no spaces :-)
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:25:08 PM)
a u d turns into audiologist, p s y c h turns into psychologist
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:25:17 PM)
e a r o becomes earobics
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:25:19 PM)
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:25:23 PM)
Marge, she is trying to get the school to allow her child to go to FFWD training and the school will not let her take her child out!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:25:31 PM)
ffwd is still ffwd, tee hee
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:25:43 PM)
I see you are having fun!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:25:46 PM)
brenda: oic... get the pediatrician to excuse her... should not be a problem
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:26:01 PM)
Have you tried that Molly?
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:26:18 PM)
we are almost done with ffwd, and now I'm considering earobics since
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:26:22 PM)
she didn't make enough progress with ffwd
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:26:46 PM)
I decided to ignore the school and take her out anyway
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:26:56 PM)
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:26:56 PM)
molly: either the pediatrician or the ent could write that note... family practice doctor... anyone with an MD
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:27:19 PM)
well, that is gutsy of you, but it will go as an unexcused absence i think
beachbum (ID=61) (Feb 8, 2000 9:27:21 PM)
Hi everyone. I am new at this so I am just going to read for a while.
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:27:28 PM)
and it will rankle the school staff
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:27:35 PM)
Molly what other handicaps were they looking for.
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:27:37 PM)
That's fine beachbum!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:27:47 PM)
beach: not to worry! we all had to learn... generally, the hard way
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:27:58 PM)
Welcome beachbum....I'm only here for the 2nd time. Know how you feel
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:28:16 PM)
Always the hard way
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:28:17 PM)
handicaps, where they can actually have a diagnosis from the DSM I'm sure. Something concrete, so that the fed. govt. insists that they help her
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:28:19 PM)
<--- is an old hand at IRC style chats
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:29:18 PM)
they do not consider CAPD something that they can help, I guess
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:29:43 PM)
Therein is your biggest obstacle! CAPD isn't even listed in the Federal Register as a disability.
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:29:47 PM)
Molly - if it's federal, then why can I get help in NY
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:30:06 PM)
Brenda - I didn't know that
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:30:06 PM)
molly, brenda: you can get help for ANYTHING that interferes
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:30:28 PM)
she has dyslexia and they haven't helped her yet.
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:30:43 PM)
is she receiving any services from the school
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:31:04 PM)
molly: do you have a copy of Negotiating the Special Education Maze by anderson, chitwood, & hayden
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:31:19 PM)
no services from school and she is in the 1st grade, diagnosed with dyslexia last year in K. CAPD diagnosis this year by private speech path.
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:31:28 PM)
Marge, I don't have that.
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:31:33 PM)
Great book, Marge. It is helping me
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:31:46 PM)
Can I order that through any bookstore?
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:31:58 PM)
molly: some districts will try to "roll" you as much as they can.. you must educate yourself re: your rights
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:32:06 PM)
Molly, it sounds like you need to get serious and begin filing some complaints. If you have an IEP that states your child needs services and they aren't giving them, then they are in violation of the law!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:32:09 PM)
yes, you can order thru any bookstore. they may have it in stock
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:32:10 PM)
yes, I got it at Borders
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:32:17 PM)
brenda is right
Brenda (ID=48) (Feb 8, 2000 9:32:19 PM)
Molly, that book is available from too
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:32:31 PM)
the SIBN #is 0-933149-72-7
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:32:36 PM)
i got mine off the shelf at borders
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:32:41 PM)
that's ISBN
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:32:56 PM)
Thanks for the ISBN. I will order it right away.
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:33:19 PM)
It is written by Winifred Anderson
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:33:46 PM)
Published by Woodbine House
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:33:59 PM)
I had it right in front of me.
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:34:16 PM)
hmmm, brenda "fell off" the line??!!
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:34:26 PM)
I had trouble with that earlier
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:34:36 PM)
The speech therapist in the school told me that they do not even test
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:34:44 PM)
for CAPD because they don't treat it
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 9:34:54 PM)
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MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:34:58 PM)
molly: that's nuts... you then request an outside eval
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:35:00 PM)
hi mj
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:35:03 PM)
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:35:13 PM)
molly: and get treatment outside too
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:35:23 PM)
I did, her private speech path. diagnosed CAPD
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:35:26 PM)
Molly - they need to address it
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:36:01 PM)
they might try to weasel out of it, but if it is interfering w/her education, they MUST help... learn your rights, get an advocate if you need to
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 9:36:06 PM)
Hello everybody. This is my first time on a live chat.
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:36:21 PM)
mj: welcome, welcome!!! this is a very nice chat for first-timers
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:36:25 PM)
more new comers, my second week, molly's first
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:36:29 PM)
So I'm anxious to find other California parents who have had success obtaining help within the school system for their child with either dyslexia or CAPD
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:36:56 PM)
molly: hmmm, there are lists out there for dyslexia... maybe you could subscribe to some of those lists?
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:36:58 PM)
MJ - was your child diagnosed with CAPD
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:37:39 PM)
brb --- must put kids to bed --- if brenda gets back here, let her know i'll be back in a few minutes
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:37:53 PM)
Molly (ID=58) (Feb 8, 2000 9:38:10 PM)
She is privately tutored for dyslexia, so my main concern in dealing with CAPD and getting the school to participate in helping her in addition to what we are doing privately.
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:38:50 PM)
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Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:39:12 PM)
Sorry about that! I fell off!
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 9:39:13 PM)
Believe it or not the SLP and audiologist said he dies not but I think they are wrong. We are on our second day of Fast Forword so time will tell. I thin k he is. He has all the symptoms. The docs said he was ADD and I think his inattention is due to CAPD or dyslexia which we will have him evaluated for in March. So I have lots of things going on right now.
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:39:21 PM)
Molly - some things offered to kids with CAPD are: an auditory trainer, speech therapy, Brenda - margetamas said she'd be back in a few mins.
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:39:44 PM)
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:40:28 PM)
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:40:34 PM)
Me too!
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:40:55 PM)
Brenda what other services can Molly get for her 5 year old in CA. when the district is giving her lots of trouble
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:41:18 PM)
MJ: have you taken your child to an aud for diagnosis?
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:41:27 PM)
MJ-it is so frustrating trying to get the right diagnosis
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:41:48 PM)
MJ: it IS frustrating... but well worth the effort to know just what you are dealing with
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:41:53 PM)
Molly should be able to get all kinds of help with the dyslexia! Most schools have dyslexia programs, I am shocked that her school refuses to acknowledge this problem!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:42:42 PM)
MJ: we've seen 2 problems come up over & over on the capd list: (1) kids who are diagnosed with CAPD who actually have hearing loss and (2) kids who have language problems
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:42:43 PM)
Who gave the dx's?
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:43:03 PM)
(on Molly's child, that is...)
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:43:04 PM)
mj: which is why we sort of "beat people up" over this issue of diagnosis
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 9:43:30 PM)
Marge- Yes I took him to an audiologist at Southern Illinois University who is a professor there and he flew through the tests with flying colors. So I dont understand how he can have the symptoms and not have it. So I just chocked it up to a misdiagnosis.
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:43:51 PM)
Marge or Brenda - are there any good articles or research on the benefits of auditory trainers? I am speaking with the school psy. tomorrow and the more info the better
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:44:07 PM)
MJ: if you tell me what tests were run, I can let you know if they're used by other folks for capd testing
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:44:29 PM)
michelle: auditory trainers or FM systems? there is a difference, mostly in terms of the amount of amplification
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:44:47 PM)
I don't know what would be better.
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:44:51 PM)
michelle: auditory trainers are more like hearing aids... they are set up for a specific child's hearing loss
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:44:55 PM)
Michelle, your best bet is to contact the various manufacturers of such products, they could give you TONS of information
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:45:20 PM)
michelle: if your child has normal thresholds on puretone audiometry, she/he might be blown out of their shoes with auditory trainer
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:45:41 PM)
michelle: as to benefits of FM, did you see my post about "Improving Classroom Acoustics"?
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:45:52 PM)
michelle: it is free & you can get it from the state of Fla
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:46:03 PM)
Marge., I've got that info posted on my web site
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:46:09 PM)
I wrote down the manufacture you said before, Brenda. Marge-I think she does have normal .... no, i'll contact them
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:46:10 PM)
brenda: great!
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:46:24 PM)
i have your site, thanks
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:46:35 PM)
michelle, MJ: the symptoms of CAPD and mild hearing loss are IDENTICAL
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:46:48 PM)
micheele, MJ: in terms of behavior you can observe
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:46:56 PM)
perfect hearing, I'm told
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:46:59 PM)
Michelle, look under "Remediation Techniques" and under "Free Publications" when you look at the site
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:47:21 PM)
OK brenda
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:47:24 PM)
Michelle...I was told my daughter had perfect hearing too. This past Nov. we found out she is "functionally deaf"
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:47:44 PM)
Michelle...this was almost 2 years after the CAPD dx was made
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:47:50 PM)
She was tested in school and then privately, I hope there right
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:48:02 PM)
Brenda that is awful
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:48:19 PM)
brenda's experience points to why i think the electrophys testing is soooo important
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 9:48:19 PM)
Marge- Im looking for the tests right now.
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:48:28 PM) daughter was tested by 6 audiologists, 2 ENT's, a pediatrician and a family dr. before the correct tests were done
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:48:36 PM)
the electrophys testing is the only way to pick up on that
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:48:52 PM)
You're depressing me Brenda
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:49:03 PM)
Marge what is this test
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:49:09 PM)
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:49:20 PM)
Sorry Michelle! But it is true. It took us 2 years to get the right diagnosis.
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:49:44 PM)
we're just trying to help you avoid climbing the walls as high as we have, michelle (smile)
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:49:53 PM)
I already feel like there is more - I guess that's why I keep looking and asking where I can
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:50:01 PM)
<--- has scratch marks all the way up to the 2nd floor!!
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:50:06 PM)
Good Michelle, then you are on the right track!
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:50:13 PM)
Thank you I
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:50:30 PM)
That is exactly what I did, ask more questions, until I got the answer that was proven correct, I didn't stop!
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 9:51:06 PM)
Marge- The audiologist Dichotic digits 92% and 97% in his ears, Dichotic Setence Ident--80% and 96 % in his ears, Pitch Pattern- 88% , Time compressed Speech-76% and 72% , SSI-ICM- 80% and 70 % and SSI-CCM 100 % in both ears.
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:51:23 PM)
In the last 2 wks., my daughter has gotten considerably more distracted in class. Isn't doing writing assignments or math problems.
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:51:31 PM)
MJ: those are pretty good scores... better than mine, for sure
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:51:49 PM)
MJ: those scores look like musiek's protocol
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:52:10 PM)
MJ: what kinds of problems is your son having?
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:52:20 PM)
Michelle, the test that truly showed my daughters problem was the MLR (Middle Latency Response) test. It proved that my daughter doesn't receive ANY auditory information when presented to each ear individually, but when presented together, she gets some but not correctly.
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:53:13 PM)
brenda: just a friendly note here: laura was too young to have that protocol run that MJ describes
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 9:53:25 PM)
Marge- so I done understand why he isnt comprehending, cant follow directions, is slow to process things, horrible in math, hates to read, is just slow etc. What is musiek protocol??
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:53:26 PM)
I was wondering about that
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:53:29 PM)
brenda: when laura is old enough for those tests to be meaningful, she will bomb some of them
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:54:25 PM)
I have to learn to read these tests better and keep them all together. One of the many organizational things I better get on.
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:54:41 PM)
MJ: Dr Musiek is a capd researcher... those tests are the ones he recommends, so at least it is a coherent test battery
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:55:34 PM)
michelle: di dthey run duration patterns?
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:55:44 PM)
No idea.
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:55:47 PM)
michelle: does your son have a history of ear infections?
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:55:50 PM) will really help you when you begin any more testing. The more you understand, the better off you are. It took me MONTHS to understand half the terminology you see here, I spent hours on the internet and at the library, just keep asking questions!
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:56:22 PM)
Can't find the test right now. Have to get to the school and get copies of everything from them
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:56:50 PM)
you'll think this is funny: duration patterns asks you to identify patterns like "long long short" where short & long are 0.25 sec and 0.5 sec respectively, so the task is "can you tell a quarter second difference in durations"?
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:56:57 PM)
<--- can't do it
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:57:35 PM)
michelle: wow! your school can do all those tests? that is great!
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 9:57:45 PM)
I despise hearing tests, I hear TOO much!
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 9:58:01 PM)
Marge- I was shocked when the audioliogist said Eric did not have CAPD. But now I'm wondering if he is dyslexic. I have a cousin who is dyslexic, so does dyslexia mimic CAPD?? I hired an educational consultant who has a son in his 30s who is dyslexic and she says my son is. Thats why I am having him evaluated by a ped neurologist on 3 March for dyslexic. Trying to find out whats wrong.
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:58:04 PM)
brenda: oh? tell me more!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:58:30 PM)
mj: some aspects of dyslexia mimic some aspects of capd
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 9:59:10 PM)
all what tests? They have done some testing, but I don't know how they diagnosed the CAPD. At her CSE meeting, they said, "Don't worry. Easy problem to fix" Don't think they have a good handle on this.
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 09:59:0025 PM)
i don't think an ed consultant can make dx of dyslexia
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 9:59:58 PM)
michelle: based on what you told me, i don't see any evidence for capd by way of that bunch of tests
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 10:00:09 PM)
Marge- do you think a ped neurologist is the right person to go to?? I have heard a neuropsychologist is better. When I made the appointment I specifically asked to see if the doc evaluates or diagnoses for dyslexia. The secretary said she did. Hope so.
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 10:00:21 PM)
Marge I think you have me confused with MJ or someone else
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:00:23 PM)
michelle: get the folks at the cse to explain WHY they think this is an easy problem to fix
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:00:53 PM)
MJ: ped neuro is a medical doctor; neuropsych is not
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:01:07 PM)
michlee: sorry!!!
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 10:01:20 PM)
I will because I'm already wanting more and not seeing good results for my daughter. She is getting worse. No problem Marge.
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 10:01:24 PM)
Marge-can both diagnose for dyslexia??
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:01:36 PM)
MJ: not sure
michelle (ID=56) (Feb 8, 2000 10:02:46 PM)
Thanks for all the info. I got to go !
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 10:03:00 PM)
Bye Michelle! Nice to "meet" you!
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:03:01 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:03:34 PM)
hi debbie!
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 10:03:42 PM)
Debbie- hello ,Where do you live in Illinois?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:03:42 PM)
Hello Marge and everyone else
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 10:03:44 PM)
Hi Debbie-Illinois!
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:03:57 PM)
I live in Alton, 15 mins from St Louis MO
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:04:03 PM)
<--- Atlanta, Ga here... but i guess you already knew that
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:04:11 PM)
debbieSouthernIllinois, smile
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 10:04:17 PM)
Debbie...ever see any hot air balloons where you live?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:04:32 PM)
not many
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 10:04:33 PM)
Debbie- I live in OFallon, 20 minutes form St Louis
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 10:04:33 PM)
Sorry, that is a bit off-topic :))
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:04:42 PM)
WOW Hello neighbor
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:04:45 PM)
brenda: i will not slap your hand
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:04:59 PM)
OFallon Missoyuri or Illinois
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 10:05:06 PM)
Sorry, thought I might be booted off!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:05:06 PM)
hey, this is great, the 2 of you living so close together!! the makings of a support group???
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:05:15 PM)
brenda: not by me, hahah
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 10:05:19 PM)
Yeah, how neat!
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:05:35 PM)
im new to this, My Megan just was diagnosed but I cant seem to get an IEP going to find out info
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:06:24 PM)
be back the kids need another kiss goodnight
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:06:34 PM)
no problem, debbie!
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 10:07:11 PM)
For the list and( for Debbie- OFallon , ILL) There will be a wonderful speaker by the name of Richard Lavoie coming to St Louis to speak. He made the FAT City video if any of you saw it and really hit the nail on the head as far as understanding the LD child in a classroom.
Brenda (ID=63) (Feb 8, 2000 10:07:43 PM)
I've never heard of the FAT city video?
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:08:49 PM)
several folks have mentioned that video as a good way to explain to others what dyslexia is like, i think
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:09:30 PM)
im back
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:09:46 PM)
wb debbie
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:15 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:16 PM)
oops! brenda fell thru the hole in the net
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:19 PM)
wb brenda
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:21 PM)
is Dr J gonna be here or did I miss
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:25 PM)
(tosses a rope to brenda)
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:31 PM)
debbie: that was this morning
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:34 PM)
grab her help her up
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:34 PM)
Dr. J was here this am
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:40 PM)
Debbie- do I have the answer for you. My educational advocate is in East Alton and she will fight for anything you need as far as IEPs etc. At a price of course. She's great. If you need my number I'll give it to you.
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:42 PM)
Thanks guys!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:42 PM)
brenda: what happened after I left?
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 10:10:44 PM)
Marge- you are right. He put teachers in a scenario and made them feel like LD kids in a class. It was great! I almost started crying when I saw it.
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:11:08 PM)
whats her name and number please what kind of price
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:11:29 PM)
Not much, same stuff. I asked a couple of questions that never got answered, think I touched a soft spot
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:11:32 PM)
i really dont know what I need, will what Megan needs
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:11:43 PM)
brenda: what was your question?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:12:00 PM)
i probably missed the question if it was to me
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:12:15 PM)
Aaah, I believe it went something like this...
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 10:12:27 PM)
Debbie Her name is Zelda Cato and I will give you my number(618-632-2712) Give me a call tomorrow
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:12:52 PM)
does she know what Megan needs
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:13:07 PM)
we will have to let debbie, Owner of the Chat, know how great this chat is ALREADY for helping folks make the connections they need to get help!
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:13:21 PM)
If a child presents itself with CAPD and the audiological testing proves CAPD, why aren't electrophys tests done to find out what is causing the CAPD? Why are audiologists using CAPD as a diagnostic crutch?
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:13:37 PM)
Never answered
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:13:45 PM)
Asked twice
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:14:02 PM)
i dont know the answer Brenda
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:14:05 PM)
brenda: gotcha... the answer is that dr j goes with a "behavioral" model of capd... the electrophys stuff is part of a "neurophys" model of capd
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:14:34 PM)
Yeah, I figured that out from his vague answers to another persons questions.
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:14:35 PM)
brenda: you and I , I believe, are very much of the "neurophys" school of thought
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:14:41 PM)
i knew since megan has been 2 that there was a problem, just didnt know what and the teachers said oh she outgrow it
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 10:14:50 PM)
Ladies. It has been great . I need to go. Hope to talk to you Debbie.
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:14:52 PM)
Sorry Debbie...we were chatting about the Dr. J thing this am
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:14:57 PM)
Bye MJ!
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:15:00 PM)
whats you first name MJ
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:15:03 PM)
bye mj
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:15:14 PM)
debbie: wow! when folks start thinking capd at age 2... sounds like brenda's daughter
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:15:18 PM)
Well, Marge, obviously there has to be a reason for CAPD
MJ (ID=62) (Feb 8, 2000 10:15:21 PM)
Debbie-yes, MJ
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:15:41 PM)
Rather, the symptoms of CAPD
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:16:01 PM)
i thought megan was add
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:16:01 PM)
brenda: not the way dr j defines it... i think his definition is "disorder of auditory perception with normal peripheral hearing for which there is no physically identifiable cause"
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:16:19 PM)
and i still think megan is ADD
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:16:31 PM)
Debbie, how old is Megan?
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:16:32 PM)
brenda: the neurophys definition would be more like "disorder of auditory perception with normal peripheral hearing"
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:16:50 PM)
brenda: so you see how that leaves room for there being a physical cause for the disordered perception
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:16:54 PM)
what is this thing FastForWord, is it a CD or books
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:17:03 PM)
deb: computer software
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:17:23 PM)
know the cost by chance
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:17:25 PM)
debbie: has megan had an audiology workup? how old is she again?
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:17:44 PM)
deb: $850 to scientific learning PLUS whatever fees the slp slaps onto it
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:17:56 PM)
deb: most folks on the list report around $2000
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:18:11 PM)
Marge: how can these people justify that there is a problem with no explainable cause?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:18:12 PM)
yes, the audio. just did the test on 11-8 and dont know anything else the special ed teacher gives me the copy and says this is whats wrong with MEgan and shes 8
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:18:56 PM)
brenda: cuz they figure that science hasn't advanced enough for them to get a test that will show the problem
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:18:57 PM)
so what am i suppose to think about that
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:19:11 PM)
brenda: i mean that is what the neurophys would say
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:19:28 PM)
brenda: i think dr j approaches it more from the standpoint of some ppl prefer red, others prefer blue
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:19:42 PM)
i looked up a neurophys and the hospitals have no idea what type of doctor this is
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:19:42 PM)
brenda: you can't do a brainwave scan to figure out if they'll like red or blue better
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:20:01 PM)
deb: neurophys isn't a doctor... clinical researcher only. not an MD
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:20:22 PM)
deb: i think you need to get copies of all the tests that were done
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:20:27 PM)
thats what some people have been telling me to find this type of person
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:20:34 PM)
i have them, the tests
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:20:35 PM)
deb: extremely important to figure out what the basis of the diagnosis is
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:20:46 PM)
man, its all confusing
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:20:54 PM)
i want to scream
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:21:11 PM)
deb: oh oh oh, they want you to find a "neuropsychologist"... a psych that specializes in behavioral testing
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:21:31 PM)
yes Marge
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:21:34 PM)
Debbie...don't worry, I was there too. Just keep asking questions, only then will you get answers. It is hard to keep trying, but worth it in the end!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:21:35 PM)
deb: that is diff from a neurophysiologist... it IS confusing... you may scream now... thi s is IRC
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:21:52 PM)
why behavioral problems which megan has
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:21:55 PM)
wanna borrow my rock climbing gear so you can climb the walls, wink?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:21:58 PM)
Marge but you cant here me LOL
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:22:04 PM)
yes please
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:22:22 PM)
deb: what i mean is the behavioral manifestations of sensory problems
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:22:32 PM)
Trust me Debbie, we CAN hear you. This type of pain is unexplainable!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:22:46 PM)
deb: kids who are hard of hearing or deaf will also act ADD, by the way
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:23:02 PM)
deb: which is why you must be so very careful to be sure that your child doesn't have a mild hearing loss
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:23:08 PM)
deb: or a fluctuating hearing loss
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:23:31 PM)
the test says the hearing is fine who knows right
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:23:43 PM)
deb: what are the thresholds, please?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:23:56 PM)
it also says shes 8 yrs old and the tests shows that she is under kindergarten
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:24:10 PM)
under kindergarten??? for what?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:24:25 PM)
this is the test i have its right here
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:24:41 PM)
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:25:30 PM)
Sorry guys, I've got to go. Good night!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:25:34 PM)
gnite brenda
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:25:38 PM)
phonemic synthesis grade kindergarten also poor pitch patterning skills
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:25:46 PM)
nice to meet you Brenda
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:25:52 PM)
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:26:00 PM)
You too Debbie!
Brenda (ID=65) (Feb 8, 2000 10:26:03 PM)
Thanks Marge!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:26:39 PM)
deb: i have poor pitch patterning skills, for what it's worth
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:26:56 PM)
deb: you there?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:27:06 PM)
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:27:24 PM)
the sheet says central auditory processing summary sheet
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:27:31 PM)
did they do speech discrimination tests on megan?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:27:36 PM)
how old is your child with this
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:28:01 PM)
dont think so, but shes been in speech since 3 when she started school
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:28:11 PM)
very poor speech at first getting better now
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:28:19 PM)
i have 4 daughters, ages 11 9 7 5. all have trouble
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:28:42 PM)
oh, sorry... i mean *hearing* speech, not speaking itself
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:28:43 PM)
all they in a regular class room
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:28:56 PM)
sorry marge i dont know anything about this
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:29:16 PM)
yes, all in reg classroom... 11 9 7 in gifted program... 7 in speech
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:29:36 PM)
deb: not to worry! i can help you find your way thru the testing
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:29:36 PM)
no i guess they did not do that test
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:30:02 PM)
deb:you should see 2 graphs on the paper, for the puretone thresholds... can you tell me what the dBs are on that graph?
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:30:36 PM)
deb: there are many many speech discrim tests.... have lots of different names
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:31:06 PM)
SRT right-10db left 10db
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:31:31 PM)
recognition right 100% 50DB left the same
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:32:25 PM)
does that make any since to you
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:32:29 PM)
that is the speech reception threshold... i t means that speech must be at least 10 dB before megan even knows it is there... that is not the level for comfortable listening, you should know
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:33:03 PM)
what is 10dB before she knows its there
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:33:32 PM)
so that means she somewhat has a hearing lose
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:33:35 PM)
yes, it makes sense to me. they used some word list to test speech discrimination at 50 dB, she scored 100% recognition... but depending on the wordlist, that might not mean she can hear fine in the classroom. also, that is only how well she can hear in quiet
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:33:55 PM)
the speech reception threshold... she can't hear speech below 10 dB
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:34:28 PM)
"hearing loss" is surprisingly relative...
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:34:37 PM)
it really makes me made that they have kept this test and i am finding out about it like this
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:34:52 PM)
everyone agrees 30 dB is a loss that needs hearing aids
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:34:56 PM)
hearing loss sorta comes with the capd
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:35:13 PM)
what is normal Db
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:35:50 PM)
not sure i know what you mean... but if you have a central problem ON TOP OF even a little peripheral hearing loss, that just makes everything worse
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:35:55 PM)
0 dB is normal
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:36:23 PM)
forward-thinking aud s agree that 15 dB is a loss that needs hearing aids in a child
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:36:58 PM)
this is so confusing and makes me mad that they havent bothered to talk to me about this
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:37:00 PM)
does your megan use an fm system at school? that will give her just a little bit of boost in gain, and will kill most background noise
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:37:08 PM)
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:37:23 PM)
most aud s will look at 10 dB SRT and say "that is within normal limits"
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:37:40 PM)
did they do any speech testing with background noise?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:38:01 PM)
i think so, i was not in the room directly with her at the time
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:38:16 PM)
but they forget that that 10 dB SRT has to be interpreted in the context of how the student is doing, and in terms of whatever central deficits might exist
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:38:50 PM)
look on the sheet for something with a set of boxes that say "S/N +5" or "S/N +10" or "S/N +20"
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:39:49 PM)
do you see the graphs with the puretone thresholds? does megan have any thresholds where she is 15 dB or more?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:40:17 PM)
i dont see the S/N
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:40:45 PM)
on the graphs it shows an X line X then another line with O's and a line on the graph
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:40:53 PM)
sorry i just dont know about this chart
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:41:16 PM)
deb: ok, i can help you through it...
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:41:22 PM)
one of the lines goes down to about a 18 i think
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:41:43 PM)
oh thats for right ear and left i think
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:41:54 PM)
deb: look for 2 biggish graphs, one with several X's, one with several O's
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:42:03 PM)
yes i see
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:42:08 PM)
is the 18 up around 8000 Hz?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:42:15 PM)
yes it is
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:42:52 PM)
you should see marks for 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 Hz. might also have some at 3000 and 6000
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:43:17 PM)
at 1 its both ears about 5
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:43:29 PM)
at 2 its both ears at 0
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:43:38 PM)
at 3 its both ears at 0
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:43:53 PM)
at 8 its right at 10 and left at 18
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:44:03 PM)
most folks have their most sensitive hearing at 2KHz, but go on
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:44:17 PM)
.250 right is 0 and left is 5
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:44:32 PM)
.500 right is 5 and left is 10
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:44:36 PM)
what is it at 500, or 0.5?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:44:38 PM)
and thats it
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:44:45 PM)
you already answered
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:44:51 PM)
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:45:32 PM)
can you read that its a mess in my eyes
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:45:38 PM)
some recent research has linked very slight high frequency loss (like at 8000) to problems like capd
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:45:43 PM)
i can read it
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:46:11 PM)
hearing aids aren't made to go that high, so that would not be an option even if you wanted to pursue it
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:46:31 PM)
it would be interesting to see how megan would do with an fm system
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:46:49 PM)
hearing aids operate from 250-6000 Hz, just for interest's sake
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:46:49 PM)
so your saying she may have some hearing loss
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:47:05 PM)
what is a fm system
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:47:11 PM)
if you have a minute, i'll see if i can find that paper re: the high freq thresholds
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 10:47:13 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:47:26 PM)
hello d'smom
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:47:36 PM)
hi d's mom
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 10:47:44 PM)
good evening
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:47:53 PM)
deb: an fm system is like a very high quality, small walkie talkie
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 10:48:09 PM)
this is a first for me....have ben lurking and reading the list
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:48:10 PM)
deb: you put the mic & transmitter on the teacher, and the receiver & headphones on the student
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:48:20 PM)
welcome d's mom!
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:48:24 PM)
oh my she so hyper she would be playing with that one
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 10:0048:25 PM)
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:48:50 PM)
deb: hmmm not sure what to do about that... other parents on the list would know
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:49:03 PM)
(looks thru papers for reference for deb)
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 10:49:18 PM)
how old are your young'uns?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:49:42 PM)
see in order to get this test done, Megan was in a regular class, having a terrible time horrible and i took her out to home school and they put her into special education cause she could not handle it i have been fighting with them all along
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 10:50:07 PM)
what test did she have done?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:50:38 PM)
Audiology testing
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 10:51:10 PM)
we have had Dylan tested and all the school psych and slp came up with was "processing weakness"
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:51:55 PM)
shows scan test, staggered spondaic word test and phonemic synthesis testing waqs done
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 10:52:14 PM)
what in goodness does that mean? except that they are clueless
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:52:26 PM)
d's mom: you need to get aud to test dylan
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 10:52:41 PM)
I don't know all those tests.. we are new to all this
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:52:43 PM)
d's: you're right, that's why you need to see aud
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:53:14 PM)
so was i, once upon a time, d's mom
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:53:33 PM)
im new to this to d'smom
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:54:04 PM)
well megan ever be able to cope with a regular classroom in the future
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 10:54:21 PM)
but just when we decide to take the bull by the horns Dylan starts to do really well in school..thanks to an open and helpful teacher
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 10:55:28 PM)
an audiologist from the school district or thru the MD's office
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:55:33 PM)
is your school system good to your children with their difficuties
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:55:38 PM)
deb: i don't have the background to be able to answer that question, and i suspsect even the folks that DO have the degrees, there is no way to predict
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:55:45 PM)
d's: start with the one in your district
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:56:09 PM)
d's: we've had a surprising number of parents show up on the list w/kids w/"proc" problems, who are actually hard of hearing
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:56:54 PM)
(still looking for paper for deb)
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 10:57:10 PM)
I think from the grapevine that our district is pretty good with LD kids no experience first hand..except for a younger boy who had no expressive language until almost 4 runs in the family?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:58:02 PM)
my oldest daughter is legally blind and ive been through the ringer with her to get her an education shes a senior this year and is doing excellent
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:58:23 PM)
she goes to the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired and getting a great education
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 10:58:29 PM)
wow that s terriffic
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:58:30 PM)
BUT she has to live there
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 10:58:40 PM)
you must miss her
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:58:42 PM)
all the kids live there cause its in the middle of Illinois
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:58:55 PM)
it was the hardest thing that i have had to do so far in my life
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:59:21 PM)
debbie: oh my, that is a lot to deal with... do they know what is causing her blindness?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:59:22 PM)
but she graduates and comes home to go to college and has a strong head on her shoulders
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 10:59:44 PM)
Dylan is not hard of hearing he's been tested when we had the younger tested for speech therapy
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 10:59:47 PM)
<--- has vision problems to deal with in her family 2. the 7 yr old just had bilateral lensectomy
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:59:47 PM)
she has albinism its a birth defect and people with this dont see good
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 10:59:51 PM)
she wont drive
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:00:09 PM)
she has white hair and pink eyes and this world is horrible to her
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:00:16 PM)
deb: hmmm, did you know some pigmentation problms can also cause hearing loss?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:00:19 PM)
she doesnt have to die it
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:00:26 PM)
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:00:31 PM)
didnt know that
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:00:44 PM)
d's mom: how was dylan tested? how old was he
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:00:47 PM)
Lori is from my first marriage and megan is from my marriage now
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:00:55 PM)
sounds like the two of you are very brave and strong souls
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:00:59 PM)
we both had to carry the gene to have her
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:01:08 PM)
have to be strong
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:01:20 PM)
deb: yep... couple of different syndromes that are like that... wonder if your oldest got the eye problmes, megan got the ear problms
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:01:34 PM)
you would not believe the people out there making very rude comments
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:01:39 PM)
deb: not if it is a dominant gene... any chance you have a mild mild case of what they've got???
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:01:47 PM)
deb: i am sooo sorry to hear that
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:01:55 PM)
Dylan was 6 when tested....don't remember the tests
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:02:06 PM)
d's mom: yeah, these kinds of problems sure develop a lot of character in you!
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:02:09 PM)
i dont know, you mean me
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:02:19 PM)
yes, makes a person stronger
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:02:24 PM)
people can be so awful that is the one priority we have with our boys...kindness
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:02:25 PM)
d's: how old is dylan now?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:02:34 PM)
lori would not be who she is today if she went to public schools
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:02:35 PM)
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:02:44 PM)
deb: yes... do you have any visual or auditory problmes?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:02:49 PM)
how many kids do you have d's
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:02:59 PM)
2 dylan 9 and graham 5
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:03:10 PM)
d's: hmmm, might be good idea to get him retested, if you suspect auditory problems of any kind
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:03:18 PM)
and you Deb...Marge??
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:03:18 PM)
just glasses and had to have cataracts removed in both eyes recently im 39
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:03:24 PM)
ihave 4 daughters 11 9, 7 5
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:03:37 PM)
i have 3 daughters lori 18 megan 8 and emily 6
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:03:38 PM)
whoa!!! 39 is way young for cataracts!!!
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:03:49 PM)
cats at 39 young!!
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:03:55 PM)
will i have auto immune hepatitis and its attacked my eyes and liver
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:04:16 PM)
i have a busy family huh
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:04:17 PM)
deb: you ever been to a geneticist with the family??
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:04:26 PM)
no never thought about it
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:04:40 PM)
deb: i have 4 girls. 3 have rare medical disorders
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:04:48 PM)
this is too odd...I have had eye issues ...nearly had to have both removed at a young age from an accident and my hubby has hep. C small world
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:04:58 PM)
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:05:16 PM)
i been sick a little over a year very bad a first
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:05:17 PM)
is AI hep similar to C?
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:05:21 PM)
2 of those are with connective tissue disorders... which affects many systems in body... so we see a LOT of doctors
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:05:55 PM)
mine is like lupus if you know what that is and my liver had turned into cirrohirros because of it
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:06:19 PM)
oh Deb I am sorry...hubby has been on interferon and interluken
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:06:23 PM)
its like i am allergic to myself
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:06:26 PM)
deb: oh, i am soooo sorry to hear that!! you really have your hands full!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:06:41 PM)
yeah, there are a bunch of autoimmune disorders
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:06:41 PM)
nasty stuff those auto immune my mom has Rheumatoid
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:06:52 PM)
yes, i was paralzed with severe joint pain for 4 months in the beginning
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:07:09 PM)
and you took on the school system you go girl
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:07:18 PM)
i am going to rheu in two weeks he thinks the joints pain is because of that Rheumatoid
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:07:27 PM)
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:07:29 PM)
really! what a lot to deal with!!
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:07:36 PM)
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:07:59 PM)
its either fight for whats right or give up all together and i have to live for my kids
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:08:00 PM)
my mom has had a hip replaced and a shoulder and is thinking about joint replacement in her hands
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:08:02 PM)
deb: hmmm, i wonder if a geneticist couldn't bring the whole picture together
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:08:07 PM)
oh ny
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:08:29 PM)
deb: you ever have a heart scan? echocardiogram?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:08:30 PM)
i never heard that pigmentation had anything to do with the hearing
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:08:35 PM)
i never complain
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:08:36 PM)
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:09:01 PM)
this just jumped into me all at once never been sick before
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:09:07 PM)
deb: yeah, several syndromes involve pigmentation & hearing... i'll bet your Lori is beautiful, btw... exotic looking
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:09:22 PM)
same with my mom and hubby whack right out of the blue
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:09:24 PM)
yes, she is but I am MOM or course
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:09:52 PM)
d's: wow
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:09:56 PM)
my doc has been trying to give the abc shots but my body wont take it
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:10:08 PM)
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:10:13 PM)
just all the sudden it happens and then you deal with it
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:10:20 PM)
deb: but of course... before kids, you were a highly paid fashion model no doubt, wink, smile.
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:10:29 PM)
no sorry that was me
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:10:39 PM)
hep a b and c shots not to get them cause my body can not fight infections and other things
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:10:41 PM)
with us, the problems have emerged sloooowly over many years
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:10:50 PM)
yeah right
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:11:04 PM)
d's: hahaha re: model
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:11:06 PM)
your funny Marge
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:11:38 PM)
my husband will say i am LOL when he wants something LOL
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:11:58 PM)
hey, i try!! it helps lighten the load, n'est-ce pas?
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:12:11 PM)
where are you from Marge and d's
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:12:26 PM)
Southern CA.
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:12:34 PM)
it's still early here
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:12:44 PM)
<--- atlanta ga
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:12:55 PM)
thats right i knew that Marge sorry
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:13:00 PM)
yes early d's
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:13:26 PM)
late here! i need to go... deb, i can't find the paper re: 8000 Hz thresholds & effect on capd type issues... i will have to search later... brain foggy right now
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:13:39 PM)
time to but the boys to bed watch out Harry Potter here we come....the only chapter book Dylan has EVER been able to focus on
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:13:45 PM)
nice to meet y'all... do take care & stay as healthy as you can!!
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:13:50 PM)
dont worry
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:13:51 PM)
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:14:01 PM)
you too nice to me you
d'smom (ID=66) (Feb 8, 2000 11:14:02 PM)
good night and thanks for the warm welcome
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:14:03 PM)
good night
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:14:09 PM)
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:14:10 PM)
no problem! glad to help!
MargeTamas (ID=60) (Feb 8, 2000 11:14:12 PM)
Debbie-Illinois (ID=64) (Feb 8, 2000 11:14:17 PM)